The Photo Hunter theme this week is sports. I do not play many sports, myself. But you might be surprised to learn that jumping beans enjoy many sports! These were my pet beans.

My Jumping Beans always enjoyed playing football! Usually the Home Beans won. On account of they had home beanfield advantage.

I spent many happy hours playing sports with my Jumping Beans.

This one is doing the sport of cliff diving. Hey, bean! Look out below!

When I realized my Jumping Beans enjoyed the sport of swimming, I borrowed the pool from my Sea Monkeys. Since the Sea Monkeys were already deaded.

When I looked closer, I realized that my Beans were not enjoying swimming as much as I thought.

When I went to dry them off, my beans decided to take up the sport of flying. They fly real good.

My beans are all deaded now. But not on account of their love of extreme sports. I think they just got old.

Photo Hunters: Sports
66 Notes for Daisy:
I think maybe the beans went deaded from exhaustion!
Awww, you look sad because your
beans are deaded!
You've certainly been putting those beans through their paces!!!
Sooooooo funny. Maybe the deaded beans will be good for 15-bean soup?
Never knew your beans were so into sports! Spunky likes to play that cliff diving one with her mice.
aww poor beans, well at least they led a happy active life.
Quite a swimming pool that
nice .... i like it....but no football for me...i like cricket....\,,,/
Too darned funny!!! You go Daisy girl!!!
My Sports entry is HERE
Hope to see you over at Hootin' Anni's today sometime. Have a great weekend.
O! I aint neber playeded wiff no jumpin beanz. I jist playeded wiff my hoomin bean. OK?
Oh Daisy, we would have liked to have seen your beans flying!! What sporty beans you had.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Poor beans, maybe mommy will get you some more beans.
Daisy, did you try to nom your beans when they were in the Sea Monkey's pool?
It sounds like your jumping beans had very exciting lives. We bet they really loved cliff diving.
Those beans really enjoyed sports. We didn't know beans could fly!! Of course, we didn't know they could swim either!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
LOL, cliff diving jumping beans, Daisy you are a scream!
Have a great weekend!
Meghann and Arwen
Daisy the best picture is the last one of you trying to will those beans out of the can. Great stuff as usual Daisy.
Your beans led very active lives.
You have had some interesting pets
~ Timothy
We loved watching you play with your jumping beans.
Socks has become a dog tamer. He scared Fenris to death just by lifting his paw. Silly Fen ran got behind Mommy for protection. ~S,S,C & F
We would love to see doze beans jumping all ofur dat bean field. We could not play wif dem to long cuz Beau Beau would frow dem on da floor straight away.
Those beans sure got a workout from you, Daisy...maybe they exercised themselves deaded....
Those were great pets...we wanted to get some pets this winter and Mommy came home with a crystal growing kit. So I guess we can only be trusted with pet rocks.
Wow Daisy, those beans sure did live the fast life.
It is cute Daisy nice choice...Happy hunting!
That looks like fun Daisy! I wish my Mom would buy me some magic jumping beans! Love, Moon
Bummer that your beans are all deaded now (and your sea monkeys) but they look like they were tons of funs while they were alives! Maybe somebody will gift you with more jumping beans!
Woof! Daisy LOL with the jumping beans. As always, LOVE to read your posts. It's my 1st year blog anniversary and just want to thank you for your friendship. Lots of Golden Thanks. Woof! Sugar.
Bean there, done that.
Looks like you and the beans had a great time -- especially the beans. Look at all the fun they had!
That was such a funny, funny post Daisy...I especially like the cliff diving
MOL those are crazy beans! Looks like you had lots of funs wif them! Sorry they are deaded nows :(
sounds like your beans lived a very active life.
how funny! old beans get deaded easily i think...
smiles, auntie bee
We think yoo wore them owt!
MOL, you are so clever! We enjoyed reeding about the Wide World of Bean Sports. The thrill of vikrty, the agony of being deded.
I think I might be deaded from laughing so much....
We needs to get us some of dem beans.....Although, Dexter likes to eat everything, we mights have to keep them from him!
Oh Daisy that is hysterical...BOL. We never knew jumping beans were so talented. Or are they. I have a feeling the cliff diving was new to them as well as the swimming....
momma is still laughing...crazy!
Benny & Lily
Too funny!
You look like you are enjoying yourself playing with these beans!
Have a great weekend Daisy!
Just loving your blog and YOU, am new to it... always look forward to visiting. Thanks for your imaginative writings and brill photos. Helen
You should get more and have them re-enact the film "The Milagro Beanfield War"!
Looks like you were yelling "Swim!" in that one pic.
Your beans were VERY active! Wow Daisy!
Those jumping beans look like so much fun Daisy! Maybe we'll get some for the Taco cat and the Sumari cat. Mango would be afraid of them.
Your jumping beans sure played a lot of sports. It's too bad that they are deaded now.
Those were REALLY busy beans before they got deaded. They had a good time while it lasted.
This is so funny. I love your posts Daisy. Too bad about the beans; their time had come I guess.
At least you didn't try to eat them, Daisy! Or...did you?
You are so funny Daisy!
This time I did not get my sports pictures on my blog.
I am actually good att playing paper-wad-ball. But My Mommie did not even bother to get out the camera. I think she's just plain too tired! (We had trouble getting online too!)
Purrs everybuddy!
Sara Cat
Luna has a soccer ball that she kicks around. That's very athletic, but then again so is most of her play (such as hunting and batting at her mousies).
Sure it was too much sport for your beans!
Kisses and hugs
I have not seen jumping beans like that since I was a kid! Sorry yours went deaded! I am sure they had fun.
I love your take on sports today.. You made them jump about for sure.. Hugs GJ x
This is so funny. I wish I was there to watch. I remember getiing jumping beans as a kid and they were just fascinating!
I think you wore them out! Maybe your mom will get you some more!
Mommie did finally get a picture up on my blog! Come see! Has nothing to do with sports, but it's a picture of ME and Cajsa-Mamma!
Sara Cat
We member dem beans, we was furry sad fer yoo when they went deaded. They was furry busy though when yoo played wif dem.
Hey Daisy,We are sorry we have not stopped by for some time! We think about you and read often. We think your beans are cool.
Your beans really had the workout for sure. I couldn't tell if you were their coach or the cheerleader.
Hey Daisy maybe you could bury the beans and a beanstalk would grow. Then climb up the beanstalk, it might lead to Beantown where you can adopt some more beans=^Y^=
Oh wow. I din't kno beans could do that! My hooman eats green beans sometimes. I think they are different.
At least the beans died doing what they loved. we'll miss them *sniff*
Will we see a "bean bowl" in January? lol
awww...that's so cute! perhaps you can have another batch of beans to play with.
Ahahaha! Those beans had an active life though!
Those are so cool Daisy - I had jumping beans when I was little but I didn't have any of that cool stuff to play with them.
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