Monday Mystery: What am I?
Oh, hi. Did you want to do a Monday Mystery today? Okay, I have one prepared! You must read the riddle and figure out what the thing is. Are you ready?

Most days you sock me, I swear it never fails!
Trampled underfoot, I don't get no respect
You think I'm stinky, hey, what do you expect?
I have a tongue, but I'll never yell
Once I'm broken-in, we get along very well
What am I?
Once you think you know the answer, please raise your hand nicely.

82 Notes for Daisy:
Hooray I got the answer right! That is a good one Daisy.
We got it too, Hurray! That's a fun riddle.
hai curly cat ,,,,thanks for give your nice smile to me daisy
good one, dear! hahahaha!
have a great day you all!
This one was not to difficult, and we don't even wear shoes (would be nice in the rain, though)>
Hooray! We got it:)
Yes! We got it too!
YAY! We got the answer right!
Yayyy! We got it right too.
Got it even tho it is way early for me. Cute shirt Daisy - we haven't seen you in "regular" clothes for a while...
We actually got one correct!!!
Luf, Us
Oh, we GOT it!! (me and Hobbes--who just came in from the SNOW!)
We got it!!! Yay!
Ha ha! Good one Daisy!
i like your jammie top daisy
Good one, Daisy! You look very precious today!
YAY! We got it right!
Yay! I guessed correctly for once. And then I smashed the Answer Button. I like the way you are posing when you present the answer. You could be a game show hostess!
I got it right! What a great way to start a Monday!
I think that's the first riddle I've got right!!! Woo hoo!
shoe me the money... i'm not sure what that means but i enjoy saying it.
Dat was very funny! I din't know it! :)
Daisy, you look very purrty on this Mystery Monday! And we SMASHed that answer button right away! Nice Pink shoes!
We got it right Daisy, and Arwen and I think you have the prettiest colored eyes in a kitty :)
Have a great Monday!
Thanks Daisy! I got that one. And you look VERY cute today.
that was an easy one!!!
smiles, auntie bee
that was a good one! it was hard for us 'acuase we doesn't wear shoes
Yippee! I got it, I got it!
Daisy!!! HI!!!!! We have missed visiting with you! We didn't get this one and had to push the yellow button! You look so usual! Please tell Harley "Hi!" for uSSSSS!!!
Warm tummy rubs from Mommy!
Awesome I got it right! You do such fun mysteries daisy!
hahaha Daisy, that is a good one! I love this set of pictures. Very cute top!
For once I guessed the right answer!
Clever riddle, Daisy!
Sara Katt
We got it too!!! You are super tricky Daisy! And, you look darling in your shirt today!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i no i no i no!!! its my brother tucker rite??? i am always trampling him and he is definitly stinky espeshly just after he has eeten ha ha ok bye
YEAH!!! I GOT IT!!! YEAH!!!! I almost never get them right away!!!
I got it!
We got it too, Hurray! That's a fun riddle.
Yay! We finally got one of Daisy's Monday Mysteries correct! Thanks Daisy, that was fun.
hee hee heeee! I got it! ;)
Good one, Daisy!
Yea, I got one right! Thanks for all the clues!
I got it....but, you did give quite a few hints in your little ditty.... hahahha...good Daisy... what a funny kitty...hey.... that rhymes too....
That was fun! We got it right off!
Woo hoo we got it! That is a good one Daisy!
Yay! We guessed right too!
That doesn't happen very often.
Happy Monday!
That was a good one Daisy. i enjoyed the pictures of you in your princess tee alot. i got the answer right too which was a plus!
Where are YOUR shoes Daisy?
We like that little pink shoe. Did you ever wear shoes? Kitties don't like them, except to rub on.
Oh, oh, oh...I know! It's something we cat's don't wear. It's SHOES, right?!
Your friend
We finally got one!!!!! You look very cute in your shirt Daisy!
Yay! I got the answer! I'm glad I'm a kitty and don't have to wear shoes. They ARE stinky... and not in a good way.
Why Daisy - I never before noticed what long and shapely legs you have. And cute toes! Have you ever considered becoming a ballerina? You could so be the Sugarplum Fairy!
Daisy, that was so fun! Do you know what I think??? You should have your own Game Show on TV! You're so good at it. I got the answer right! hehehe...
Daisy, you look very princessy in that shirt. :)
I got it right! I like your pink boot, Daisy. It's you!
Yeahhhhhhhhhh! I got it! I got it right for once!!
How could we concentrate when you look so stunning in your beautiful shirt!
Benny & Lily
cute little poem to go with it. I got it right
I thought Daisy might enjoy a little one almost as adorable as she is!
I've only watched it about 5000 times! :P
Wooooo hooooo, we guessed shoe! For once we got it right ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
We got it!!! Yippeee!!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hi Daisy!
I got the answer even before Glogirly! I guess I must just have shoes on the brain this week. : )
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving us such a nice comment. Glogirly is smiling big today, especially knowing that a fashion savvy curly cat like you approves of her party dress.
(Glogirly's cat)
We did not get that one.
Your pictures today are very cute!!
~ The Bunch
Yay!! We got that one :)
We like your shiney pink shoes too ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Tooooo easy Daisykins!
We got it right Daisy! That was a good one!
oh daisy, i got the answer! and i preferred to SMASH the button!
I love you in your baby doll outfit. You are adorable.
Yay! I got it right. That was fun.
Hee hee~~
This is a very good one!!!
Oops, I think I might've smashed the SMASH Button
and again with the hard eyes yikes
I got it, too! The best part was smashing the button. :)
You look so cute on the counter!
Daisy ... I hope you get paid for all your glamourous modeling. Those harsh lights, fancy costumes & all the treats, oh my. : )
Yeah!! We got the answer right!!
Pawesome pikhs....
YIPPEEEEE! I helped Mombean guess the right answer.
We got it right!! Yay!
I got it, Daisy!! hurray!
Kisses and hugs
Ha Ha the Princess shirt, you sure got excited about this mystery.
We got that one!
Daisy's such a cutie....and Harley too!
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