Fashion Friday: A Frilly Skirt!
It has been a while since I got to model a two-piece outfit! This one has a frilly pink skirt and a halter top. It is just my style!

Fashion Friday: A Frilly Skirt!
Posted by Daisy at 8/07/2009 04:00:00 AM
Labels: cute cat fashions
80 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy I love the skirt! You are such a beautiful girl and I think you can wear just about anything and make it look good.
Daisy, that's a very cute skirt and top!
Daisy, your poses are all kyoot! And of course, pink is definitely your color!
You look both cute and very glamorous in that outfit, Daisy!
You are looking so pretty there Daisy.
Huffle Mawson
Project Daisyway Here we come !!
Good thing you weren't eligible for New Zealand's Next Top Cat Model, or else I wouldn't have stood a chance!
Ohhhh Daisy, you bad girl! Showing off leg like that. :) But as always, you are pretty as a cat picture.
Not everyone has the upper arms to carry off a halter top, but you do it very well. Michelle Obama would be proud of you. :-) I think your pearls would look nice with this outfit.
Miss D, you look so fashionable and summery. You make us smile sweetie.
Your outfit is lovely Daisy. I really like the frill!:)
That outfit looks really good on you, Daisy!
oh how pretty! and she doesent seem to mind being dressed up does she bless
You are so adorable, Daisy!
You look fabulous, Daisy! Your experimental poses are very high fashion!
Daisy, you are looking extra beautiful today!
You look so cute in your pink skirt we almost wishes we had some clothes. ~Scylla & Charybdis
We thinks you look pawsome in pink. ~Socks & Fenris need to imagine this dress on a gal............can't look cuter than you
I like experimental pose #1... it really shows off your curly whiskers.
Wow Daisy... you are such a pro you make it look easy!
That's a beautiful skirt and top. You're such a pro trying out those new poses too and we think they are lovely!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Wow, the eksperamints are kyoot!
Nice gams.
oh Daisy, you are such a good model. i have alot to learn from you. you would be beautiful no matter what pose you were in! i really like the one where you are showing a little cleavage ;) tehe.
What a great outfit and awesome poses.
Daisy, I love your skirt. You are such a fashionista!
Ooh your purrty pink skirt would look great with my purrty pink 'kini top Daisy! :) I hope you think I did ok at my first go at fashion modelling too! :)
Forrest, our man-kitty, is really likin' that leg shot! He is a little breathless...or is it cuz he's been runnin' after his toy?
Daisy, you look darling! We LOVE your outfit and you model it so well!!! Our mom would LOVE for us to do that, but we are SO NOT!
That's a great outfit for you, and those experimental poses were a nice change.
Daisy yoo are gorjuss and we love yoo!
That's a very pretty outfit, Daisy! I did notice a bit of a plunging neckline, though! ;-)
Beautiful, Daisy! And you know, all the high-fashion models do that hunched-over pose, so you are obviously on the right track.
oh how cute daisy! i love the skirt and top, very chic!
smiles, auntie bee
hi daisy! that is a really cute outfit! you look ready for a fun day of strollering.
have a good weekend!
I like this outfit Daisy~!
You look very very adorable~
Daisy you are a supermodel!
I always like your glamour shots best Daisy!
Oh, Daisy. I love your outfit!! Those experimental poses work for you. Have a great weekend.
Those new poses are very advanced, Daisy. Not too many kitties could pull them off, but you nailed them! And what a fabulous skirt! :)
I hope woo get to go on a hot date in that outfit!
We like all the poses! You look very lady like in that pink skirt
You look very pretty Daisy, maybe even a little raunchy with your low neckline and showing a leg.
Looking good Daisy!
Daisy, you're just the cat's meow
I love your curly whiskers!
Arms are "in"...they are the "new legs"
Very beautiful outfit Daisy!
And thanks for stopping by my blog! Pandora's tummy is starting to feel better (no accidents around the house in over a week now, and more normal litterbox contents), though we are eating mostly Wellness canned. Now that mum is back from her holiday she says that we'll be getting more raw food instead. :)
Oh Daisy, Those colors look so nice on you. And we just love the plaid look.
Oh my goodness Daisy, we just love your new outfit. Spaghetti straps and a short skirt...just right for summer!
Tipper & Misty
Purrfect Daisy! Just purrfect!
You are such a cutie pie!
Kyoot outfit! Your new poses are fabulous!
DAISY.....WHOO HOO....WHAT A GREAT OUTFIT!!! You have great legs and your arms are so fit!!! What's your secret???
Daisy, how do you cope with the public attention?
As a Poet and Man of Letters, I am particularly subject to unwanted lewd and lascivious advances by women. I have therefore stopped posing in swimwear as I once enjoyed doing on my own blog.
Do you have similar problems?
Daisy you look beautiful in your frilly skirt & halter top!! But then, you look beautiful in everything!
You could have your own fashion line, you look fierce!!!!
i LOVE the skirt, and the experimental pose is adorable! it's a winner!
u jus need a little jacket to go over dat ensawmbul an u havva grate intervyoo owtfit.
Needs pearls or a necklace, maybe.
Hey... Daisy didn't comment on my "Cats loving baseball" blog...
Daisy, you are so ladylike and your expression in the last pic is so cute. Well,'re always cute, no matter what!
P.S. Psst, you're the first to know, so don't tell anyone. In less than two weeks, we may have a sister coming home! As far as I know from overhearing the humans talking, the sister is your kind! I am not excited, but Tofu is.
Purrfect outfit for those hot and humid Florida days of August!
Daisy, you look so pretty in that owtfit! We know that your boyfriend Skeezix will love it...because it's PINK!
Wow, that's quite an outfit! You look very cute in it, Daisy.
YOU are the purrfect glamour gurl!
Hi, Daisy!
Your skirt is pawesome!
And your new poses very cute too!
Kisses and hugs
Daisy ... I don't think that you photograph poorly from any angle. Your experimental shots are "runway-worthy"!
Oh are just BEAUTIFUL and I am totally smitten with you.
Your Biggest Fan EVER,
...and Charlie...
...and Cupcake and Charity...
...and Baby Kitty, Mama Lily & Sasha...
...And ALL THREE of the pain-in-the...ooops...she saw that, err, LOVELY kittens...phew...that was close! :)
Mom made me include EVERYONE; I didn't want to, but she said it was not polite to exclude them...
Oh how we love a pink checkered skirt!
That is just gorgeous!
Daisy really does look best with white and pink! :D
I think Skeezix would be proud to be arm-in-arm with you on a Hot Date Daisy! :) xxx
Oh Daisy that was a lovely outfit you wore today!! Pink is your color for sure! Your new poses were really cute, too!
Your FL furiends,
You are so photogenic Daisy, I like all the poses.
Daisy, that outfit is very cute, and you are right, it is just your style. We love the new poses.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Oh Daisy, you look so glamorous in your two piece, I think the shot showing a little bit of your leg is very daring! ;o)
oh Daisy you showing off some cleavage in this owtfit, racy! I just love the double ruffle on that skirt an of course is pink so is beautyful. xxxx
You are quite the beautiful model, Daisy! And what a wardrobe you must have!!!
Do yoo have a shot that shoze off more of yer tummy, or duz the skirt cuvver it up all the time? I really like the pink plad. I'm trying to find owt whut Skottish klan I belong to, and I hope it's one with pink plad.
Work it, Daisy!
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