Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday Mystery: Solve the Riddle!

For today's Monday Mystery, you must solve the riddle! This has to do with money, so think hard!
Where can you always find money, whenever you look?
Do you know the answer? Click HERE to see if you are correct. Good luck!


103 Notes for Daisy:

Black Cat said...

Yay, I'm first! The best I could come up with was "Not in a bank for sure!" Doh, I crack myself up! I'm so thick, the answer was obvious when I looked! Have a lovely week Daisy, Harley, Mommie, Daddie, Snail and Mr. Shrill:) xxx

P.S. I think I need some of Empress Bee's fish oil...

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very cute riddle, Daisy! We thought the answer was a Mint (where they make money) but we were wrong.

Forever Foster said...

That was a very good riddle, Daisy. We watched our mum try to work it out, she kept saying a book because she likes to think of rhymes. It's fun watching the beans get confused:)

-Fui, Suey and Evie.

Poppy Q said...

My mum always has some money in her pockets, she rattles when she walks.

Sigh, I did not get it right this week either.

How are you and your new brother getting along?


gemmak said...

Heh...Daisy you are clever, that was a very funny riddle, I couldn't guess it!

Anonymous said...

Rats! Mom should never try to riddle me this before she's had her coffee!

The Florida Furkids said...

Good one Daisy! Black Cat is right ....not the bank these days since Mom's bank went under last week!! We think she should spend all her green papers on us anyway!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Parker said...

Mommy and I did not guess right. We knew that it wasn't a bank!

Anonymous said...

darn, I was hoping you had seeds for a $20 bush or tree...

Yup, you can always find it there. and if you use common cents (LOL!)

Great riddle Daisy!

Whyite said...

Never would of thought about that one. Good riddle!

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

I dunt guess rites! Dat iz a hardz one fir a kitty kat to answerz!

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

As always, Money is a mystery to us...

Rosie & Cheeto said...

On the peepuls plastic cards-at least we've nevur been Dee-Nyed when we use it to get owrselves stuff. Let's see if we are rite!!

Sandy Kessler said...

Daisy you are so clever. I need some today so I'll look there!!! sandy

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Oh, Daisy! You are way too smart for us! That was a very good mystery, Daisy!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Anonymous said...

Hya Daisy I said down the sofa but it wasn't right although it's always worth a look.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You're to clever for us Daisy. We didn't think it would be a bank, but we never thought of that.

TabbyNormal said...

Is money yummy? We only care about things if they are yummy!

Abby & Stygia

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You are very clever Daisy. We were wrong as usual. We guessed a bank. ~S,S & C

Sweet Purrfections said...

That was clever, Daisy. I was saying the bank, but Mom says there isn't any there!

Cupcake said...

Daisy, I don't get it! How is it "in a dictionary?"

Chat Blanc said...

I just wish I could spend the money in the dictionary! :)

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh, I thought it was a bank. That was a good one Daisy!

Huffle Mawson

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Daisy, we never would have guessed that! You got us on that one ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

JD at I Do Things said...

Oh, Daisy! You're so clever. I would never have thought to make a withdrawal from my dictionary. Now I can get money whenever I need it!

JD at I Do Things

Sarge Charlie said...

You tricked me again Miss Daisy, you are too smart for me.....

Mickey's Musings said...

That was a good one!!!! I did not guess right. Mom thought a money tree,silly Mom!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Rosemary B❤️ said...

HA yes, I did not know.
This is funny Daisy!
Happy Day to you!

and a meow from Pierro to Harley

Tybalt said...

That was a good one, Daisy!

I gave you an award on my blog today. Come by to pick it up when you have the chance! Purrrrs.

L. Alida said...

Good Mystery Daisy! I did not even try to guess because I just did not have enough coffee. :)
You comic from yesterday was cute. Your makeover is pretty, but I think you are beautiful the way you are.
Hugs to you and your little brother Harley!

Dma said...

i didn't get this one correct. i'm not very good at book learnin.

Anonymous said...

hahaha The mom gotidid confused fer a minute!

Lola and AppleJack said...

Dear Ms. Daisy,

You're smart and funny and byootiful!

Love, Lola & AppleJack

The Island Cats said...

Oh Daisy! We didn't know that one! Ernie guessed maybe it was mom's wallet...but mom assured him that was not a place you would always find money! I guessed the sofa cushions! Heehee!


Jaya said...

Oh Daisy, you are just SO clever! You fooled me on this one, as I could not guess it. I wish I could SPEND that 'money' in the dictionary!

Lidian said...

We are guessing in the pockets of pants that are in the washing machine (along, of course, with Kleenex.

...Oh, we were wrong. That is a good riddle Daisy, you really had us confused! Now we need a nap!

xx your pals Asha and Katia


I did not quess this one's monday is Harley?


jenianddean said...

That was a tricky one! I'll have to look and see if I can find money in my dictionary.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Dad's wallet is the answer around here.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i lukd in the dikshunerry but i cudnt find munny in it i think my dikshunerry must be defektiv ha ha ok bye

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I thought in Mommas wallet, but she gives it all to the vet. I did not guess this one!
~ Bandit

Babs (Beetle) said...

You are so clever Daisy! I didn't think hard enough.

Purrs, Sukie x

Anonymous said...

Heh...Daisy you are clever, that was a very funny riddle, I couldn't guess it!

Mini said...

I thought bank!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Daisy, you fooled us!

Thoughts said...

Boo, we got it wrong Daisy. This was a good one! A zinger!

Theodore and Sasha

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You're too clever for us, Daisy! But it was a great riddle!

Sen-Chan and Tom

Eduardo said...

OMD! I was going to say 'in my daddy's wallet' but Mommy said there's never any money in there!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Mr. Hendrix said...

wow that is a good one! i didn't know that answer.

i was going to say "mommy's wallet" but i know it is empty ha ha ha

Mr. Hendrix said...

wow that is a good one! i didn't know that answer.

i was going to say "mommy's wallet" but i know it is empty ha ha ha

Chrissie said...

Nope, didn't get this week, either. 'Course, money may disappear entirely at the rate things are goin'. I'm gonna end up sittin' on the curb with a little tin cup, just to buy some crunchies!

How's Harley?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yay, we gots it right! Dat is only cuz mom was using da red dictionary to prop her arm up on...

Nomi said...

Nope, didnt get that one efer. I must be dim or something.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh right! i thought it was sarge's pants when he was asleep! har har

smiles, auntie bee

Asta said...

I failed completely
I can nevew find money when I look..but now thanks to you I will
smoochie kisses

Linda S said...

I should have let Little Ding answer it...he probably would have gotten it right...but he's sleeping in a shoe box.

Love LD's mommy

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy! I got it wrong...I said a bank! You are so clever! I have to tell that riddle to jonathan, he's NEVER going to guess it!

Mr. Tigger in Cat-Lands said...

We didn't even come close to the answer!! It was very hard, but so easy when we saw the answer! How are you and Harley getting along?
Your FL furiends,

Susie said...

Not in Mommakitty's wallet - that's fer sure!

zevo hussein calamari said...

Very cute riddle!!!!!!!

My pet human just cleaned her car and found a bunch of change... we are rich!!!!!

Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

hi daisy!!!
I like your view of your backyard, it is very very cool. I have never seed a palm tree.
pee ess, do you have a costume yet for halloweens? My friend letted me borrow her costume from last year and I will be a very ladylike bumblebee. I will postify picshurs very soon because I already tried my costume on and it fits perfectly!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I got that wrong one. Ack. I need to think harder!

Unknown said...

D'oh! I got it wrong! I was thinking the bank : )

Have a good day Daisy - and Harley too!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We must need more sleep. We didn't get it either!

The Furry Kids said...

We were wrong again! Happy Monday, Daisy! And Harley!

Southbaygirl said...

We didn't get it...we thought mom's wallet-then realized mom never has money in her wallet!!

Kodak, Winton, 3 Perf and Blossom

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, we thought it was a counterfiters shop... MOL!

Motor Home Cats said...

We didn't get that one right. We aren't thinking very well today.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Oh, I know that one ... but I won't give the answer away.

LZ said...

We're not very good at riddles right now even thought the LL needs to be studying logic!!


Anonymous said...

"Yay" I got it right :)

Bobby D. said...

Dear Daisy,

All I could think of was BANK, but then my next thought was Washington Mutual... so maybe not.

i am so happy that you have a good brother named Harley. (!!!) he looks so nice and you are nice to hang out with him!!!

Sassy Kat said...

Wrong again, I maybe think these puzzles to deeply.

Donna said...

That was good! I thought 'a mirror' was the answer. :)

Fred said...

It's time to have my cats figure it out. I missed it. Again.

Isis said...

wow you're right daisy! i never realized! all i had to do is look there!

Anonymous said...

Oh I didnt get this one at all. I thinked it wuz the tray in Mummys car. Daisy yer super smart! Frum yer pal Dozer

Anonymous said...

That one we actually knew! Emi taught us that one.

BeadedTail said...

Daisy, you are such a smart kitty! I didn't guess the right answer!

Marilyn said...

You are too clever for me. I wish I could find hundred dollar bills whenever I looked.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Wowww~~~
Very very very good~!!!!
I LOVE this answer!!!!!

Jackie said...

I am not looking Daisy before I guess okay? is it in the washing machine?

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh, that sure is clever Daisy. :)

~ Girl girl

Jackie said...

Oh my Daisy you are a clever girl!!This was a great riddle!!
Thank you Daisy:-))

The Devil Dog said...

Mom answered the bank. Silly mom.


Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

Hey Daisy! We read your comment on Zevo Calamari & Boo's blog ("You can put lipstick on a dinosaur, but it's still a dinosaur.") and we think that is HILARIOUS.

Team Tabby said...

WE got it wrong, we thought 'common cents', but that's more like a joke answer than an answer to a riddle. Oh, well, fun trying.

Mindy & Moe

SophieKitty said...

Aw man! I missed again this week! I've got to brush up on my riddle solvin'.

Jans Funny Farm said...

That's a good one, Daisy.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
I was sure not in my mom's purse!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

haha Momma said in trees! and I said on the plastic thingy that Momma wears out!
We woz both wrong! hahaha


Sasha said...

I don't use money, so I couldn't think of the answer. I could ask Lynettea, but I am a bit anxious about her at the moment and don't want to give her some more stress. I think she is looking for some money. I will tell her where she can find it. Clever Daisy!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

That was priceless.

Ellen Whyte said...

I feel thick. I thought piggy bank!

Tara said...

Great riddle!

I've been so out of the loop, that I just learned about Pixie and Harley! I'm so sorry about Pixie. And watch out for Harley, those big mancats are a handful!


Lux said...

You are sooooo smart, Daisy. I didn't get it right. :-/

Chesney Cats said...

That was a good one Daisy!! We didn't know the answer but when we looked, Mama said "DUH!!".

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

Unknown said...

Daisy, sweet little kitty, I wish it were that easy...


micgui said...

hi daisy :) you are so clever :)

MaoMao said...

hehehehe, that's a furry good riddle! We Ballicai didn't guess this one!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Sushi said...

We can find it there but we can't use that money :(

Petra ~ said...

geez, and here I thought the answer was the couch....sigh....

Anonymous said...

great post, a little hard to read with some of the weird characters that didn’t transfer well, but other then that I enjoyed the brief quotes form the interview.

hey, I love this blog - i will try and keep up with it!! please keep more coming :)I wish I could start a blog but I don’t have much time. I consider your advice as very valuable.Really Great. :( Thanks,

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