Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Some Toysday Fun!

Harley and I are very lucky, because we got these very fun wand toys from our great friends at Sleeping Kitten - Dancing Dog! I told Harley that the pink one is mine, and he can have the blue one.
At first, I got a little overly excited. Can you tell by my Googly Eyes?
Then I decided I should settle down and concentrate. This is my concentrating face.
But since I am a good model, I am always aware of the camera, even when I am playing!
Harley, on the other paw, is a wild man!
He plays with GUSTO, and a lot of joy.
Then, Harley noticed that he needed to fix his pedicure.
Thank you for our presents! We love them!

80 Notes for Daisy:

Sasha said...

fun fun fun! What lovely toys.

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

You are so cute, Daisy! Harley is wild all right, that's how our cats play too. Always fun to get something new!

Misha said...

Great review, guys! You two look very excited!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What great toys! We like that last picture of Harley - totally lost to the game!

Poppy Q said...

Harley, did your polish wear off?

Looks like you two had crazy fun with your new toys, enjoy.

Bae Bae said...

Oh.. that sure looks very very fun. :)

~ Bae

gemmak said...

Oh...Harley looks very wild, those toys look like lots of funs tho :o)

Milo and Alfie said...

We love to see you enjoying yourselves! You always make us feel happy!

Sandy Kessler said...

My cats could play all day They love that and lying in the sun outside in the cattery. Pretty good life sleep and play..Don't you think??

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Haha! Our mum sticks her tongue out when she is concentrating too.
Those are fun toys and we liked seeing you both playing with them.

Teddy Westlife said...

You get some great toys to play with!

Huffle Mawson

Forever Foster said...

What wonderful toys! We love to see you two looking so happy and rambunctious:)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

It looks as if you both had FUN!!! ~S,S,C & F

Setra said...

Oooh good toys! :)


The Island Cats said...

Those are cool toys! They should keep you playing for a long time!

The Creek Cats said...

Daisy we've also found that sticking out your tongue helps with concentration!

Hansel said...

DAISY! that's the coolest toy ever! We love it! And I too am always aware of the camera. Hansel never notices a thing! -tes

Motor Home Cats said...

Daisy and Harley, it looks like you are having such a good time playing. It is great when you have something new to play with.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

The Activist said...

Awww, you are having so much fun!

The Monkeys said...

Those look fun! Daisy, your poses are always perfect (we love the 'concentrating' pose)

Anonymous said...

I love your concentrating face and Harley, well you can just tell he is having a wild time LOL

Sweet Purrfections said...

What fun toys! I think Harley liked the pink one better.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh what fun!

Unknown said...

New toys are fun! We were impressed how your sense of professionalism showed while playing and modeling! Your the best!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

renovia said...

sticking your tongue out always helps to concentrate!

CCL Wendy said...

Daisy and Harley -- your photos are simply adorable! I had to laugh at Harley inspecting his toes. I notice he ended up with your pink toy, Daisy. What happened? Looks like lots of fun whether in pink or blue!

Noll's Nip said...

You guys are the cutest!

Cory said...

Those look like awesome toys...and you sure look like you are having a great time with them!

Dma said...

i've been listening to the harry potter books on CD. looks like you and harley could create the entire saga with your new wands.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Those are great toys. We can see that you enjoy them!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Very cool toys! Why is Harley playing with the pink girlie one? hahaha!

Meowers from Missouri said...

wowsers! looks like you two had some real fun!!

feefifoto said...

I stick out my tongue when I concentrate too. It really helps!

Stacie said...

What fun they are having. I enjoying reading this blog every day. Daisy and Harley are just too cute!!

Meghann said...

Oh my gosh, you both crack me up! I'm so glad you have many fun toys to keep you happy and healthy - mom must love you so very much :)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo look sooo khute and he looks sooooo furry wyld!


Lyoness Sealdotter said...

I love the mouths!

Janet said...

You guys are having so much fun! We love the pictures! :-)

Tybalt said...

Oh my paws and whiskers! What great toys!!!!

Tuxedo Gang said...

Oh my, those look like great toys to play with!! We love feather toys!! Moooooooooooommm look at Daisy & Harley's new toys!!
Your FL furiends,

Puglette said...

what great action shots! i am sure you will have a lot of fun with those toys.

JD at I Do Things said...

Harley is certainly easily distracted, isn't he? I love your googly eyes, Daisy. It's hard not to get excited around such fun toys!

Parker said...

Harley is a wild child, but he looks like he's having a great time! With YOUR pink toy!

Anonymous said...

Obviously, Harley prefers Pink, too! Ahem.

Reese =^..^= said...

Those are furry nice toys and you both look adorable playing with them.

brokenteepee said...

Oh, Daisy! I make googly eyes at my apples! I am not much for playing but boy do you two look like you are having fun.

It is nice you have new toys!

Your Daily Cute said...

Fun! Those wands look really purrfect!

The Kitty Krew said...

What fun looking toys! We bet you'll both have a lot of great times with those. The worst part is getting the beans to cooperate and play with you. Our Mommy gets lazy and prefers the toys that we don't need her help with (don't tell her we said that!).

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Bugsy, Sassy, Callie, Roxy, and Pixie, and Their Mommy (who heard that remark...)

Debbie said...

The toys look like so much fun. And the pictures/story gave me a perfect first of the morning giggle. Thanks Daisy and Harley!

Mouchois said...

Those look like such fun! And Daisy, you look gaaawwwgeous as usual.

Montana said...

Isn't the kitt a little bit skinny? Great pics, otherwise :)

The Crew said...

Hey, wait a minute. Harley took your pink toy!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Those look like super fun toys! And Daisy you are a good model - you do really always know how to pose!

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy, you always look good -- so you should dance and play as if no one's watching. Let your curly fur down and go for the gusto like Harley!

T said...

Oh how fun! A kitty can never have enough toys!!!

BeadedTail said...

Your toys look like a lot of fun! Harley sure does get wild!

Anonymous said...

Harley, you'd better look away from your toes...your eyes could freeze that way!

Liss said...

THose look like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

It looks like Harley ended up with your pink one, Daisy. Brothers!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Daisy ...
We LOVE to see you an' Harley playin' so enthusiastically! Yay for TOYS!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh that looks like fun. I hope that the Woman brings me home some really good toys.

Maureen said...

Aw how lucky the two of you are! Those look like great toys!

Fred said...

Harley is a beast. What fun!

Mickey's Musings said...

Ooooooooooooooo!! Those are really cool looking toys!! It's fun to see you both so excited!! heeheehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

SophieKitty said...

Those toys certainly brought very cute smiles to your faces!

Lorenza said...

Those toys are great! I can see you two are enjoying them!
Kisses and hugs

Donna said...

I am glad you shared the toys. I usually leave my tennis ball under a table so no one can get it.

meemsnyc said...

Wow, what wonderful gifts. Those look like fun fun fun toys! Enjoy!!

Black Cat said...

I love these photos of the fun you're both having with those super toys! :) xxx

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I love seeing Harley playing the toys while his mouth and legs are all open~

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those look like cool toys and you're certainly enjoying them! I like your googly eyes Daisy, they're cute.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Your excitement is obvious, princess.
Oh I just love the look of Harley in the picture next to last. My mom loves Harley too.
I'm so sorry that I haven't been around much to leave you a few nice words for each post but I did read them all.
Love ya lot

Quill and Greyson said...

you do look googly-eyed, but always a professional

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

wow what fun you two!

smiles, auntie bee

Scrooge said...

I likes your toys. I would likes to eat them if they tastes good.

I am still waiting for Her to come home. Maybe she could bring me a toy but She usually don't.

The Furry Bambinos said...

Those are great photos of the two of you! We liked the action shots!

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)

The Oceanside Animals said...

"Wheeeee! Toy! Toy! Toy -- oh look my cuticle is peeling."

Theresa111 said...

We had major thunderstorms yesterday. You two look so cute playing with your toys. It is always our pleasure to send gifts to you because you are so deserving.


Theresa, Joe and Bobby

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Those are wonderful toys!!!!!

The Fitness Diva said...

Wow! You two look like you're having a ball with those toys! ;)

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