Monday Mystery: Find the Differences!
It's time to play another game of Find the Differences! Are you ready?Okay, here is the original image. Study it carefully!

It's time to play another game of Find the Differences! Are you ready?Okay, here is the original image. Study it carefully!
Monday Mystery: Find the Differences!
Posted by Daisy at 10/05/2009 04:00:00 AM
Labels: find the differences, Monday Mystery
78 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy you are so clever! This is a real brain teaser, but at least I am up and awake on this early morning Monday.
Free competition time again, those wonderful people at blurb have given me 3 voucher worth £30 each to give away, to help promote their latest book competition in which you could win $3,000. The book competition ends on the 22/10 so to give the winners of the vouchers time to do their books this give away ends on Friday 9th.
To enter you just need to follow one of my blogs and tell me your funniest pet, travel or family related story. If you already have a post on your blog just link to that in the comment and I will read it there.
Why have I chosen those categories well they just happen to be the themes of the books for Blurbs competition, Pets, Travel or Families, so get your thinking caps on as this competition for the £30 vouchers ends Friday.
Yay! I got them all! You are furry clever, Daisy.
We hadta look really hard!
Awwh... we only gotted ONE thing right.
Oh Daisy, you are so clever! We only saw the missing coins.
Sara Cat
I got two. That is not a bad result.
Huffle Mawson
I got them all, but it took a few minutes, and I had to look at the larger images. That was a challenge!
We didn't find the differences but we thinks all money should have Harley's picture on it and some paw prints. ~S,S,C & F
We only got one!! We are going to let the wee ones try when they get up!!
we especially like the harley monies. can we have sums?
I got them all, but I think I cheated. I had two tabs open one with each photo, I zoomed out so they were the same size and I clicked back and forth and it was very obvious what changed.....but it was cool!
Too early in the morning for me - You got me!
I must be blind, not seeing the differences! Maybe I really do need new glasses.
We got them but we had to biggify the pictures!! Good mystery!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We got two of the differences. Not too shabby, we think:)
Oops, we didn't put our thinking caps on this morning.
hard work for a monday, but always fun with you!
We found Harley (too funny!) and the paw, but we missed the coin. Very tricky!
P.S. Oops - sorry for the spoiler! Our mom is still tired this morning....
No, I missed them. I think I was looking at you Daisy
Well, I feel very stupid this morning. I only found one difference. Very good mystery, Daisy!
hey...that was tough ...... \,,,/
Well I only got two Daisy, missed the paw.
Your staff left a comment on my blog Daisy about that bad Harley chasing you. We have two boys here that chase the girls also. I don't know the answer as to what to do but I am going to find out for sure. So hang in there Daisy
I got the coin and the picture of Harley on the bill, but I missed the pawprint. Good mystery!
Wow that was a great game to play on a cold and rainy Monday!
that was fun. i didn't find the paw print but bust a gut seeing the harley dollar.
Aw rats! I missed one!
Great job; your photoshopping skillz are awesome!
It was hard but we got two out of three! Great game, Daisy!
Daisy what a cool game! I did find all 3 differences. It really helped me use my brain :O)
We only found one...more coffee for mom...
Very cleaver!
I missed the paw print! How could I have missed the paw print. This is a fun game, I really liked it.
Excellent way to start a Monday. It certainly got the eyes open.
Rats! That was too tricky for us this morning. hee hee
Happy Monday!
That was furry fun!~ Mom loves to do those!!! But, she only found 1. So, we fired her!
Great game! We found Harley and the missing coin, but didn't see the pawprint. We will look more carefully next time!
Dang it! I had 2 out of 3. I totally missed the paw print.
This was hard, I guess I should have biggified it. Very clever, Daisy! You stumped me.
Wow! That was very exciting. I didn't know any of them. :)
That was funny Daisy! We liked that!!!
Hmmm, Harley bucks, huh. I only found the one but I haven't had all of my coffee yet.
That was a hard one. We didn't see the pawprint. That was fun!
Wow, Harley has his face on munneys! Too bad its not reel. It wood be worth a squillion. Come on over to my bloggy cuz I gots pictures of my big weekend with Skeezix. I want yoo to know he is a brave mancat. Yoo wood be prowd! Maybe week in the nees like my mommy wuz when she met him.
Wow that was a hard one! I only figured out one (the Harley picture). The rest I missed.
How did Harley get his own monies!!???
Daisy, we would really love a few of those Harley Hundreds! We could buy lots of mousies and snails!
Oh I missed the paw print! That was a good one Daisy :)
That was excellent and a fun challenge!
Dis was a furry tough one! We didn't find the paw print until we cheated.
Daisy that wuz very tuff! I did not git them all. But I did see that Harley has his face on sum of that munny! President Harley!
Yer pal Dozer
That was very tricky Daisy, I only got two answers right.
That was fun Daisy. I guess I should have bigafied it though, I missed the paw print, I couldn't find that one.
Very challenging and can make me wakeup....
but, i only find two things...
not bad huh,...
We only found two of them. Didn't see the little paw print. Oh well, maybe next time.
Thanks for the challenge.
Hmmmmm, not sure. Did you get prettier in that 2nd photo?
I missed the pawprint!
Oooooo, that little pawprint was a tricky change! I missed that one.
oooooooh.... darn it...I missed the pawprint!!
I found them! I found them! Yay!!! Thank you for the fun game, Daisy.
LOL I thought I was the only one who had fake money lying around.
I see Harley :)
the monies look real to me! let's go shopping and see if we can get someone to give us cake and treats! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
That was fun! We got two of them.
Drats we could only find two of them. Daisy you are so clever!
That was a hard one, Daisy! We only found 2...we missed the paw print!
Furry khool MM today!
That was a hard one. But I love Harley money!
Hi, Daisy!
I got 2!
Kisses and hugs
Mom is never good at these...
This one is hard, I miss one, too!
But I like this!
I love "Find the Differences!"!!
Somethings fishy....momma likes this game better than we do
Benny & Lily
That was cool!
We did not see the differences.
That was fun! I didn't get all of them, but I really like it. Great job, Daisy!
Awwww, we missed the pawprint 'cuz we didn't bigify! Oh well.
We like the 'spot the difference' game, it's fun!
purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay hmmm i am not so gud at theez sorts of puzzels but eeven if the munny is not reel yoo can yooze it to buy fayk stuf rite??? rite??? ok bye
Wow! That was really fun and HARD. Didn't caught that difference. Congratulations on this cool idea. It's really great.:)
I didn't see it :(
I love games =^.^=
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