I am off the drugs!
Hi everybuddy! It is me AGAIN! Harley! And I have some IMPORTANT and GOOD news to tell you. I have been on Prednisone for my eosinophilic granuloma complex for MONTHS. Many times, when I tried to TAPER my dose, the blisters on my lips would just come right back. But GUESS WHAT?!? I am FINALLY off the DRUGS! I did FINE at 1/2 tablet every THIRD day, and now I do not take ANY pills. HOORAY! I still have linear granulomas on the backs of my thighs, but they are not too bad.

122 Notes for Daisy:
Hooray for you Harley! That is very Good and Important news. I will give you a little kiss to celebrate.
We will send you a smooch right now Mr Harley, as your lips look smackable.
good.....no medicine from now....but come on harley....kiss from a guy...wat are u thinking..?????
That's great. You are looking very handsome.
Dat iz bery bery goodz, Harley! I iz bery bery happyz fir u! OK?
Yesserdayz MY hoomin bean he sayz dat he makez a-pointz-ment fir ME wiff MY kitty kat dok-tor. OK? I dunt tinkz at is bery nice, do u?
U be happyz, Harley! OK?
We are so happy for you, Harley!
Paws up!
Duni & Sammy
OH.. that is very good news
Can I have a kiss from you?
~ Bae
Yay Harley! Good luck staying off the meds!
congrats harley. that's terrific news.
Oh, Harley. I would love to give you a smooch. Even with your boo-boos you were kissable. I'm very happy you are off the medicines. Yea for Harley!
That is a very very very nice news for you, Harley!!
I am so happy for you!!!!
Hooray! What good newsa!
Harley! you said KISS!!!
Oh Harles, we are crossing our paws for yoo too ~ we're so happy for yoo.
And mom said can she take yoo up on that kiss pleese?
YAY! Congratulations Harley you look beautiful! *kisses*
Such happy news, Harley! We hope you can stay off the medicine forever and ever. Siena wouldn't say no at all to a kiss (BLUSHES)...
That is such wonderful news, Harley! We are sending very big purrs for you to keep being strong and blister free.
That's great news, Harley! Hope you won't need those drugs anymore!
Yay! hat is such excellent news Harley! You are looking most kissable now!
Harley, Yay! You have such a kissable face. Smooches from me...and some for Daisy, too.
It's great that you don't have to take medicine any more. Doggies must have better tasting medicine cause Fen loves his he thinks it is a treat. He even begs for it. ~S,S,C & F
Yes, yes, kiss me! It's a shame kitties have to get human diseases too.
Paws crossed for it to be over.
That's pawsome news!!! We'll keep our paws crossed too. Here's a big smoooooch on those adorable lips!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Yay Harley! I am so happy that you don't hafta take medicines anymore! And your lips look great...but I'm not gonna kiss you, okay??
I'm doing real good too...I haven't had anymore outbreaks since I got that shot and my mom put me back on my special foods....
Oh boy harley we are so glad you are off the pred! we hates pred. Makes ben pee on the rug! He gets it for his allergic reactions. Did the vet give you some to have on hand? they should, in case you ever break out and need it real bad. that would be awfully nice of them.
Whoo hoo! Way to go Harley! What a cat!!!
Luf, Us
Great looking mouth, Harley. I won't kiss you since I am a boy, but my Mom says she would give it a kiss!
Wooo for Harley!!! You look wonderful. We hope that you won't need any more pills.
Kiss! Kiss! That's wonderful news, Harley. I hope you can continue without all of the drugs.
We wanna give you a big 'ol smooch!
That is such great news, Harley!!! Is it because of the new foods you are eating? Our mom read a little about the book you were talking about, Not Fit For A Dog. It made her pretty nauseous when she read about what is in commercial cat food. Thanks for letting us know about it!
Oh Harley, Congratulations!. You are looking extremely handsome and I would definitely like a kiss while you are so close.
We totally kissed the screen! We're so happy that you're doing well off your meds, Harley.
Paws crossed here for you too Harley! You are such a handsome fella... it must be great not to take medicines anymore! Yay!
Angel here, I'll take that kiss! We too will keep our paws crossed that you stay healthy
Hooray Harley!
We are so glad you are off your medicines! We hope that you don't have to take any medicines anymore.
Mum says you look very handsome and mancatly!
I replied by email but the message was rejected.. You are quite a kisser Harley..On the other spots do you ever try a little vitamin e oil??
YAY! This news made my day!
Harley, I am giving you BIG smoochy kisses. I'm so happy for you!
Such great news, Harley, you were always cute enough to kiss!
Harley what wonderful news! We needed some good news this morning and I knew I could count on you guys! You are the best part of my morning!
Love from Boxen and Bella's mom
Herley what wonderful news! I will give you kisses!
Love from Andy the kitty
You look very handsome Harley!! I won't send you a kiss but how about a high-five. Love, Moon
Harley, you are very kissable! Concatulations on being off teh medicines!
YEA for Harley!!!! Now go pick on Daisy some more since you are feeling better :)
Hip~Hip~Hooray for Harley!!! That's pawesome mews!!! And yes, we would LOVE to give you a smooch! Well, not so much King, but Skeeter and I would!!
Sniffs & Scratches~
Yay, that is great news Harley!
xx Asha and Katia
We're all lined up for kisses! Ok, Nigel and Madison said they'd pass...but all us girls are lined up. Kiss kiss!!!!! You could raise a lot of money that way at a buck a kiss!
Those lips were made for kissin' Mr. Harley! I'm so glad you don't have to take medication anymore, it must be a big relief to your mommeh who had to GIVE them to you all the time too!
We're keeping everything crossed so that you stay healthy HarleY!
Great news, Harley! I'll pass on the kiss, though. I'm more into the ladycats!
Hip hip HURRAY! and.....
there's a big ole kiss for you.
Hooray! Hooray! That is so awesome! :)
I gonna run around and bark for u! Arf arf arf! :)
A big ole kiss back atcha - looking good, hopes it stays that way.
Yeah Harley! What good news that is!!!!
Yea...Harley..hope you are feeling better. I think you can model those beautiful lips!
Benny & Lily
Yay Harley! Arwen and I will say prayers that you stay well and stay off the medications.
Your lips are handsome, but, I am married and shouldn't cheat on my husband so I can't kiss you....Arwen might though, if you don't mind kissing a dog!
Good news!! What a gorgeous little face! Thanks for the close-up!
woohooo .... and yes indeed...those lips are very smoochable.
woohoo!! what great news, harley! and yes, i will smooch that cute little mouth...and your pink nose too.
Oh Harley, that is wonderful! All of us goats are thrilled and we will cross our hooves that you can stay off of your nasty pills.
Yay! I hope you stay healthy too.
Harley, you are one handsome dude, and Mom wants a kiss for sure.
We hope that's the end of the Prednisone for you! Like the end of an era, right?
I'm glad your feeling better Harley!
Dude, I'll pass on the kisses. You look handsome, though. Now you can nom on lizards without having blisters. Yeah!
You're looking good Harley! We're crossing our paws too!
Yay for you, good news! It must have been hard taking those pills every day.
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!! Meowm is sending you a ginormous cyber-kiss!!!!!
Harley, we are crossing our paws for you too, and Momma gave you a kissie! We are so glad to be back online, don't forget our new bloggy is http://therockymountmeezers.blogspot.com.
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
That's great news, Harley! We hope you will be able to stay off them for good.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Outstanding, Harley! Those sure are kissable lips now.
Woo KNOW how much I'd like to plant one on woo!
Thanks so much for stopping by today. This was a hard post for the moth to do but one that had to be done. It was great getting to know you, I treasure all of those that I met while blogging. You all forever will be in my heart.
Pray that I am safe and mooching off of someone else.
I liked what you said about until we meet again, on my final post in a few days that is what moth was going to write.
Be sure to stop back tomorrow.
Harley, who could turn down a kiss from a sweetie like you! That is such good news - and look at how cute your little pink lips are! I am glad to read some happy news today - seems like a lot of kitties are having a tough time at the moment.
YAY! that's just PAWSOME
Yay Harley! I love seeing your perfectly pink lips. I hope this means you stay off the meds forever!
I actually don't do kisses (as my human is well aware!), but I would love to give you a forehead lick and a nosetap.
That is great news, Harley! We are purring for your continued success and good healthr!
We are crossing paws and sayin' PURRayers fur you to stay well. Yesh, our momma would kiss you right, smack on the lips☺
MMMWWAAAA, congratulations Harley. You are looking fabulous. How great to finally be drug free
OMG,,, Another Kitty Porn Shot. :0
butterah since you insist.
"Mwahhh Smooch" you handsome Man Cat Youuuuuu.
I followed the tweet Daisy made on the Tocks. omg, what are you Pussys up to ? goodness gracious.
is it Kitty Porn Thursday ?
did I miss the memo ?
What wonderful news Harley! We'll give you a smooch! *muwah*
Yes, Harley -- we hope those nasty things stay away from you furever!
Dante had bad acne on his bottom lip and chin when he was a teenager like you! He needed antibiotics once and hasn't needed anything else since.
I hope it's the same with you.
Kisses right back at ya!
Congratulations, Harley! Mama wants to give you a little smoochie right on the leeps. ;)
Hurray Harley. You face look quite kissable now!
I am crossing my paws also Harley, I want to thank you and Daisy for all the love and support you have given me.
Harley, I can hardly hold back...but Glogirly says I can't get my kitty lip prints all over her computer screen. That is about the cutest nose and mouth I've EVER seen! Congrats on kicking the drug habit!!
"Oh" Harley I'm so happy for you this is great news.
P.S Don't tell Mao that I kissed you.
Thats the best news.. I will keep my paws crossed that you stay healthy without those awful meds.. Hugs GJ xx
oh that's good...medicine is no fun at all. we had to take some antibiotics and that was awful stuff. but it did make us better. there should be a funner way to get better
marko & ani
Pawsome news Harley! Smoochies coming your way!
Good for Harley and great to be off of the meds if you can be. Also you will save $$$.
oh Harley, that is such good news! Your chin looks very handsome!
Concatulations Harley! We are so happy to hear your news, and yes, Mom does want a kiss. She loves kitty kisses.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
We are so glad to read this Harley!
The medicine worked for you and we think your good diet played a part too!
Harley!!!! That is great news!!!!
We will purr that you stay healthy too :P Your lips look kissable too ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Boy I could hardly see the screen with all the Mom smooches. Glad you are better!!!!
Yikes... at least Harley didn't eat bacon and get swine flu.
Those are some kissable lips!!!
kiss kiss!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Harley, I just wanna kiss you all over those handsome lips!
I love you, Ester
That is good news, SMOOCHIES.
You're lookin' good, Harley!
Such happy news...you look great!
Harley, I'm so glad you're doing well without your medicines! Your little schnozzle is just adorable.
Hooray! So glad Harley has been able to stop taking medication :)
You have such a loving mommy to take care of you no matter what!
YAY HARLEY!!! This is fabulous news. I'm sure you're thrilled that you don't have to take those pills anymore, and we're thrilled that you're all better. ;)
Oh, and... *kiss* for you!
Hi, Harley!
Those are great news!
No more drugs for you!
Kisses and hugs
Yay! We hope that you continue to feel better and not have to take the medicines anymore, Harley!
Tamar and Charlemagne
Good luck Harley...BTW..you take a very handsome closeup!
Awwww, bless you, Harley! I'm so glad that the blisters are not coming on that cute little mouth of yours anymore!
here's hoping that you stay healthy and no more sores! ;)
What a perfect pink nose!
This is most excellent news! I'm dancing fow joy! and yes I wold love a kiss fwom those soft pink lipses of youw..they awe vewy bootiful
I will cwoss my paws that you stay healthy
smoochie kisses
We hope you stay healthy! Jack takes prednisone for the growth near his kidney so it stays shrunken and is no longer life-threatening. Your face looks so handsome!
Sara: Congratulations Harley!!!
Yes, I would love to give you a kiss. But my cat-mamma, Cajsa, is watching... Well, maybe a quick little peck. ::Smack!::
Sara: Oh NO!
Cajsa: No, I go first!! I'm cat number one here!
::Cajsa gives Sara a swat with her paw and kisses the screen instead of Sara::
Sara: Next time I'll try to blog when Cajsa-mamma is outside!
::Starts to weep:: And Calle went back to the farm last night! ::Hides her face behind her paws::
Sighs and purrs,
Sara Cat
We are cheering SO LOUD so that you can hear us, WELL DONE HARLEY!!!
Give U a kiss?
Ima guy but sure, why not?
Ima happy you don't have no more big lips and zits.
Yay Harley! Nobuddy likes medisin. I am still on medisins fer my staff infekshun even tho it looks like my staff has left. I does not like that yukky medisin! I am very glad to heer that you does not have to take yers and I hopes that you are all dun with it.
Yer pal Dozer
I am glad you doesn't has to take medicines no more. Medicines is not good foods!
Mmmm....I'll take a kiss from that handsome boy any day!
*SMOOCH* oooo you is handsome as evur an I is so happy you feeling betters. Yay!
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