Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Let's Paws Awhile!

Today we are going to study toes! I have examined mine closely, and I believe that mine are what you would call petite toes.
Harley has big, stocky paws and arms. And he is only 7 months old!
My arms are much more skinnier.
And here are some polar bear paws. Oops, they are Harley's paws! A natural mistake.
Here is my paw. You can see my messy neck furs need some grooming again.
Can you guess who's paw this is? Harley's!
Here is a comparison! I wonder if boy cats always have stockier legs?


107 Notes for Daisy:

Poppy Q said...

I think you have beautiful dainty daisy legs Miss D. Harleys are cute too. Thanks for showing us your toesies.

Anonymous said...

Bones is Bones and they are different on everybuddy! We think you and Harley both have adorable feetsies, Daisy!

Gandalf and I are built entirely different on the inside, too. Gandalf is solid and weighs more than me, while my floof tends to make me look much larger than my smaller frame. -Grayson

Isis said...

Oh Daisy you are a delicate and sweet little lady cat, where Harley is a chunky monkey boy! ;)

If you'd like a chance at winning a copy of the book I'm reading drop by my bloggy and let me know! ok?!


Parker said...

I think that Harley is going to grow up to be your BIG little brother!

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Wait a sec, Daisy... while I go conduct a comparison test with Garfield.....
Hmmm, Garf's paws are no bigger than mine and his head is way smaller than his body *hey!*
Ahem, since I do not tink I have paws as huge as Harley's, this shows that not all boy cats are the same and Harley's gonna be a even BIGGER Mancat than he is now!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Yep, I think you have the makings of a big mancat there.

Shade is bigger than I am really. She's got some junk in the trunk with bigger bones. I am pretty sturdy with fine bones.

purrs Goldie

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think you could hold a "guess who's toes" game like I did before.
That would be very confuse, too.

Anonymous said...

Boys are often larger than girls, but your breed has something to do with your size as well. You are a dainty little Devon Rex where Harley is something beefier.

BTW, I like your curly neck furs. They did not look like they needed much in the way of grooming to my untrained eye.


Amber-Mae said...

You have very bootiful paws Daisy! Well generally males have bigger heads, legs, paws & built compared to females. Chloe is considered giant already!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

Dearest Daisy,
You have very dainty girly feets. Harley has big strappin' boy feets. That is just how it's supposed to be.

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you have slender lady cat legs, and Harley has all the signs of becoming a big man cat when he grows up. Just the way it should be...

Anonymous said...

I think I must post some pictures of my paws. Mommy calls me her little mutant. I has 13 toes on my front feets!


Samantha & Mom said...

You have such cute paws Daisy!! They are so petite, just like you! And Harley has big mancat paws! He is going to be very stong when he grows up and he will protect you!
Your FL furiends,

The Island Cats said...

We think your dainty paws match your lady-like demeanor, Daisy, and Harley has cool mancat paws!

gemmak said...

You have such dainty, delicate little paws and legs Daisy, and I think your neck furs look just lovely as they are too :o)

Boy cats don't always have those chunkier legs, I think Harley is just a very handsome specimen, big and strong and mancatly :o)

i beati said...

I consulted with Mello, Princeman, and Handsome and they said they do so much hunting and gathering that they need stocky paws and bigger legs ...the dainty ladies, Pinky, Evie and Sweeheart ahd no comment today ..

The Meezers or Billy said...

we think that boycats prolly haf bigger paws than girlcats. even Billy's paws is big

Anonymous said...

Hmmm ... Dainty Daisy, Hefty Harley - but both gorjuss!


Tommy and Teaghan said...

Well yoo are a nicely shaped model cat so yoo has to have shapely pretty toesies.

The WriggleButts said...

You both have very cute toesies!



You are a lovely petite kitty and have gorgeous toes and pawsies....I have very small pawsies and legs too, especially compared to Mr Big CAT -- Jinx -- he is our big boy..


Pee Sss
Harley you are going to be a hunk o hunk of tuxie mancat when you are fully grown.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You have very pretty legs Daisy.

The answer to your question is NO. Socks (the great mancat) and Charybdis both have dainty legs and paws.

Scylla is the big foot around here. Probably has something to do with all the jumping she does. Actually Mommy says it is because she has a stockier build and is built more like Whiskers, who was a HUGE mancat. ~S,S & C

The Florida Furkids said...

You have beautiful girly paws and Harley has manly paws. How cute they are together! We have floofy paws (except for Tamir!)

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Cory said...

We are all totally in love with Harley's cute little black spot on the middle of his pad! In our house, Ginger is the stockiest (I mean has the largest paws and legs) of us all.

Chat Blanc said...

Twinkle toes! :)

Eduardo said...

Yes there is a big difference! But it's okay he has to be nig to protect his smaller sister!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Dma said...

geez daisy you're gonna make harley self conscious about his manly paws. i think you both have wonderful legs/feets/toes. you should see diego-san's bear sized clubs.

Karen and Gerard said...

I think they do. I'm surprised harley is only 7 months old though--he looks so big already! My mancat is bigger than my dainty female too.

Donna said...

My paws is furry an they has big nales. Wut dat meens is dey can heer me ebry time I walks cross de floor. No stealin snackies any moar!


Sarah Coggins said...

You have beautiful paws, Daisy! I think you are right about boys' paws. In our house, Chester's paws are much bigger than Cali's. :)

Motor Home Cats said...

We agree with Gandalf and Grayson. Tiki and I were from the same litter and he was much more delicate than me - especially the last 2 years. I am much stockier. Miss Jade has bigger paws than Tiki had too. We think it is just because you are such a tiny, delicate, young thing.


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, yes, girl kitties have girly-girl paws while the boy kitties have the manly mancat paws.

Anonymous said...

That's an observant comparison, Daisy...

Sweet Purrfections said...

That is a cute study of paws, Miss Daisy. However, I have short, stocky legs, and I am definitely a female. I am not heavy, but I have a lot of floot, but my feet look big.

Babs (Beetle) said...

Well, I think that both of your paws are very nice. I am a girl but my paws are quite big - bigger than Livvie's and Mitzi's MB thinks I am getting very solid now.

Purrs, Sukie x

Lux said...

You have such petite little feet, Daisy. Harley's a *big boy!

Jackie said...

Good morning miss Daisy. My Puma has really large paws too.

Maybe all boy kitties do.

Oh Ms. Daisy I have something special for you to help your mother with.

I know you and Harley will do a fantastic job.



Anonymous said...

Daisy and Harley: Miss Puppy has huge, ploppy feet that make people think she's still a puppy, but they're just big snowshoe paws.

Today she's at day care again; I hope she's going to behave more politely this time.

Tara said...

Those are some great paws, and yours are so pretty Daisy!


BeadedTail said...

Harley has some mighty big toes! But Daisy, you have sweet dainty little toes!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I think we probably have stocky legs too. We like hte black spot on the bottom of Harley's paw. And we think you have lovely legs and paws!

Junior and Orion

Anonymous said...

Harley is one sturdy young mancat and I think he is going to be HUGE when he's fully grown.

Possibly even bigger than a polar bear!

Have you thought about taking up ballet Daisy? You are certainly dainty enough.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i think you are right daisy cause i looked at my toes and at sarge's toes and his are bigger, lots bigger...

smiles, auntie bee

TabbyNormal said...

We really like that last picture. You both have beautiful legs!

Abby & Stygia

Ailurophile said...

I think boycats have more muscular legs but girlcats' legs are longer and more agile..

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay harley mite hav bigger feet but i bet yoo ar faster and more manooverabul just like tucker is faster than me -- for now!!! ok bye

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You both have wonderful paws! Daisy's are so delicate and kissable, and Harley's are so "mancatly" and kissable!

Your Pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom (and a little princess!)

Forty Paws said...

Beeyoutiful toesies. We don't think boys have stockier toesies. Efurrybody has different toesies, and yours are very teeny.

Luf, Us

Maggie May said...

Hi Daisy and Harley! All of our boy cats have bigger, stockier paws!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~

PB 'n J said...

My brofurrs legs and toes are way bigger and mancatlier than mine - but it's hard to tell cause of my floof. I figure it doesn't matter - since you both have such cute toesies!


Laura said...

You're a funny kitty, Daisy!

jenianddean said...

I think Harley is going to be a very big boy!

Anonymous said...

You have ever such pretty pawsies, Daisy! My cat Morris has big puffy teddybear feets like Harley's - he is a big 11-year-old boy. He weighs 12 pounds!

Anonymous said...

You both have very nice toes.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are quite dainty Daisy. I bet Harley likes being a big strapping boy cat though.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Well, Harley haf dem sturdy mancat legs and feet and yoo haf da delicate legs and feet of a lady cat...sometimes it doesn't work out dat way tho, Beau Beau haf long legs and Angies, while being furry lovely, are sturdier. Maybe Beau Beau was born to be a dancer!

Whimpurr said...

You are most certainly a petite Miss! Harley is going to be one big macho mancat soon! Love the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Dainty Dainty! Such pretty toes Daisy. :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting! I like the comparison. Olivia kitty has 6 toes, so she has big paws. They look so funny!

It's good harley is so meaty. He can scare any meanies and keep them away from you!

Bonnie Story said...

Daisy, Your raisin toest will always be cutest in my book. I see Harley has some cute black spots on his toests. But yours look like pinto beans!! You kitties have a nice day! Pepper

Clover said...

Hi Daisy and Harley,
Your toes are just the cutest! You both have very different toes and legs!
Love Clover xo

Shaggy and Scout said...

Well, Scooby has delicate paws. Mom calls them flower bud paws. Shaggy, being part Maine Coon has big hairy paws and Scout is somewhere in between. Average cat paws we would say. You are such a tiny girl, if you had big thunder paws you would be tripping over everything, so your paws suit your size.
This was an in interesting comparison. Very scientific.

T.Allen said...

Harley is a big boy, and you Miss Daisy are lean and lady-like. My Anju is a big man-cat but his sister Biju is a little lady just like you!

Unknown said...

Yep, Vincent's paws and legs are much bigger than Mike's. Must be a boy thing.

JD at I Do Things said...

Daisy, I think you're right about girl cats and boy cats and their paw size. My big boy Gus has very thick and sturdy legs, and we often refer to his paws as "steam shovels." Pru, on the other hand, has very dainty and tiny paws. She finds them very useful for grabbing our food off our plates.

JD at I Do Things

Mr. Hendrix said...

you're such a delicate lady cat Daisy. it is much more obvious when held next to Harley's Mancat in Training stocky paws.

Those are great toes!

Leona said...

Boys are stinky! he he he. My paws are floofy- I have furs coming out from between my toes. Guys are like Harleys big and manly.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Do you suppose he does push-ups to strengthen his legs?

You, on the other hand, are very dainty, as a girl should be.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Boyz have to have bigger legs so we can catch the purrty girls!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Anonymous said...

Daisy yoo has cute paw legs. We bet Harley will get bigger paw arms when e is a mancat!

Unknown said...

Daisy, you have very petite lady-like toes and legs!

Harley, you are going to be a big kitty if you grow into your paws!

CastoCreations said...

Wow...Harley really does have big paws. =)

L. Alida said...

Hi Dainty Daisy! I think it's just a genetic thing. Toeshee has big feets and I think he may have Maine Coon in his bloodline. Cody is sturdy, Billie is petite and Cricket has slender legs and a bodacious booty. :)
You and Harley sure have cute toes!
Hugs and Smoochies,

The Devil Dog said...

Well, it is good that Harley does not have dainty toes and that you do not have monster toes. Otherwise it would be very, very frightening.


The Furry Kids said...

Cute feets! You might be on to something, Daisy. EG's feets are bigger than mine and he's a boy and I'm a girl. He's taller than me, but I weigh more (only because I eat his foods, too). Feets are a very interesting thing. Titus's feets are the biggest, but he's a dawg and I don't think that counts. hee hee


Anonymous said...

That is a cutie... I am thinking of searching for pet supplies for beautiful products for you daisy..

Sunny's Mommy said...

I think Harley is going to be a BIG mancat. You are just a sweet petite girl, Daisy ;-)

Tybalt said...

All lovely paws and legs!

Mommy's ardent love for my Cousin Rudy is spurred on by his lovely stockiness. She calls him her Smilodon (Sabre Tooth Tiger.)

I try not to be jealous. After all, I have my floof and blue eyes.

LZ said...

The Lap Lady says I have "petal paws" because I'm so dainty.


The Crew said...

Well, in our house both George & Max have bigger legs & paws than we do. It has something to do with being Manly.

Tipper & Misty

Anonymous said...

You have paws like a ballerina Daisy. I've got pretty tortie toes and Pickles has FAT toes! Mom and dad say he has "pudge feet"! *giggle*

Fat Eric said...

Heh heh! You should see the size of MY big furry feets, Daisy!

Watch out when Harley grows up to be a BIG mancat that he doesn't nap on you and squish you!

Copito said...

The male cats are more fat! I think so...


Sushi said...

I can see which one is the boy and which is the girl just by looking at your legs and paws. Nice pics!

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

You bring up a good question. You definitely have lovely, dainty legs and Harley has big, musculular legs... (just like me!). Macy's got big, fluffy fat legs, though. Oh, gotta go, she's threatening me now.

Toulouse said...

I agree with Grayson. I think everyone's bones are different and may even change with age! You asked if males had larger bones. I just thought of your Skeezix and he has pretty thin legs doesn't he? *giggles* You both are gorgeous in my eyes!


Fred said...

My cats use theirs to hit each other more than I'd like to see. But, with no claws, it's harmless.

Mickey's Musings said...

Great comparison :) I guess Harley will grow up to be your big little brother ;)
Purrs Mickey

Thoughts said...

Daisy you are such a petite little thing it doesnt surprise me that you have such svelte little legs, too! My little man Theodore also has big chunky man legs like Harley whereas my little girl Sasha is little and petite just like you! I really like the first picture by the way, the one of you examining your toes. I am just boggled as to how your Mommie gets such great shots of you!

Sassy Kat said...

Great looking paws that you both have. I hope you have been extra nice to Harley as Harley is so much bigger than you, and not even all grown up yet!

Skeezix the Cat said...

I think my legs are skinnier than yers, Daisy! But sinse I werk owt, they have good deffinishun. Yoo shood see Tripper's paws! They're like FIVE TIMES the size of mine! I think he's haff grizzly bare!

PEE ESS: Want me to come over to groom yer nek furs?

Isis said...

you have very nice tiny toes daisy :) and harley has manly toes. just the way it should be.

AM said...

I usually have a severe aversion to anything related to feet. But, your's are too too cute!

Kaltsas Kats said...

My mom always says that I have dainty paws while my brother has big meaty paws. You both have colorful toes. Mine are only pink.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
You two have great legs. You are a lady so yours must be delicate!
Kisses and hugs

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Daisy, brothes and sisters toes and legs are different in so many ways! My brother Sam has really stocky legs compared to mine! Now Simon has really long legs with springs in them, he can jump so high! Hee hee! It is nice to see the differences in you and Harley!
Purrs and headbutts,

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Wow! Harley sure is a hunka ManCat already! Doooddd!

Quill and Greyson said...

So cute.

Liss said...

That was a great post! Very enlightening. ;)

MYM said...

You are a very feminine girl. I just had a look at my 3 girls paws...2 are quite stocky and one is more delicate ... but none as tiny as you. Obviously they're like me and have 'man hands' LOL!

Anonymous said...

Daisy I thinks you is dainty cause you is a Devon Rex and them types of kittys has thin legs. Harley is a regular kind of kitty and he is gonna be big and thick. The good thang bout that is Harley will make you a good boddy gard especially when you is wearing yer jewels and fancy dresses!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I think you 2 have very cute paws..

~ Girl girl

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - Harley is one big mancat already!

eastcoastlife said...

I'm not a boy cat but I have stocky legs. :(

I want dainty toes like yours.

Beethoven said...

Harley indeed does have giant paws compared to you!
But I do not think all mancats have stocky paws.
I is got dainty pretty paws too while the Giant Kitty has got giant stocky ones!

Deodand said...

If a cat is truly a brawny mancat and not just a post-neuter special, he will have giant paws. I am growing my own giant mancat over here...


Marilyn said...

You better get all his manners taught to him before he's too big.

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