Saturday, December 12, 2009

Photo Hunters: Undesirable

The Photo Hunters theme this week is: undesirable. Getting my teeths brushed is very undesirable. But I think tartars and bad breath might be worse.
Clawr trimming is extra-undesirable! I am giving the clippers a very Hard Look. It did not help.
It is also very, very undesirable to miss out on some fun going on in the other room. If you always peer into every room, usually you won't miss out on anything.


62 Notes for Daisy:

PussDaddy said...

Hahaha, my cats are the same way, but you have to take care of the toofies and tootsies.


Sparkle said...

Bad breath and tartar are definitely worse than brushing! At least we don't have to floss like the humans do. My human clips our nails when we're sleepy so we don't squirm and complain too much. And yes, closed doors are VERY undesirable. Kitties MUST be able to see what is going on in every room. That is the RULE.

gemmak said...

Erghhh...claw trimming is extra undesirable, My Tilly had to be taken to the vet and 'held' by two peoples she found it so particularly undesirable!

jams o donnell said...

Aww I love the looks on your face espceially at the clippers! Happy weekend

Jen said...

Oh my, poor Daisy! She is definitely none to thrilled to see those clippers...Great photos :o)

Hootin Anni said...

Daisy....I hafta agree....undesirable for sure...BUT...that last photo of you is just way too precious.

Mine's HERE come on over...I'd love your visit. Happy Hunting.

Rebecca said...

Taco has that same look when we take out the claw clippers so I guess it really is undesirable to have a manicure.

Teddy Westlife said...

I have never had my teeths cleaned! I hope mum does not see this.

Marg said...

We barely let our Mom catch us, so brushing the teeth is totally out. And we don't get our nails trimmed either unless we go to the vet and that isn't very often. Our Mom is very bad. Daisy you are a good girl to put up with those undesirables.

Ann said...

whether you're a cat or dog both claws and teeth are not fun things to have taken care of.

The Florida Furkids said...

We agree - all undesirable things but necessary.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Whitey said...

Mai do not enjoy any of those, Daisy. But mai really do not enjoy having my bottom washed the most. Srsly.

Hansel said...

Oh boy daisy, it is very undesirable to have your clawrs trimmed. i hates it. -hansel

Forever Foster said...

Toothbrushing and clawtrimming on the same day?! That is a very undesirable day.

Cindy said...

Rosie just had her nails trimmed yesterday, along with her allergy shot. But at least we don't do her teeth, yet.
It's nice mommy takes good care of you Daisy.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We both have our teeth cleaned and don't really mind too much. We have never had our claws clipped though. That sounds very undesirable. We would practice your hard look if we did get them clipped.

Christine said...

My kittehs do not like going in the car, because that usually means THE VET, and THE VET usually means NEEDLES! Ouch!

Hitesh Rawat said...

everybody likes...good teeth...\,,,/

The Island Cats said...

After getting your teefs cleaned and your nails clipped, Daisy, you should be ready for some fun!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We don't thinks we would like having our teeth brushed. Fenris hates having his nails clipped. ~S,S, & F

Raymond and Busby said...

You're right Daisy, getting your nails clipped is VERY undesirable. That happened to us last night. Your "hard look" is pretty good, we may have to practice that one.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are very right. Those are undesirable, but necessary.

meemsnyc said...

That is a lot of undesirable things indeed! We hate clipping our claws!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

What expressive faces! I don't like brushing or trimming my nails, either; but I suppose such things are necessary. ;)

My Photo Hunt: Undesirable is up. I hope you have time to visit. Have a good weekend.

Your Daily Cute said...

I'm surprised your Hard Look didn't work. It is very fierce!

Anonymous said...

Good undesirables Daisy! Those are things all cats don't like!

SeaThreePeeO said...

You must always take care of your teefs!

Milo and Alfie said...

Well at least yoo won't get "foot and mouth" will yoo?

Dma said...

i've seen that look resisting tooth brushing many many times in my house.

Anonymous said...

What excellent "undesirables" today! We MOL'd at the nasty look the clippies got!

Shaggy and Scout said...

That tooth & nail business is nasty!
And we agree, making hourly patrols around the house checking out the rooms is good advice.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Oh yeah, we agree on all three!!
~ The Bunch

Anonymous said...

I can understand not wanting to miss any fun but teeth brushing and claw clipping are good things we humans do for our furry friends.

Lin said...

Oh, Grace and Hobbes are very crabby getting their nails clipped too. Hobbes bites me--he is a bad boy.

Scott Law said...

I hate clipping my dog's nails, I try to get my daughter to do it. She does a great job. Great post on the theme.

JD at I Do Things said...

Oh, my goodness!

That really is a Hard Look. You were quite right to capitalize the term.

Prudence doesn't like having a pedicure, but so far she's never mustered up such a baleful expression!


Daisy - you are such a good girl to put up with such undesirable stuff.

Puglette said...

daisy, you are so expressive! i don't know why mommeh did not run away after that hard stare at the nail clippers!

brokenteepee said...

That was indeed a very hard scared me a little.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those are all such undesirable things I shall have to go eat extra ham to calm my nerves...

Cory said...

We haven't figured out how to get those hard looks to actually work!

Meadow said...

Miss asia here, yup, we do NOTZ like the nails trimmed! It slows our zooming and climbing!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! That second photo is priceless! That's certainly a VERY Hard Look! I'm lucky in that Alice doesn't mind her clawrs trimmed AT ALL. Jane...well, she takes care of her own.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Read our whiskers...NO CLOSED DOORS! Zippy fights haffing her toofs brushed, Speedy tolerates it just fur da poultry flavor and Sadie actually likes it!

Anonymous said...

Your face is precious in those photos!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i think yoo shud consult the faymus model zoolander to find owt the seekret of his faymus luk bloo steel wot can stop a thrown nife in midair and cud sertinly stop nail trimmers!!! ok bye

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

But woo gotta do what woo gotta do!


Sweet Purrfections said...

You definitely have the look to prove you think those things are undesirable!

The Fitness Diva said...

The look of distaste on your face is unmistakable!! lol!
My cat hates claw trimming too, but she can't make THAT face! ;)

Two French Bulldogs said...

We agree 100% Daisy..hang in there. We have to look desirable.
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

All those are very undesirable things, Daisy!
Kisses and hugs

Stephanie said...

Those are very undesirable things indeed!

BeadedTail said...

All those things are really undesirable Daisy. We always make sure no door is shut that we want to be on the other side of, even if we have to scratch at it until it opens!

Quill and Greyson said...

I agree with all of that!!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I've never seen an animal who want there nails done.
Not even horses want there hoofs done.
They rather stand in mud.

Coffee is on.

Debbie said...

Nail cutting and teeth brushing is undesireable but necessary!
By the way, you look great in the red glasses yesterday.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Awww but you do look very unhappy Daisy (still bootiful tho.)

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Oh, we so hate the claw grabbing clippy things too. They make us growly. Do you growl at them too?

Bonnie Story said...

Those who think the life of a supermodel is easy are wrong! All the brushing, trimming, plucking, waxing, self-tanning - plus all the peering about to do, in what little spare time one has. It's demanding but thankfully you and your human bean are up for it. The result is one very stunning and well-maintained kitty!!

Unknown said...

Very good PH-post Daisy. Your facial expression is priceless!

Meghann said...

Oh poor Daisy! I know you don't like it, Arwen doesn't either, but it is good for you in the long run...besides, you might even get treats out of the deal (it's the only way to keep Arwen still long enough to cut her nails, I am ashamed to say!).

Maureen said...

Har! You have such an expressive face Daisy... if looks could kill!

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