Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Why We Use a Placemat


89 Notes for Daisy:

Christine said...


Daisy, where did your mommeh get that placemat? We could use a few of those around here!

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

I hab a placie matz, too, Daisy. My hoomin bean weally needz to putz it in da washin machine tingie. OK?

The WriggleButts said...

Nomnom! We have place mats too!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We need one with ridges like that one.

Looks mighty tasty!

The Florida Furkids said...

It looks like you need an even bigger one!! Nom Nom Nom

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Parker said...

Noms can be messy!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

LOL, we thinks you need a bigger placemat. ~S,S,C & F

Unknown said...

My calico cat Trinity was trying to be Daisy this morning. She had her tail all curled up in a loop so she could be a "Curly Cat" too.

Unknown said...

exactly I'm always looking for clever ones/

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Sigh..... same here.....

Hansel said...

wow you eat like hansel does. :)

JD at I Do Things said...

Wow! There is some chunky goodness going on there.

Gus needs a placemat, but Pru doesn't. She's very dainty. Gus, not so much. Now we have Cousin Rudy visiting, and NO ONE needs a placemat, because Rudy takes care of any crumbs or spills.

Sarge Charlie said...

Anyone can have a little accident now and then. Thanks for all the encouragement.

Buggys said...

Nice placemat. Looks like it isn't quite large enough though!

The Whiskeratti said...

Mom says that looks just like how we eat!

The Creek Cats said...

Yep, that's why we have to use one too!

The Kitty Krew said...

Haha...if we ate raw/canned food all the time, we would need one too (we get it sometimes, but don't all like it enough to get it all the time). But for dry, we don't really need one, even though we still sometimes take the food out of the bowl to eat it. MOL

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Forever Foster said...

Us too. Mum says Fui is the messiest eater she has ever seen. Boys!

Cindy said...

Yummy, yummy! We have to use placemats for the cats because they are slobs.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Yes! I have a place mat, too, but it doesn't do any good!

Meadow said...

Mum uses a BIG towel for us, but we still get its everywhere! (evil grin)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

um, honey? i think you need a bigger one! ha ha ha

smiles, auntie bee

Dma said...

diego has learned theo is a very messy eater and diego will always check around theo's plate for any stray food.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha that's funny Miss Daisy! But you certainly have a serious expression while you're nomming.

Cory said...

We get food everywhere too! ha!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

OOPS! We screwed up adding ourselves to Mr. Linky. We bad.

For being clean freaks with our furs and digging in our litter box, it has always amazed our Mom how messy we are around our food bowls. Good job Daisy!

Hitesh Rawat said...

exactly the thing you showed in the pic........

daisy needs...."Placement manners"

Anonymous said...

I enjoy my food the same as you Daisy! Maybe we should ask Mom for a placemat.

Unknown said...

My kitties eat dry food. They have a cute little rug underneath their bowls. The baby kitty loves to scoop food out of the bowl onto the rug. She's a bad little girl.

CCL Wendy said...

I hear ya there! However, even placemats aren't big enough to contain all of the fallen matter! Kitties are just plain messy.

Mishkat said...

We agree! We use place mats too (but we still manage to get food on the floor!)

Anonymous said...

NOM NOM NOM...That's ok...we know you're just saving some for later!

Bonnie Story said...

Wow, Daisy, that is a real all-terrain extreme off-road 4WD placemat you have there - it's the coolest SUP (Sport Utility Placemat) I have ever seen! You have lotsa cool stuff! Does the food taste better after proper distribution and ventilation - increasing the surface area, are we? Kind of like letting wine breather before sniffing and swirling? I get it!! Cheers and Abbondanza!!! Bonnie, Pepper and Weederman

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think you have a placemat on the blue thing. Isn't that it? Or do you need another one?

Donna said...

U are very dainty to eat wit a placemat. I just have a shiny dish.

catsynth said...

Luna needs a placemat, too. Actually it looks a lot like yours, light blue. It was part of a pet-food set that we received as a gift.

Puglette said...

sometimes even a lady makes a little mess. ;o)

Rebecca said...

Messy, messy Daisy! Just like Taco, but he does not have a placemat, we just have to wash the floor a lot!

Sarah Coggins said...

We have placemats for the same reason. Funny how the food still ends up on the floor! :D

Margaret Elmendorf said...

That is a great thing Daisy, to have a place mat. We need lots of those. We are very messy.

sadermaxx said...

Sometimes the food is so good, you can't help but to be messy!

Amy & the house of cats said...

We use a plate under the kitties plates and the food still gets on the floor - I see you have that problem too. We are glad to know we dont' have the only kitties who like to do that (ours do it on purpose sometimes and accident sometimes - so my question is - does the food taste better if it was on the floor first?)

Milo said...

We don't use placemats 'cos Alfie Marshall HOOVERS up all the crumbs. In fact Dad calls him HOOVER!

Unknown said...

Our Missie was dainty eater and she didn't need a placemat. I still miss having her feeding dishes around.

Daisy - you're lucky to have a momma to give you such delicious morsels. You keep it all on the placemat, now.

Your Daily Cute said...

Looks like you might need a bigger placemat still, Daisy...

Pimp and Moo have placemats too!

The Crew said...

We use a placemat too, but we still manage to get food all over the place!

Ramses said...

Mmmm... great looking noms! Purrty place mat too, however we can't use one as my silly 'sis burrows under them looking for dropped food to clean up and in doing so upsets all the food everywhere! ;)


Jackie said...

Wow I could use one of those Daisy! Rascal and Puma get wet food once a day and always make a mess too!

Happy WW Daisy!!:-)

Funny Cat Videos said...

You are really awesome.

las794 said...

Minnie uses a floppy cloth placemat. One of my previous cats trained me to use floppy placemats by scratching around his bowl FOREVER, or at least until I finally got up & hid the bowl from him. The placemat he was using at the time was a cute but stiff one. All I had to do was put down a floppy placemat & Capper was happy because he could then cover his uneaten food. :)

Anonymous said...

If only they made Noms that didn't make a mess... ♪♪What a wonderful world it would be... ♪♫

Calico Crazy said...

Fortunately ours keep wet food in the dishes; but 2 out of 3 like to dump their hard kibble on the floor before eating. That stuff really hurts to walk on.

Calico Contemplations

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Looks like the same reason we do!

jenianddean said...

Kind of like having an extra plate!

brokenteepee said...

I can see you are a little bit sloppy. So is Farm cat Stinky....

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Meowm always call us messy boys. She doesn't even bother with a mat cause we fling our foods beyond what a mat would cover.

vickie said...

Daisy, you have a good mommy! We need one of those mats!

Kamila The Camel said...

Placemats come in many desgines perhaps a mouse desing one would suit Daisy.

Ann said...

my Duke has a placemat but it's not as fancy as yours

Mr. Echo said...

We need us a placemat for the wall too! MOL

The Furry Kids said...

Hee hee! We don't have a placemat because we have Titus! Hahahahahaha! He cleans up all of our messes. And we do mean *all*. ;)


Sparkle said...

Can I have some of that? It looks yummy!

Lin said...

We have a placemat under our litter box too. Kitties are MESSY.

Misha said...

Humans just don't understand that food tastes better out of the bowl! :)

Cat with a Garden said...

You're right, Daisy, we'll be needing a placemat too. Thanks to your post mom made an effort and found a good source for delicious raw meat. Yesterday was the first time we had it. We eat differently with this kind of food and want have more distance to each other. We normally eat out of one dish, but it was clear we will each need an own dish with raw meat. Yummy!

Scrooge said...

I doesn't needs a placemat cuz I makes sure to clean up any foods that gets away!

I likes mine foods.

When I first started going back and forth between mine two houses I didn't eat so good. But now I eats it all up again.

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, we use a placemat too...for the same reason! Our mom sez we are piggies...not kitties!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Well, Mom said we were the messiest eaters ever, but I see now that we are normal. We have a placemat too.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I have a placemat but I still kharry some of my kibble away!


Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I don't think your placemat is big enough.
Thanks for the nice email today. The mom is having a hard time but I am making her feel better.
I hope we can get to know each other better. I look forward to knowing you and Harly.

Anonymous said...

Looks like very good noms...


WE just make Momma use a napkin to clean up after us.

Holly The Parakeet said...

hi daisy! i'm a big fan!!!!!! can you please come to my blog ( i live with mowzer and tiki!!!!!!!!

loki said...

Daisy,your food looks good. Are you inviting me over?


SophieKitty said...

I'm relieved to know that I'm not the only messy eatin' kitty! I leave foods on the floor too.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Does someone need a bigger place mat?
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

To have more space for your food??
Kisses and hugs

The Fitness Diva said...

Daisy, I think you need a bigger placemat! lol!

BeadedTail said...

Your foods look yummy but it does make a mess doesn't it?

Debbie said...

My cats use placemats for the same reason!

Quill and Greyson said...

I'm a messy eater too... I'm told

Print Brochures said...

Cool! Placemats...cats have placemats now. Really nice. You're so lucky Daisy andd you're so cute!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Trouble has one too, but she still manages to fling her food all over the place!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I see!!!!
I haven't use a placemat yat,
Michico slave always stay next to me to clean up~

Boy n Beethoven said...

I have a pwacemat too because I do wove mine food and I eat heartiwy. That Thing though, pecks at his food wike a bird and I think he needs neither a pwacemat nor food. I wouldn't mind nomming all his food up for him.


Alison (a girl in her element) said...

We have a mat too, but we're quite fond of yours. We make a huge mess, so one with ridges is nice!

Here is ours -

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

We know why WE use placemats, too: It's because WE are messy. Or so says Mom.

Anonymous said...

We need a placemat too! Or else, the humans would have to clean the house three times a day!

Maureen said...

Well, it looks like you stll clean up after yourself! Tawnee is a messy eater; but our dog gets her spills!

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