We Are Not Average!
I read that the average weight for a domestic cat is between 8 and 11 pounds. So, let's do an experiment! My Mommeh usually weighs us on a baby scale about once a month to make sure we are not gaining or losing weight, since this can be an early sign of a medical problem. Our weight varies by only a few ounces each time because we eat the same amount of foods every day. I will get on the scale first!

87 Notes for Daisy:
But you wouldn't want to be average Daisy, you are special! :)
Since Gandalf and Grayson just went to the vet, Whitey knows just what they weigh. Gandalf weighed 13 pounds and 12 ounces and Grayson weighed 11 pounds 3 ounces. Grayson's weight was the same as last year, and the year before... he hardly ever changes.
But Whitey? Whitey iz a little "fluffier" than mai wuz last May. Mom has not weighed me yet. Mai think mai iz above average. Iz gud, right?
Never for one moment did we think that either of you would be average!
And by the way, Daisy, I weight exactly the same as you! Yuu-Chan is a bit lighter as he is still a kitten at 8 months. We haven't weighed Sei-Chan recently.
Oh my! I weight 20 pounds, but that is because I am a Maine Coon. I am really long and tall too. I make my baby sister look really tiny!
~ Merlin
Nocat could ever say that you two are average!
Socks would be the only one of the cats here that would fall within the average weight he weighs 10#, Scylla now weighs 14# and Artemisia weighs 3#.
Fenris is below average for his breed but he weighs 63#. The average for a male GP is 100+#
We think you are both purrfect the way you are Daisy & Harley. ~AFSS
Daisy, I thought you looked kind of small. There is nothing wrong with small. One of our best sisters was very tiny all her life. She never weighed more than 6 pounds. Harley really is a big boy. How are Harley's ulcers or whatever he had, doing??? I hope better.
Uh oh, we aren't average either. When mum last weighed us in the New Year, I, Flynn, was 16lbs. That is my usual winter weight. In summer I am between 14 and 15 lbs. Mum likes me best at 15lbs because I get a bony butt when I an 14lbs.
Eric was 23lbs. He has a flabby tummy and mum would like him to be 19lbs. He is tall and long so he wouldn't look good if he was lighter than that. Mum keeps trying to get some weight off him and he doesn't eat as much as me, but it doesn't work.
If you add your two weights together, is the average average???
We're not average either...we Birman girls are below average and Tamir is way ABOVE average!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hi Daisy! You're the first Devon Rex I've ever met. (Nice to meet you!)
7 pounds and 1 ounce? There's still room to grow, don't worry!
Fluffy weighs well over 15 pounds. He is one big guy! Have you met Fluffy yet? (Sometimes he makes appearances on my blog.)
You 2 are definitely not average! My momma Ellie and I are usually around 7-8 pounds, Bennette is 8 pounds...and then there is Ginger, Nigel and Madison. Ginger is 15 pounds, Nigel 18 pounds and Madison 16 pounds!! Jonesie and Cecilia are right in the middle at about 11 pounds.
Our mum weighs us sometimes too, especially Pandora as she is very small (about your size Daisy) and she sometimes has tummy troubles.
I weigh a very mancatly 18lbs, so I am definitely not average either! :)
You're both just right!
We knew you weren't average even before you got on the scale, Daisy!
I think you are both perfect, just as you are! And you're lucky to have a Mommeh who is so careful about your weight.
no argument here... we've always known the two of you are way not average.
Oh, definitely! I could have told you that even without the weigh-in! You two are definitely not average in any weigh, shape or form!
You are unusually gorgeous and funnier than the average cat. (To me being called average is actually an insult!).
None of my 3-Ds are average either when it comes to weight -- Domino is small like you, and Dante and Dylan are like 21 and 14 lbs. respectively!
My cats are all overweight. Even though they have a big outside playhouse with vines and hanging toys and all. The biggest is Mello - 20 pounds
Daisy, you are a dainty curly girl cat and Harley is a big strapping man cat. There is nothing average about either of you and that is a good thing! I'm not average either, because I don't has a tail!
Average is dull. Spoken by a manly mancat.
Flabby mancat, really.
We knew you weren't average before you even got on the scale!
Last time I was at the VET I weighed 13lbs 6oz.
I think all us kitties come in different shapes and sizes so how can anyone say what is "average?"
there is nothing average about you honey, you are purrfect!
smiles, auntie bee
Seems like everyone else said what I was going to said.
We have a glad that you aren't average- you are a gifts to the kitteh blog world
Daisy! I weigh exactly what you weigh! I am not average either!
You two will never be average! You are extra special!
Yes, but if you average you weight and Harley's weight then it comes out average - but we are only talking weight here, NOT beauty and talent and intelligence - in which case you are way above average - both of you.
We knew you guys weren't average cats, Daisy. For one thing, average cats don't hang out with talking clay people.
Dennis the Vizsla's comment cracked us up! We think you guys are way above average! :)
Average Shmaverage!! You two are not just extra ordinary, you're EXTRAODINARY!
But you knew that already and I'm just agreeing.
~Lisa Co9T
Youza twooza izza in da upper upper PURRRRcentile!
miss daisy, anyone who regularly reads your wonderful blog would know that you and harley are above average!
No way you two are average!
I don't think anyone would accuse you of being average. You are so tiny. I think my sister Maggie is the only average one in our house. The rest of us are above average.
I could have told you that you awe Not avewage! You and Hawley awe supew doopew catses
smoochie kisses
Oh Daisy, I always knew you were extra special and far from average!
Well I could have told you you were not average cats!
Hey Daisy you are not average, you are the best. I can guarantee you that no one would disagree with me. You look awesome.
Great reminder......we must watch our weight! Toy weighs the most but he has a strong muscle mass. He is always climbing, running and playing. Teak & Tang are the lightest but Tinker has been to the Vet recently so we know he weighs 11.3 lbs and Mom likes walking around with him on her shoulders. (=^Y^=)
...but together, your average is just right. A perfect pair you two make!
I suppose you are not average in anything! You are just special!
We already knew you weren't average Daisy! We just didn't know that Harley weighs 5 lbs more than you. Now that's a big little brofur!
I am not average either - I weigh a little under 6 lbs., or as my human says, I weigh "less than six lbs. soaking wet," which I don't find funny at all. Binga is usually around 12 lbs., and Boodie, for all her fluff, is a little less, around 11, so they are average cats!
I think u is awesome cats, and u is loaded with win. :)
Of course you're not average. You're special.
Who would want to be average? :)
Weight-wise Luna is average (about 10lbs), but she is still exceptional, too.
You two are above average in all ways. That's what makes you so special :)
You two are lightweights!!! WEll, we don't top Harleys weight by much, but we are around 14 pounds each! And no, niether one of you are average. ;)
Oh we have always known you aren't average Daisy! It is interesting to read that - I think we have 2 that are average and 2 that are bigger, and to me the 2 average (both around 10 lbs) seem very tiny! I guess after Floyd, who was 24 at his biggest, anything seems tiny!
No, you're right Daisy. You and Harley are definitely NOT average cats in any way!
How could anyone considers you and Harley average cats?! Den again I don't finks any cats could be considers average!
You both are so cooperative wif da scale, my sisfur no likes to goes da scale MOL Purrrrrrrrrrrrs
I knew I was above average :)
You are FAR from average and that's the way it oughta be!
No way you two could never be average your both super special!
You're both better than average, with not a dull day in sight :)
Well Daisy aren't you just the petite little thing. No wonder you look so good in all those outfits :)
You two are anything BUT average! I always considered myself to be shapely and svelte. Alas, according to the scale, I'm average. Fooey. I'm going to ignore it. I'm good at ignoring.
(Glogirly's Cat)
Pfft, we already knew yoo were not average!
Daisy, you're not the average cat at all, you're much more...And very cute too!
You both are far from average.
We always knew you were ABOVE average Daisy, but now Harley can say he's above average too! hee hee
Now WE want to go be weighed! jane weighed 11.5 pounds last time and I weighed about 10 pounds. . . but I've been GROWING UP!
even though you are not on the average, what is important is that you are healthy. thaT's the issue. being healthy and you know you are well
Hmmmmmmmmmm, you are 1 pound under,Harley is 1 pound over.
Guess it "averages" out ;) hahaha
Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie
We never thought you two were average!! And we think those "average" weights are a little off...because we are both over average!!
Wally & Ernie
But if you average your averages out, you're average.
I think you're right!
-:¦:-•:*'"*:purry purrs-:¦:-•:*'"*:•.
My furkids range from 8 pounds to a whopping 23 (Moe is big boned)
There's nuffin average abowt yoo two ~ 'cos yoo are SPECIAL!
We both weigh 10 pounds.
I have NEVER thought of the two of you, Miss Daisy and Harley, as average..pah! I've always considered you sublimely individual!
Of course you two are not average!
And now... I am ashamed to say how much I weight!
Kisses and hugs
You're both way too awesome to be average.
Happy birthday BOOTIFUL Daisy!!
And that's a surprise?!
Hum... but the 2 of your weight will average out to be average right?
I think you 2 are pawfect
~ Bae
Hi Daisy! We've always know you and Harley are way better than average! :)
I Ayla weighes 5.5 pounds.
I Iza weighs 11.5 ponds...
By the VET 2 weeks ago. So we will go from that.
We already knew you weren't average!!
WOW!!! Your own scale!! Pretty cool! And we agree you two are not average at all!!
Your TX furiends,
Neither am I and Lego!!
I always knew that you and Harley were not average, Daisy. You are both way better than that. Herman weighed 10.45 pounds the last time he was at the vet, but he has put on some weight since then, so I am guessing he weighs about 11 pounds.
Wow, Daisy, I didn't realize yoo wade a haff pownd more than me! I'd better bulk up!
LOL, yep you are not average Daisy, but it has a lot more to do with other things than weight.
Uh oh, Daisy + Harley = Hobbes. 'nuff said.
darlin' daisy, NO ONE would EFUR mistake you two for "average"!!!!
purrs & love,
ed, nitro, xing, an' igmu
Nope, neither of you are average, that's for sure... but you both are AWESOME!
Fleur is 7,5 pounds and Mashiro is 8 pounds. ;)
That's because you are a delicate little flower of a cat, and Harley is a big man cat now! Certainly not average cats in any respect. My Henry weighs in at 16 pounds! He's a big boy, but not fat, he's a Maine Coon, and they're just big beautiful kitties! He has a crush on you, too. he looks at your picture whenever I look at your blog!
That must mean that both of you are better than average cats!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
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