Cat Nutrition with Professor Daisy!

Is it safe to feed raw eggs to cats?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I would rather have a cheese omelette!
D. This is a trick question
The correct answer is D, because this is a controversial subject. Raw eggs are a good source of high-quality protein. But raw egg whites contain a glycoprotein called avidin which binds to the B-vitamin biotin in the yolk, decreasing its absorption. Some are also concerned that raw eggs may contain Salmonella. But many cats who eat raw foods also eat raw eggs; some even eat the shell!
You can find lots of information about the pros and cons of eating raw eggs in books and on the internet, and here is a link to some information from Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats. Your mom or dad will have to make their own decisions about whether you can eat raw eggs or not. I personally love them! Here is what my Mommeh has decided for me:

- I get no more than 1/2 an egg a week (Harley gets the other half)
- We only buy organic eggs, and always keep them refrigerated
- The egg white is lightly cooked, with the raw yolk poured on top
- Any uneaten egg is removed within 15 minutes

Even though I am a nutty professor, I am not a veterinarian. So you should discuss any questions or concerns about feline nutrition with your vet!
95 Notes for Daisy:
We don't get raw eggs, but we LOVE cooked ones! Best protein there is, in our opinion (and best-tasting, yum!).
We might just try this. I'd probably want to lightly cook the egg white too. The omega-3s are probably good to have a little more of too. I'll do some reading.
Indy will go nuts if he gets some raw egg...he loves eggs.
Thanks for the info.
nice tips daisy........eggs are good.....if i buy one then i drink it never cook and eat it :)
Hmmm I have never had an egg, but might get my mum to try your recipe.
Thanks for spreading the word about microchips. I got mine when I was only 8 weeks old, just in case I got lost or stolen.
There are eggs (I forget the brand at the moment) that are organic free-range and have been lightly pasteurized to kill any salmonella. If I remember or run across the brand name I'll let you know. They're the only kind I eat because of allergies, but they're more expensive then regular eggs so I don't get them often.
Thank u for ur help. My Mom and Dad like eggs. Maybe they can give me some of dem next time. :)
Raw eggs does not sound good to us!
Monday October 19th, 2009
We've never had raw eggs! I wonder why not? I'll have to ask Mommie about this one.
Thanks for showing us Daisy!
Sara Cat
P.S. Calle came back last night earlier than planned. He's fine. But there's still a creepy feeling around here. Keep ya posted!
I feed our cats a raw diet, but make it myself (it's cheaper for me than buying premade frozen raw food, because I'm currently feeding 21 cats). The recipe calls for raw egg yolks, but for the whites to be lightly cooked. If I don't cook the whites, the food ends up too slimy, anyway. The recipe I use comes from, and it's created by a feline nutritionist.
As always, thanks for the good info about raw food, Daisy!
Great advice Daisy!!
Oh, I should add that even dry pet food has been implicated as occasionally harbouring salmonella, so humans should always be diligent about washing their hands and cleaning up properly when feeding their pets. Healthy pets are at little risk from salmonella, but humans aren't always as lucky.
Raw eggs, huh? Might hafta give one a try...
Great info, never really gave it much thought to be honest. I used to put raw egg in the dogs food though.
Geee...I would have guessed that it is bad. My vet really pushes the whole -no people food for the pets ever- diet. Miss PennyKat and Herr Lukas (dog) both have ultra-sensitive stomachs!
Oh Daisy, you do look like you are enjoying your eggs :o)
not me not me
Thanks for letting us know, Daisy!! We have that book, btw. Very good book!
We got our PetZLife oral care gel in the mail on Friday and have been using it everyday.
Great point! I don't care what my glycoproteins are called, they are NOT binding to ANY biotins!
We are really enjoying your posts on nutrition, Daisy. Our mum feeds us pre-made raw for dinner as she was too nervous to jump into making it herself, but is slowly getting braver as she learns more.
We never thought about eating eggs. Maybe we should try them. Thanks for the lesson.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We're not sure if we would like raw egg, Daisy, but it sure looks like you enjoy yours!
I did not know this about eggs and cats. I'll try this on my felines to see what they think.
I've never tried an egg: raw or cooked. Thanks for the information.
Great post, Daisy. Mom has given me raw egg, but I didn't like it too much. She's likely to try again, though.
Mommy is laughing because eggs are so controversial. When she was a baby the pediatrician told Grandma to feed Mommy raw eggs. When the boybeans were little the pediatrician said not to give them ANY eggs cooked/raw until they were two. We gets raw eggs as a treat sometimes, and sometimes we gets them over-easy. ~S,S,C & F
Your mommy must love you an awful lot to be doing all this food research! Thanks for sharing the info!
Professor thanks for that link !!
Thanks for the very informative lesson Daisy.
We don't get given raw eggs, but then I don't think we would like to eat them either.
We only eat organic eggs too Daisy. Just to be safe, mom cooks them slightly, but we don't get the shells - we wouldn't eat them anyway because we're very finicky, especially Gidget- you'd never guess she was found living in a dumpster as fussy as she is with her food.
Lola and Gidget
Wow that's very helpful thank you Daisy. My before sister Bebington used to love raw eggs and eat them at every opportunity - I personally can't stand them. FAZ
I love eggs! I try and steal the egg shells too and walk off with them if mom is not careful!!!
Professor Daisy, you and Harley are so lucky. You have one of the best mommies in the world. Count your blessings!
Thanks for that very informative post, Daisy! We love raw egg and occasionally are served it by #1. It is always either store-bought organic or eggs from hens we know, such as Uncle U's! It is extra yummy when mixed with a little yoghurt!
I've never heard of a cat eating raw eggs. My daughter like them over easy on toast with cheese. Maybe you two should hook up for breakfast sometime:)
that's very useful info. i did not know any of that.
Arwen LOVES eggs! I give her raw ones when we can afford the organic ones, but if we can't I'll give her a lightly cooked one once in a while...she is a BIG meat and veggie eater though!
Wow! Professor Daisy, you are SMART! I wonder how Gus and Pru would react to raw eggs? Well, I know Pru would eat anything. I'll have to try giving Gus a little bit of egg white to see (I only buy organic eggs for myself). I bet picky Gus might demand a cheese omelet.
Meal time at your house is never boring!
me and sarge like soft boiled ones!
smiles, auntie bee
Looks yummy, Daisy! We sometimes get raw eggs, but it's been awhile...we'll have to ask Mom
Wow, Daisy! That is very interesting. We learned something new!
Momma has never given us raw eggs but she'll try it now. She gets organic eggs from a local farm where the chickens run around free...she say's they are not only better for us but they TASTE better. Next year we may have chickens of our own!
We don't get raw eggs but we love cooked one (especially scrambled).
We think yoo look really COOL in specs!
Hum, mom has let me sniff eggs but they smell icky! Perhaps I should check them out if you like them...but I think I would prefer an omlette.
thank you for the info Professor Daisy :)
Romeo never had raw eggs...
Thanks for the info DAisy, but eggs are not for me. Give me salmon instead!
We prefer our eggs sunny side up, we have never tried them raw. You seem to be enjoying your 1/2 of the egg, does it taste good?
Your Mommeh takes extraordinarily good care of you and Harley...
Pastured eggs are actually slightly better and they are healthier--remember you are what your food eats! We are not much for eggs but the Woman does a fair amount of them.
we don't get egg...except when Mommy's making cookies and her back is turned...bonus cus there's usually butter and sugar near by the egg. Mom says butter and sugar is not good for kitties, or humans really.
Interesting. I don't think Luna has ever had whole eggs, raw or cooked - though I couple of the recipes I tried making did contain eggs. She's a very picky eater and often dismisses seemingly yummy raw foods.
you two are so loved! your mommeh researches all of this information so youcanbe the healthy beautiful kitties you are.
Our dogs get raw eggs (including the shells) too. We tried raw with Trouble but she is too slow of an eater and the food tends to sit, so she's back on canned.
Nursing queens (Momma cats) can really benefit from the nutrient dense eggs yolks. Poached eggs are one of the safest ways to feed your cats eggs (soft whites with a warmed through runny yolk)
Mommy used to eat...eggs over they were called. I asked Mom to make us some and she said we could try it.....thanks Daisy!=^Y^=
Never tried eggs for the kitty before. Gonna have to look into that! Thanks for the great info! I love todays post!
Hmm, the publicist has always given egg yolks to Stinky because she likes them. None of her other cats would eat them.
She did not know this about eggs and cats. She thanks you for catucating her.
Her eggs are very fresh as the chickens are in her back yard. AND IN MY GOAT PEN!!!
oh wow, we didn't think cats liked eggs. Our kitties are picky eaters. I'll have to try this one.
Skeeter LOVES eggs. She just had some of her little sisfurbean's scrambled eggs yesterday! Well, the one's that dropped to the floor that is
I know you're not an expert, but I appreciate ALL good knowledge about the feeding of my kitties! Thank your mom, Daisy, please!
That's very interesting! It never even occurred to me to feed egg of any kind to my kitties. I have had runny egg yolk on my breakfast plate before, and none of them cared to partake. I guess you have to develop a taste for the finer things in life, like Daisy has.
I never knew kitties could eat raw eggs. You two sure have a fancy diet! Thanks for the info, too. I'm going to check out that link...
Oh yes, our three kitties love cooked eggs! But it is a very rare treat.... good tips Daisy!
We never tried a raw egg. We probably won't unless mom drops one on the floor!
This is a very good recipee, Daisy. We will ask mom to prepare it for us too. The shell is good for us because it contain calzium which would be in the bones of our prey, but we think it's kind of odd to eat it...
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Well since we have sum chikkens wut live with us there is always too menny eggs. So sumtimes Mummy gives me and Star sum eggs to eat. We get wun each and we eats the hole thang but Mummy makes us eat it outsides cause its kinda messy. But Daisy you are rite that it is hard to know if it is reely okay to eat eggs or not.
Yer pal Dozer
Hmmmmm......we don't see eggs inour house very often....but maybe Meowm will bring some in and we can try them.
Good subject. Jan has long believed in egg yolks for the coat but not raw egg whites.
Daisy you are such a good friend to give us this info...
(psst, mummy listens to you, can you tell her how good LOTS of tuna is for our diets? hee hee hee)
I did not know that I could eat eggs.
Thank you very much Professor Daisy!
Oh, we get our eggs from some beans dat live out in da country and haf chickens running around da yard! Da lady der sed dat most of da salmon-vanilla (what? oh, mom sez samonella) comes from da shell so if you wash da egg shells first der is very low risk. We eat scrambled eggs alla time but now mom is thinking a little raw egg yolk would be good fur us.
deer daisy,
las week mi brudder matsui ate all da left over eggz dat mi mom yoozed to make chickhen cutletz. she figyered it wuz ok becuz he eetz ded birdz an ded ratz anna ohkayshunal ded bunny.
well ... he'z still alive hizself ... an he duzzen't appeer to be sick or anythin. da peepul at da cat show wood tell mi mom she'z killin matsui ... along wid da rest uv us.
I should have my human buy some organic eggs and try this out - if we don't like them, she can make cheese omelets with the rest.
Wow that is interesting - a cat eating eggs never even crossed my mind. I will have to talk to the vet about it for Floyd - if I could even get him to eat it right now.
Boy.... you guys have the best Mommie ... she is always looking for ways to keep you healthy and also to have a fun variety in your diets... perfect to keep you interested for sure....
Love the glasses, Professor Daisy. We will listen to anything you say when you are wearing them. :-)
Youw vast knowledge nevew ceases to amaze me..that is such good and impawtant infowmation.
Thank you pwofessow Daisy
smoochie kisses
We have never had raw eggs. Mom does let us have some cooked eggs every once in a while tho.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
I loved khooked ones too!
I love it when Mom lets me have them!
Every once in a while Puddy gets a raw egg (minus the shell). She'll usually lap up about half of it then the rest goes in the bin. Of course, we keep our eggs refridgerated. I've heard a lot of controversy about raw eggs, but I think if they are fresh and properly stored, half an egg now and then is okay. (It's great for a shiny coat!)
I used to make our human family ice cream with raw eggs in it. I stopped a few years ago when I decided that maybe Salmonella is scary... when our community got Salmonella bacteria in the water, nobody in my family got sick. I don't know if that's a coincidence or not.
Anyway, your eggs look yummy. Mini gets some eggs sometimes. If a recipe calls for the white or the yolks, I cook the other part up for her.
Very interesting Daisy.
We are going to check out the link and read about nutrition.
This is something news for me,
now I know~
I will ask Michico help me get eggs to eat. Not the raw one.
I've never tried it!
We've never tried raw eggs, Daisy. Maybe our Mom will let us have some if we're real good.
Oh Daisy..thank you for yur lesson!
Benny & Lily
Egg (raw or cooked) is not part of my diet! Maybe my mom could ask my Vet about it!
Kisses and hugs
Pawsome info as usual Daisy!! So far,we are not fussy about eggs, but we have not had them mush ;)
I hope you had fun at Miss Peach's bridal party!!
My bachelor party is Friday!!
I hope Harley will come. We will have lots of fun :)
Purrs Mickey
i never thought cats do eat raw eggs. i'm still a little hesitant on feeding my cat raw egg. maybe slightly cook. or just boiled egg.
I like scrambled eggs with cheese the best.
I dunt likz dem waw eggiez. OK? But I likz dem kookeded eggiez lotz. OK?
Weve tried eggs a few times. Raw scrambled, raw yolks, an cooked. We don't like it much. Sometimes yes, usually no...
Hmmm, this is very interesting info Daisy, thanks for posting this. WE have never tried raw eggs before but Theodore eats everything in sight so he would prob enjoy a little egg. We;ll have to read up on it.
Thanks for the info!
Theodore and Sasha
I am a dog, but I like them too. Yum! Love, Maggie
oooooo! mom nefur giffs us raw ones acausa that biotin thingy, but we's gonna get her t' try this!! we LOVES it when she has a egg sammich an' leaves the paper plate fur us to lick, acause she makes her eggs just barely ofur easy. she sez she's gonna pour some fish oils in ours, too--yum!! thanks so much fur the tip, professor!!
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