I am so excited to show you what I got for my birthday from
Skeezix!!! It came with this pretty paper and a card that said do not open until Feb. 10 under penalty of law! Since I am a law-abiding kitteh, I followed the rules and waited. But it was very hard!

You are not going to believe it, but I got this BEAUTIFUL picture of my Mommeh holding me in her arms! And it is PINK! And it has DAISIES! And I am wearing my FAVORITE outfit! And it shows my CURLY WHISKERS!!! It is truly the very best present I have ever gotten. The artist is Susan Faye at
365CatLadies! Gosh, she sure is talented!

In case you have never seen my Pink Lady suit, here it is. See? I am wearing this exact same outfit in the picture!!!

THANK YOU so much, Skeezix! I did many, many happy dances. My Mommeh is going to get it framed and we will hang it in a place where I can look at it all the time!

I also got a special birthday card with this image on it, and a note from Skeezix! He wrote, in part, that he hopes Harley doesn't steal my birthday presents. In case you think Skeezix was just joking about Harley stealing my birthday presents, I would like to show you what happened while I was admiring my present...

Need I say more?

I also wanted to thank everybuddy for the birthday wishes yesterday! I am the luckiest curly cat in the world! Um, except for the part about Harley.

The Best Present, Ever!
91 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy your mommy and you picture is just beautiful, what a wonderful present from Skeezy.
I am glad you had a good day treasure, with so many wishes from all of your friends.
Poppy Q
Oh, Daisy! What a marvelous gift! It is truly a beautiful, honest to goodness piece of art! Skeezix must be the most thoughtful Special Friend ever!
Harley, you silly mancat, you! You do not want to be a Pink Lady, do you?
Wow...that is just the most perfect present Daisy!! :)
Wow that really is a very nice present. So well drawn!
You're a very lucky cat!
That is a beautiful picture Daisy! You are a very lucky girl. I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday.
What an awesome present. Wow. Isn't Skeezix just wonderful!
Your Mommy will treasure that beautiful pickshure forever.
Hee hee, love tha expresshun on Harley's face.
Love & Purrs,
Your present, just like you, is one of a kind! It will be fun to admire it efurryday, and it will be safe from Harley if it is framed and on the wall...right?!
That picture is absolutely adorable, Daisy! How very thoughtful of Skeezix!
Daisy, I am SO HAPPY that yoo liked yer berthday prezint. I wuz a little bit nerviss wundering if yoo wood like it.
What a great gift! That is a very nice picture and I am off to look at that site. Harley is just curious, he's a nice buddy for you!
That sure is a wonderful present Daisy! I think it will look lovely hanging on your wall. And it's good that Harley didn't steal it.
What a unique present. The artist has captured your Mommeh and you very well, and I just love the fact that you are wearing your poodle skirt.
Belated Happy 6th birthday!
What an awesome, I mean, pawsome present! Happy Belated Birthday.
Daisy, that is soooo pretty. What detail! Wow.
Such a lucky kitteh :)
That picture looks just like you two!!! I bet Harley was jealous, but his birthday will come around.
~Lisa Co9T
That is a super duper picture Daisy. No wonder you are so excited. That was really nice of Skeezy to do that. Hope you had a good day and we also can't wait to see the picture all framed. We love the picture and the outfit is great too. Tell Harley to go mind his own business.
That is a great picture of you and your Mom. We know you both will treasure it always. ~AFSS
What a pawsome gift! We are very impressed.
What a wonderful gift, Daisy!!
What a precious gift. That is such a lovely picture.
What a great birthday present! You are one very lucky kitty.
Dat is da most pawsome present ever. Many happy birfday wishes to you Daisy. You are a wonderful kitteh.
That is the most beautiful present Daisy. You and your mum must be thrilled with it. Skeezix is very thoughtful.
That is a great picture and very sweet gift. Happy birthday.
Oh, Daisy! What a sweet present for you AND your mommeh! You are one special lady. (And does that Harley have to look so goofy ALL of the time???)
Awwww. That is an excellent present.
Maybe Harley just needs to go to an art museeeum. They have lots of paintins there. :)
Wonderful present. It's so nice to have friends.
Yesh, you are a lucky curly cat but we are lucky too, to share in your life. ♫HAPPY PURR-THDAY♫
a truly unique gift
Daisy, that pic of yoo and yoor mommy is just beautiful. Skeezy is the bestest!
Harley is a pest but he is SO cute!
Oh Daisy, it is the most perfect, beautiful cat painting I have ever seen...it is just fabulous!!
What a thoughtful gift from Skeezy! Harley reminds us of the old Peanuts cartoons when Snoopy would pretend to be a vulture!
That's such a great gift! Skeezix is such a thoughtful ManCat! We're going to go to Susan Faye's site.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
What a wonderful present Daisy! It looks just like you.
Don't let Harley get to you, he is just jealous that you are so cute in your skirt and as a man cat he can't look that good without us laughing. hehe
Waldo and Rowdy
that is the bestest gift i ever saw daisy! how sweet skeezix is!!! now flat skeezix, not so much! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
We love love love this! Skeezix is such a nice kitteh friend.
That is so cute! How nice of Skeezix to commission your portrait!
I'm so glad that you like your portrait, Daisy--it was SO MUCH FUN to be part of the birthday secret surprise! You keep an eye on that Harley, no telling what he has up his sleeve...
That is a fabulous present - and Harley just wants to see the pretty picture...Be nice Daisy
Aw, Daisy, your birthday present is so beautiful that it almost makes me cry! You and your mommie will enjoy it always.
That is a BEAUTIFUL picture Skeezix gave you! Mom says she's sorry we weren't able to get on your page yesterday to wish you a Happy Purrday here (we did catch you on FB). Our 'puter is like a dinosaur relic and CB pages don't upload fully! so...HAPPY (belated) PURRDAY to you sweet Daisy!
That's such a nice picture! I bet you'll cherish it!
Glad you had a Happy Birthday!
what a thoughtful gift! that is beautiful. and i love your pink lady outfit. have a fun day!
That is a beautiful portrait of you and your mom, Daisy.
Roxy & Lucky
Oh my stars, Daisy!
That is the most awesome birthday present, ever! Made me get all leaky eyed!
Daisy your present is so special and yes you better guard it with Harley around. I love your little pink outfit, you look so elegant. I'm glad you had a day as special as you are.
Pawsome present, captures you and your mom perfectly. Now only if you have a pic of you and Skeezix. He is such a thoughtful bf cat.
That is certainly the best birthday present ever! How luck you are Daisy!
I'm happy for you !
That is a great gift!
Oh wow! What amazing and special present!!! Skeezik must loves you so much!
What a wonderful picture!
What a wonderful birthday present! Skeezix certainly has wonderful taste in birthday presents!
What a great gift!! It is absolutely beautiful, just like you and your mommeh :)
Have a great rest of the week :)
Meg and Arwen
Daisy, what a WONDERFUL present. Skeezix really loves you and your mommeh. It's as pretty as the two of you.
Don't forget... it's your birthday WEEK. So the celebration doesn't have to be over. Milk it, girlfriend!!!!
(Glogirly's Cat)
WOW! That is the best present! I'm sure your Mommeh loves it as much as you do. What a thoughtful man-cat Skeezix is.
OMC, Daisy, that has to be the BEST birthday present - even better than a cat toy, treats and catnip combined! It's PERFECT! How sweet and thoughtful of Skeezix! I'm sure Harley just wants to admire your wonderful gift... but I wouldn't let him too close anyway!
That is a great present Daisy!!!! And it is very cute!!
Skeezix- yoo really owtdid yerself this year! WAY TO GO BUDDIE!
Oh Daisy, dat is such a lovely gift! Skeezix and his Food Lady haf such good taste. Dat is difrint from Mr Tasty Face who tastes good. Maybe Harley just wanted to look at dat purrty piksher of yoo...
Oh WOW! That is an incredibly beautiful picture. =) Happy Birthday!!!
Wow....what a great gift!! I'm off to check out the 365 .....
wow, that is the perfect picture of you and your mommie.
This is a treasure to behold forever
That picture is fabulous. I love it and I'm sure you do as well.
Oh Daisy, this is the sweetest gift I have ever seen! You're one lucky kitty!
What a fabulous gift. That's so cool. You are one lucky kitty.
What a beautiful picture of you and your mommeh Daisy! That is the bestest birthday present ever!
What a beautiful present! Susan is very talented, and it was so wonderful of Skeezix to have her do your portrait. And I love your Pink Lady suit. Forget Rizzo and Frenchie; they've got NOTHING on you, Daisy!
It's beautiful!!!!!
Looks just like the two of you!
We know your Mommeh will smile every time she sees it!
That is a wonderful birthday present! You are so cute in your outfit.
Purrs & hugs from
Sara Cat, Cajsa Cat, Calle Cat & Anna
THat is a beautiful picture of you and your Mommy, Skeezy is a great friend to send it to yoU!
Daisy, what a beautiful present you got from Skeezix. He's really smitten with you, isn't he? It's such a lovely print. The artist is so talented. Yes, get that up on a wall where Harley can't reach! He's got a little bit of those crazy eyes again.
That is inkhredible!
How purry pawesome!
You look so beautiful in your Pink Lady outfit, Daisy! And Susan Faye did a wonderful job of capturing your essence. I've seen her work before (Crazy Cat Lady Carm has one of her and her 8 kitties).
Skeesix is such a wonderful friend -- or is he a little more than that?
Once again, I have to laugh at Harley and his very wide eyes. One thing for sure, he's not subtle! LOL!
You got a furry cool purresent! It's soo cool that you have effury detail of you outfit on the drawing!
*sigh* I know about little brothers, too. I had a couple when I was a kitten and they were kinda a pain in the tail. :)
Daisy, that is indeed a lovely picture!!!!!! Skeezix has marvelous taste ;)
We want to wish you many happy ,belated , wishes . Hope you had a great birthday !!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie
Oh how beautiful! You are a wonderful addition to my world Daisy!
WOW! Skeezix is a very resourceful mancat. This the best way ever to a girlcat's heart. Susan is amazing.
I'm so glad you had a grate birthday Daisy, you brings so much happies to everyone, you deserves it!
Awwww Skeezix is awesome! I love him too =)
I sent U a party hat via Catster yesterday for your HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
~Your pal,
PS, You made me feel like it's MY birthday too!!!
Oh, Daisy! What a lovely gift! You're very blessed:)
That is a gorgeous present and no wonder you were pleased.. Just lovely... Hugs GJ xx
What a cool prezzie from Skeezix.
That is a pawesome present, Daisy!
I like it a lot too!
Kisses and hugs
Daisy, that is just the sweetest present! Skeezix is so thoughtful.
We loved seeing you in the Pink Lady suit, too!
Charlemagne and Tamar
Oh Daisy you always crack us up!
Benny & Lily
What a thoughtful present from Skeezix!
Wow! That really is the best present ever!!
What a beautiful present that is...
~ Bae
That is a very lovely gift, Daisy!
That picture is wonderful! What a special birthday present. I think Harley was just admiring the picture, and not planning on stealing it.
What a beautiful painting! And I love your pink lady outfit!
What a beautiful gift! WOW that artist is talented! Daisy-- happy birthday. May you have many days filled with Temptations and a few days where you get to pick on your brother with no one looking! :D
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