Mr. Shrill Tries Again
After his "Sidekicker" faux pas, Mr. Shrill decided to make one final try to become MY International Spy Cat SIDEKICK. Here is Mr. Shrill in his superhero bat suit. He does NOT fool me, because I know that Mr. Shrill is mainly BAD.

67 Notes for Daisy:
Hi Harley,
I bet YOU would look far nicer in the uniform then Mr. Shrill does. Tell your Mommy to make you one also! Oscar, Expat Cat
I'm glad you can see though Mr Shrill Harley, he is mostly bads!
Doesn't Mr Shrill know that as a Top International SpyCat, you have a razor sharp mind and the abiity to see straight froo attempts at disguise? Doesn't Mr Shrill realise that you are a highly trained, very skilled spy - who is strongly motivated towards looking after your country and protecting us all from evil? Doesn't he know that if you were gonna have a side kick it would be someone really special ... not a putty man!
If he doesn't, he's even sillier than we thort!
Harley, i sounds like you're getting pretty good at sorting the good (uniform) from the bad (Mr. Shrill)!!!!!!
I just cannot wait to see Harley in his Super Hero outfit.
Naughty Mr Shrill! I wonder if his eyes still taste yummy???
Do spycats wear capes???
Mr. Shrill is very silly. ~S,S,C & F
You're too smart to be fooled by Mr. Shrill's costume, Harley! I bet you'd look great in that costume, though!
You are wise not to be fooled by Mr. Shrill Harley, but you do have to admit he does try.
You're very wise for one so young, Harley Quinn. You're on notice, Mr. Shrill!:)
Spys don't wear superhero costumes! You're too smart for that, Harley!
We noticed that Mr Shrill made his spycape to match your colors!! Silly Mr Shrill should know that you are too smart (and well trained) to fall for that!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
He can't fool you, Harley!
I can see you in one Harley
Maybe Mr. Shrill can turn over a new leaf...after all, clay is very easy to mold into the kind of person you'd like him to be...I think...anyway, he looks great in the spy outfit...
Daisy you are right to be suspicious of Mr. Shrill, he's a tricky one. I sure hope Harley isn't fooled by his costume!
You're so smart not to be fooled by him, Harley! You're a good spy cat.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Bugsy, Sassy, Callie, Roxy, and Pixie, and Their Mommy
Harley you don't need a super-hero uniform - you are s super hero just as you are.
Harly that mr shrill is always up to know good the best spy cats don't need unformins
Lilly lu
Mr. Shrill looks very scary in his uniform. But then again, he always looks scary!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
everything is way cooler when you are wearing a uniform.
Harley....we agree! You don't need a uniform! Although....Mommy says that ALL guys look great in a uniform!!!
Na na na na na na na na....
Wow. Maybe he could just be a supervillain?
Harley, you would look super cool in a batman uniform!
you are very smart harley!
smiles, auntie bee
Super Shrill? Or BadBat! hahahaha!
Daisy has taught woo purry well!
PeeEssWoo: They have SALMON AND CHEDDAR Happy Hearts - I bet they get your motor purrrrrrin'
I wouldn't trust that guy
LOL, take a wee bite Harley (guess I'm feeling mean today, lol), it probably won't taste very good though :)
Do youz reely want ta lookz yike dat guy? Uhm...I don't know...
I think you would look fantastic in such a suit!
Mr Shrill's uniform is very nice indeed! But I think such a nice uniform should be meant for good Harley instead of bad Mr Shrill!
Yeah, Harley, that costume would look amazing on you. It's black and white and so are you -- it could turn you from a cat into a bat in an instant! Great idea!
Mr. Shrill looks rather silly, on the other paw.
You would look very nice in a bat suit Harley. You could wear your tool belt and call it a utility belt!
Harley we think a cape would look great on you but not as a spy,....well maybe as an undercover spy...that is a cool cape but don't trust Mr. Shrill, he just wants you to believe he is your buddy and would make a great sidekick but we think he just wants to learn all your secrets(do you have any?) Daisy would make a purfect sidekick!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
That evil Mr. Shrill always has a plan! We are glad you never get fooled Harley!
Just send him on a false mission to Stamp Out Stupidity, or something. That will take him forever!
We are glad that you have Mr. Shrill's number, Harley. As for the outfit, I think you could do with a much more streamlined design.
You are a very good international spy to see through Mr. Shrill's ego to his true evil self!
Hope you enjoy WBCL as much as we do, Daisy and Harley!
We've never tried Feline Pine before, but have heard good things about it as well!
Don't be too twusting wif Mr Shwill
He has pwoven ovew and ovew that he is not nice and will disappoint you.
You would make a much bettew soopew hewo than him
smoochie kisses
I love Mr. Shrill's outfit too. I'm pretty sure he'll get the job now, because he is dressed for success.
Oh, yeah! That is some outfit Mr. Shrill has on! I don't blame Harley for wantin' one, too ... Pretty nifty!
Be careful Harley.....Mr. Shrill could turn on you!
that's a better side kick uniform!
I think that should be part of YOUR superspy wardrobe, not Mr. Shrill. I agree, he has violent tendencies, but like the brother on My name is Earl is mostly simple and confused.
I think you are becoming a very super superspy Harley!
Be careful, Harley. If you don't pretend to let Mr Shrill be your sidekick he may decide to become your nemesis!
Hey Harley! You are far smarter than Mr. Shrill gives you credit for.
Also, we think you would look great in a superhero bat suit!
You are one wise Mancat to not be fooled by Mr. Shrill Harley. You would look pretty cool in a bat cape though!
Mr Shrill is bad. What a silly uniform too. I think he does not have a brain anyway.
purrrs to you Harleykins
Hey harley,
He looks cute. Let Mr. Shrill be your sidekick.
Uncle Bobby
That is a very cute costume. You should definately find out who made it Harley and order one for yourself.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Mr. Shrill's uniform is very cute! Maybe you should give Mr. Shrill a chance at being your sidekick, since he went to so much effort to look sharp.
You are very smart Harley...don't let Mr. Shrill be your sidekick...he'll just be a pain.
You're sportin' a rad costume, Mr. Shrill.
I want to know who made Mr. SHRILL's UNIFORM, too!
So cool!!
Mr. Shrill's bat uniform at least matches Harley.
I'm sure that Daisy would agree that they look rather fashionable sitting next to eachother. :D
Oh Harley do beware of Mr Shrill he is not furry nice.
it would look great on you Harley!
You want a bat suit, Harley??
Harley, do yoo think der is any hope fur Mr Shrill? Do yoo think he may see da light one day and realize dat he doesn't hafta be mean or sneaky and dat he would haf more frends and more fun if he were nice and dat being nice is sometimes it's own reward.
Awh wow, you have a wanna-be superhero sidekick?!? That is so COOL. It is a good thing that you are so smart, because I would be totally fooled!
I don't thinks dat Mr Shrill hads a chance!
Daisy - I heards dat you hasn't touched your squirrel, has your momma sprinkled water or warm it in microwave at all? Those 2 things supposed to brings aroma out, but I guess it might not be fur all kitties. Maybe we should has sents you a mousie likes da creek cats.
f you were gonna have a side kick it would be someone really special .
Hey Mr. Shrill, Die Fledermaus from "The Tick" called ... he said he wants his costume dry-cleaned before you return it.
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