Today I am wearing my Santa Claws suit so I can help spread a little holiday cheer. I am very proud to be a part of this special program just for my readers! You can help animals in need and also get a great deal in time for the holidays.

You might remember when I wrote about the "I'm Tired of Animal Cruelty" bracelet we bought a few months ago. My Mommeh is proud to wear her bracelet, because up to half of the sale of every bracelet goes to help animals, and it is a cool eco-friendly bracelet made of recycled tires! Now, in addition to the "I'm tired of
animal cruelty" bracelet, there are four more designs that support animal causes. The other causes are
puppy mills, hungry animals, homeless animals, and breed specific legislation. For each "I'm Tired of Hungry Animals" bracelet,
ten bowls of food will be donated!
Well, here is the special deal: For every three animal cause bracelets you buy, you will get a
free "I'm Tired of Animal Cruelty" bracelet! How does it work? Just go to the
I'm Tired of... Loves Animals page and select three bracelets. When you check out, there will be a "How did you hear about us" box. Just enter the code
DAISY when you check out to get your free bracelet!

Here is some more stuff you should know: All free bracelets will be Women's size. Don't order your free bracelet, just the three that you are buying. ITo will automatically ship the free bracelet with your order. The free bracelet will not be listed on your confirmation e-mail, but rest assured that it will be included with your order.

We did not get any compensation for this post. We are proud to support helping animals!
ps: I forgot to mention that this offer is good through December 21st.

I get to play Santa Claws!
59 Notes for Daisy:
Oh, you make a very good Santa Claws Daisy :o)
Oh sweetie, you are an angel helping out.
Daisy, that's just wonderful!
Yoo are doing a excellent job, Daisy!
So, so cute! Are you heading to a parade?
We are so happy for you daisy, what a great way to spread the word! We are so happy you use your fame for good and help other animals - you're an angel, even when you aren't wearing your angel costume :)
We're off to check out the bracelets!
Hugs and little doggy kisses (Arwen only gives tiny, drool free ones, don't worry),
Meg and Arwen
What a great plan! You are such a pretty Santa Claws too :)
~Lisa Co9T
Daisy, it is so good of you to help others like this.
Daisy, you are a great sandy claws- and a true angel. :)
What a fab deal. You're so kind to always think of others Daisy!
You are a lovely little ladycat to help out the animals like this.
What a great way to help a good cause, Daisy and Harley.
cool how you changed from Sandy paws to an angel !!!sandy
You have such a kind heart Daisy!
Luf, Us
Oh Daisy, good for you to do this for all the homeless and hungry animals. And a great thing to do around Christmas time. All our family are very proud of you.
The Santa suit is cute, but I love the angel Daisy.
Nice work Daisy! You are a sweetheart helping others.
Daisy, you and Harley really are angels. I just ordered my 3 bracelets and signed up for the daily newsletter. I'm hoping I'll get a copy today so I can print it out and bring it to a holiday party I'm attending tonight. I know lots of people there will be interested.
Thank you for all the wonderful work you do on behalf of animals in need!
You make a great Santa Claws but we really like the angel outfit best. You do good work, thanks for letting us know about that.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
good work daisy.
Dat is very sweet. :)
You are the cutest Santa Claws EFFUR!!!
you really are a little angel honey pie!
smiles, auntie bee
You are a very good Santa.
Oh, we thinks it is wonderful you got to play Santa Claws. We are trying to do stuff to help other animals. It helps our heart feel better. ~S,S & F
I love your outfit! And what a wonderful deal. I wonder if I can my human to do that... I don't think she has three friends though...
Daisy, how sweet of you to promote this great cause!
You are definitely going to be on the "Nice" list ...
Catzowey Daisy! Youza so so so speshule and nice dat youza da CAT OF THE DAY at Catster today! Meowvalous news and mews!
Fantastic cause and Daisy you look adorable, as always.
You look so GREAT in your Santa outfit, and indeed you and your Mommeh ARE angels to help speak for those who can't. Props to you all!
daisy, that is an awesome offer! and you are the cutest santa ever!
That is wonderful Daisy. We will see about getting Meowm to get over there and order!
You look very cute in your Santa suit...and in your Angel outfit!
Way to go Daisy! You are a real angel and Santa Claus rolled into one!
We love you!!!!!!!
Anna, Sara, Cajsa and Calle!
Yeah! Hoorah!!!!
::Little Anna is waving her hand and the three cats are standing up on their hind legs and waving their front paws joyfully::
That's great, Daisy! I have an I'm Tired of Animal Cruelty bracelet and I'm proud to wear it, too!
Santa Claws (aka Daisy), thank you so much for helping the animals out. I hope the response is really huge!
Great Job Santa Khlaws!
They are pawesome bracelets - we sent some breast khancer ones to a furiend fur her birthday!
Wow Daisy that is awesome! These are great and I am going to get a few - for me and gifts! You are doing a great job Daisy - both of being Santa and helping animals!!
Good for you Daisy !... and of course, Harley and Mommeh too.....
You are a very cute santa claws and you're representing a very worthy cause too
Sweet! You d the Santa thing really well!
We are furry proud to know yoo Daisy, yoo really are an angel.
Daisy dear, you know how I love your Mrs. Claus outfit, right? Well, I love your Angel outfit, too!
A wonderful cause and there is nothing like something free!
Thank you Santa Daisy!
You bring a smile to my face each time you wear one of your gorgeous outfits:)
You are a cute little Santa Claws Daisy and that is a great deal on the bracelets! Thanks for letting us know!
Thank you for sharing that with us, Daisy! We'll tell our Mom that she should order some of those bracelets:)
Hi Daisy!
Thanks for sharing that with us! You sure know how to spread some holiday cheer!
:) Tibby
Daisy you are a very pretty Santa Claws and you and your Mum are doing so much to help animals. I think that means you deserve a LOT of Christmas presents!
Daisy, you're an Angel! So nice of you to help out for a great cause.
Nanny love the bracelet, we will check it out!
you and youw Mommi awe twoo Angels
that is a wondewful offew and cause!
I hope many many animals awe helped by this
smoochie kisses
Are you Mrs. Claws?
Benny & Lily
What a wonderful cause and you are the purrfect spokesperson, Daisy.
Aw, Santa Daisy, you are one angelic cat! Well done!
You are grrrreat!
Kisses and hugs
You're a cute a Santa Daisy! How can you do that? You look good in every costume you try on.
What a cool offer!
You are always the best helper, DAISY~
Daisy you ARE an angel!
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