Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Comics with Daisy!

Harley has a lot to learn about Thanksgiving.


90 Notes for Daisy:

Anonymous said...

Adorable Daisy!

Motor Home Cats said...

Your pilgrim outfit is adorable Daisy. Maybe Harley should have a Pilgrim boy outfit so you can match. We think that after Thanksgiving is over and he has a few bites of Turkey, he will understand Thanksgiving more. He is still a young mancat.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You make a good Pilgrim Daisy. Maybe you will have to teach Harley all about Thanksgiving. We like your little turkey, is he a pet?

Forever Foster said...

Oh Daisy, we can see you have your work cut out for you, being a big sister! At least Harley asks questions, you know he is interested in learning.
And you look super cute in your outfit!:)

Anonymous said...

i love your cat
they are so cute

Anonymous said...

Hilarious!! :-)

Poppy Q said...

Happy thanksgiving my sweet friends. I hopes you gets some turkey to enjoy.


Teddy Westlife said...

Will you be able to eat that turkey in front of you Daisy? Don't worry about Harley; he's young and silly.

Huffle Mawson

Juliarso said...

Cute cat :)

Anonymous said...

So cute! Daisy, you should suggest your Mom publish an e-book with all your Sunday comics. It would be a very special comic book!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh Harley you silly boy! Come see me and I will serve you a cup of tea and give you a slice of pumpkin bread!

i beati said...

Daisy you are quite a convincing pilgrim, and one I believe might love turkey???

Anonymous said...

Mmmm. Pie! Harley, you are growing into quite a Mancat already! But hold the coffee, please. We'll just have some cold, filtered water with our pie!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, your pilgrim outfit is adorable! You will need to teach Harley all about Thanksgiving so he can get his own pilgrim outfit for next year. Is a big sister cat's work never done?

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

sigh brotherd thst sound just like maxie.

Anonymous said...

haha Miss Daisy I love your face when you iz gettin angry at Harley about being a Pilgrim!

Master Harley A Pilgrim is a person who iz grim about taking there pills..
There is a whole lot of pilgrims in the blogsphere at the moment.. gee wilikers I would be grim about having to take pills too!
I guess it is just that time of year ;)


gemmak said...

Oh Daisy, I just love your hat, you carry a hat so well dahling ;o)

Karen and Gerard said...

LOL!!! Oh, so funny! Don't feel bad Harley, I thought Daisy was in s chef outfit! This is hilarious! What a great comic! Both my husband and I laughed out loud at this one! I like your little turkey.

The Fitness Diva said...

LOL, hilarious!

That's quite some pilgrim outfit, Daisy!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

And who better to teach Harley than a pretty pilgrim such as you, Daisy!

Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan

ZOOLATRY said...

There she goes, that bean of ours... giggling again!
Turkey anyone?

Parker said...

HaHaHa! Maybe harley should dress up like an Indian and you could put on a play!

Henson Ray said...

Very funny. I love your cat comics.

Anonymous said...

OMG Daisy! You look so mad! Cheer up, it's a cute costume!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Daisy, I hope he leaves you a very big tip.

Unknown said...

Daisy give him time he will learn and I know you will be a very good teacher. Happy Sunday and tell mommy the same for me okay?

The Florida Furkids said...

You're an adorable Pilgrim, Daisy. We think you look cute when you get mad! Poor Harley has a lot to learn!!

Tamir says "pie??? can we have pie too???"

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Cupcake said...

Oh. My. Goodness. Where has Harley been living? Under a rock?

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You are a very cute pilgrim. Maybe you can dress Harley up as an Indian.

~S,S & C

storybeader said...

Daisy, mommy's going to get you out of that costume quick...LOL

Sweet Purrfections said...

Daisy, you are adorable. You've got four more days to teach Harley about Thanksgiving!

Luzinha said...

Daisy you are so beautiful! and Harley, you are too! but don't forget to pray for everything you have. here in Brazil, we don't celebrate this date, but I'm grateful for everything I have and everybody I know everyday. Now I can pray for both of you too! Is it not amazing? kisses for all!

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, you're a cute pilgrim too!

Anonymous said...

Wow this is the first time I came across this blog. This is too cute. Thanks Daisy, have a happy Thanksgiving love!

Mickey's Musings said...

Daisy, it appears Harley needs to learn a bit about Thanksgiving!!!!
What kind of pie does he like ;)
Purrs Mickey

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Happy Thansgiving, Daisy and Harly!
Your pilgrim outfit is adorable Daisy.
Looked like it was tailor made for you. Loved your Sunday Comics, always!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the smiles Daisy and Harley!

Tesla and Hansel said...

Daisy! Yoo look great as a pilgrim!!!

Lidian said...

Daisy, you make a lovely pilgrim! And I like that little turkey too.

Harley, maybe if you are very good you will get some pumpkin pie! :)

Janet said...

You look just like a pilgrim to me, Daisy! Do you have a pilgrim boy outfit for Harley? Maybe that would help him learn about Thxgiving! :-D

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Harley. Daisy looks more like a chef than a waitress because of her hat. :o) Too cute!

Donna said...

I luvs the Turkee! :)

Anonymous said...

Harley, you are too young to drink coffee anyway.

Anonymous said...

Mommie, Daisy, and Harley, I think this is one of your best comics yet...Thanks for the chuckle. I passed the link on to my family.

Happy sure to eat lots of turkey temptations!


Milton said...

Harly, Thanksgiving means pie and turkey and gravy.
MMMMMMMMM Gravy is mine favorite part. I loves gravy. Nothin' is better than mine mombean's gravy.

Babs (Beetle) said...

Ha ha ha! I love the expression on your face in the last photo. It's a classic!

Daisy I think you need to teach me about Thanksgiving too. We don't have it in the UK

Purrs, sukie x

Boy n Beethoven said...

Your pilgrim outfit looks nice Daisy! I've never ever had Thanksgiving before too!


Cory said...

Harley, I can see how it's hard to know the difference between and pilgrim/waitress/'s all so confusing! Daisy once again you'll have to help your sweet brother understand how things work. Harley, be thankful you have such a smarty pants sister!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Sometimes brothers are soooo annoying!

The Devil Dog said...

I know just the person to educate Harley about Thanksgiving, Daisy. YOU! You are such a good teacher, you should teach Harley the true meaning of Thanksgiving. After all, Harley has a lot to be thankful for this year.


Chrissie said...

Just bop him on the head like a little field mouse, Daisy! Sometimes I think he knows, but he's just playin' with ya!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

You have a lot to teach Harley, Daisy. And you look adorable in your Pilgrim outfit!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Well now Daisy, we think yoor outfit is adorable. This is a good opportunity to teach Harley, he should know what Thanksgiving is all about. After all, he has lots to be thankful for this year!

Team Tabby said...

Nice Pilgrim outfit, Daisy. Thanksgiving is not far off now. Good thing Harley has you to teach him about important things.

Mindy, Moe, Bono

Cat with a Garden said...

Mmmmmmh, but he has such a good taste! Coffee! Slice of pie! Yum, yum, yum...
Purrs, Siena

Kimo and Sabi said...

I fink Harley and Sabi are related (a lot!)

Quasi said...

...And you're just the kitty to teach Harley about TG. BTW, I knew that was a pilgrim outfit right away -- you look really cute.

Anonymous said...

Well Harley!!! the Turkey should have been a clue!

Puglette said...

Hi Daisy and Harley!
This is another funny Sunday comic. Thank you for starting my day off with a good giggle.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I think that Harley will pick up the whole Thanksgiving thing pretty quickly once he smells an' tastes the turkey! Gobble, gobble ...

Shaggy and Scout said...

Maybe pancakes!!!
Can we have 3 orders of pancakes, please Daisy?

The Oceanside Animals said...

I think the last panel is missing, where Harley is wearing pie on his face and a coffee cup upside-down on his head!

Mr. Hendrix said...

You are a very sweet Pilgram Daisy! I love that outfit. What will Harley dress as?

I think once Harley has a few bites of turkey and ham he'll learn all he needs to know about Thanksgiving.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Perhaps if Harley had a Pilgrim costume he would understand a bit better.

Unknown said...

Yey Daisy mai faborite sunday comicz!! Daisy me think Herley is just jelous of you cuz he no has costume on!! Daisy you is so purrity!!

Quill and Greyson said...

I have to say it does look a bit like a waitress...

Nomi said...

I'm with you Harley, I thought Daisy was a waitress or chef or something. That said, I hopes you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

PerfectTosca said...

Daisy! My very favorite kitty friend. I love seeing your cute face. I wish my cat $nack was as lovable as you are. She fools me! She comes and rubs up to me and purrs like a motor and I nudge her little self and then she winds herself around my legs. Then she trips me! Now I know you would never do that to me.

Now see I could tell right off you're a pilgrim! You look very pilgrimmy, I might add!

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Daisy, you look so cute as a Pilgrim!! Harley will learn real fast what it means!! He's still kinda young, but a quick learner!
Your FL furiends,

Lorenza said...

Harley! Harley!
Yes, you have a lot to learn!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Liss said...

good comic! Love the pilgrim suit

Anonymous said...

I love your expressions on your face! Especially that last one! I see that one often on Dobby's face when he's dealing with his lil sis Scarlett! LOL

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Daisy, your pilgrim outfit is just darling! How could Harley mistake you for a waitress? Especially since you don't have a tray! We think he should give you at tip anyway!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

BeadedTail said...

Little brothers ask annoying questions don't they Daisy? You do make an adorable pilgrim!

Cat Street Boyz said...

We laughed at your frustrated look at the end Daisy. Your face has such expressions! Cute outfit, can't wait to see your Christmas dress!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

JD at I Do Things said...

I think Harley needs one of those black Pilgrim hats. Or maybe he could be a Native American? He'd look awfully handsome in a feathery headdress.

You, Daisy, as usual, look adorable!

JD at I Do Things

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Love the Turkey Day play toy. I want to bite it :-)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Poor Daisy,
your young brother thought he could command you serve him,
that is incorrect, waha~!!!!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Harley!!! You can comez oevfur here & Iris will waits on you guy. Daisy? I yam awful gladz dat you offered to fix da momee up wit da operatin' kit. Haz you done a nee re-place-mint before? I yam sure it would be ez... after all, you cooks on your ez oevfun too.

PS: Dat iz one cute pill-gram outfit.. & you knwo I don't likes to wear da clothez... but dat iz da bomb Daisy!

SophieKitty said...

Waitress!? Oh Harley, you do have a lot to learn.

Forty Paws said...

Poor Daisy. Harley hasn't lived through a Thanksgiving Day yet. You'll have to teach him.

Luf, Us

Mimi Lenox said...

Daisy makes a fantastic Pilgrim. And her facial expressions should win her an ACATamy Award. Just sayin...

Bae Bae said...

Oh.. pie does sound very yummy...

~ Bae

Rupert said...

Daisy you must be one busy cat to read so many comments on your posts!!

So I'll be the 85th, to tell you that you are a VERY lucky kitty to have your own wardrobe mistress. That Pilgrim outfit is very cute!

Paws 'n Claws,

tahtimbo said...

That look from Daisy on the last panel is priceless. It totally sells the comic. Great job!

The WriggleButts said...

Very cute, Daisy!


Asta said...

Isn't Harley much too young fow coffee??
Anyway I'm suwe you'll give him some of youw pilgwim look so bootiful
love and smoochie kisses

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, Miss Daisy, can we have meat hash in your diner?

duo_disaster said...

Harley oh Harley!

Alright, we just have to admit we thought it was a waitress suit initially too, BOL!!!


But it was suit a lovely pilgrim suit on you Daisy! And you NEVER fail to make us laugh with your comics!

Rudolf & Goofy

Retro Kimmer said...

Oh Daisy! Mommy makes you funny clothes!
I am sending your blog to my mom who will ove this as much as I do. You need to do a daisy book!

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