Oh, HAI, again! I was just napping and thinking about THINGS.

One thing I was THINKING about is my recent INJURY! One of my CLAWS went GONE! Even though it HURTED real BAD, I only cried a LITTLE bit. I am BRAVE like that.

Here is where the claw WAS. My Mommeh noticed my MISSING claw, but I did not tell HOW it happened. And I did not leave any BLOODS behind, either.

This happened about TWO weeks ago. Here is a CLOSE-UP of the missing CLAW. I hope it will GROW BACK!

It doesn't HURT any more, so I can LAUGH about it now. But I still hope it GROWS BACK soon!

A Toe Jam!
77 Notes for Daisy:
That is super picture of you laughing at your owie Mr H. I hope your lost claw is not stuck in a curtain, the carpet or your sister.
Smooches to you dude.
You are a very brave boy, Harley. We hope your claw will grow back quickly!
I had this cat who,like for every claw had 2 growing there - it was pretty weird but it didn't seem to bother him any...
My Sweet Thing did that, too. One day I came home and it was just gone! It did eventually grow back, so don't mess with it too much and you'll be fine.
Harley, not crying is a very mancatly thing.
I hope it grows back too!
Harley, that's a little bit hardcore!
Oh poor Harley! What an owwwie you have. But you are a very brave mancat.
Harley you are very brave! That must have been a huge OUCHY for you. I tore my thumbnail when I fell last week and it hurt real bad. Glad it doesn't hurt you anymore. Hope it grows back.
you are so brave Harley Mancat sandy
OUCH! You're a very brave mancat, Harley. We hope your claw grows back quickly, no problems!
Owch Harley! That must have been very painful. But since you were so brave, we're both sending smoochies for your hurty toe to make it better.
jane & Alice
ohhh noooos your poor toes! We hope it grows back soon too!
Ooo that does look painful, Harley but we are glad that you are such a brave mancat! xxx
Hi Harley! A few months ago, I got one of my claws pulled out too! I didn't cry either, but there was bloods and mom got scared and dragged me to the vet. They cleaned it up and gave me a shot even though I told them it really didn't hurt much. They said my claw might not grow back, but you know what?? It is growing back! And I bet yours will too!
You sure are a brave ManCat! We've never lost any of our claws, but we imagine it must hurt a lot.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Harley, if something like that happened to me I would not tell how it happened either
You are super brave!
Owie. Owie. Owie. I think kitties hide the pain pretty well, but I'm sure it still hurts a lot. I lost a toenail last winter, Harley, and it grew back a lovely new one, so I'm sure you'll get a new one too. I call mine "New Toenail". Feel free to copy that if you want.
You are SO brave, Harley! Your mommy must have searched the whole house for the missing claw. You didn't eat it, did you? If they don't feed you enough you can always come to my place. ; )
Purrs and healing paw licks,
You are so brave to laugh about it, Harley. We would have been crying. Hope it'll grow back soon.
Harley you are such a brave kitty. We sure hope that nail comes back but glad it didn't get infected. Hope you have a super day.
You are so brave and I am so proud of you Harley. You be careful :)
Awwwwww... Harley, losing your clawr musta been sore! So we think that means you are a sore loser, or something like that.
We keep thinking your Mommeh will find that old toenail somewhere in your house. Glad you are feeling fine and laughing about it now Harley-dude!
That is mysterious, Harley. A missing clawr and no bloods? We're glad it's not hurty. I hope it grows back, too. Clawrs are very important. For clawring.
You're so brave Harley! That happened to Lola and she cried lots and wouldn't let anyone look at it.
But her claw grewed back, so we're sure yours will too!
owwchie I feel for you, I had a claw cracked up pretty bad in a accident but it didnt come off, it was all bloodys and hurt really bad for a few days. Im glad yours dosent bother you anymore, and hopefully it will grow back looking better then ever! =Sylvester
Oh I think it'll grow back while your not looking. Good thing there was no blood, Moms always freak out about blood.
Oh, my goodness...I read it about your missing clawer and am glad to see you're doing ok! I bet it will grow back soon!
oh my gosh! i wonder what amazing adventure you must have had to lose a claw. i wish i knew what it was. i'm sure it will grow back and you'll be all better
One of the cats who came before us was called William and one day he came home from hunting with one of his claws sticking up in the air and Mum took him to the vet who pulled it off (ouchy). It grew back and you could't see any difference. Was Mr Shrill involved in this ouchy?
Love the photos.
We wonder what kind of mischief might have caused that?
You look pawsome contrasted with that bright fluffy thing. You don't look hurty at all, gorgeous is more like it. Daisy has stiff competition there. Especially in the second shot, the eyes have it.
You are one tough dudecat! I bet your Momma vacuumed up your claw and didn't even know it!
Good luck with the growing back part and keep us posted :).
~Lisa Co9T
oh Harley, you are so brave!
You were very brave not to cry Harley. It must have been very sore.
I love your laughing picture Harley. Great shot!
I hope it grows back too.
Were you being naughty when it happened?
The exact same thing happened to my little girl cat - have no idea how. But it did finally grow back so don't worry...
I hope that your claw grows back too. I wonder how you lost it.
maybe mr. shrill took your claw! i bet he did it because you tried to nom his hand! ooohh...a mystery!
Owwie! You are such a brave ManCat, Harley. We are purraying your claw grows back furry soon!
Typical mancat! Gets hurt and forgets to say anything about it. You were probably exploring somewhere you shouldn't and didn't want to draw attention to your adventure. ;-)
Oh wow Harley you are one brave mancat losing a claw like that and laughing about it! I hope it grows back too!
Harley, I can only imagine the trouble you got in to do that!
How that happened?!?! Grow back soon!
I hope it grows back too, don't want Daisy to have one up on ya.
You are TOUGH, Harley. That must have hurt a bunch.
Furry mancatly not to cry (to much) about da missing claw. We hope it grows back soon. Zippy only haf one claw on one foot and two on da other cuz some dumb hooman hurted her feets when she was a kitten...da missing ones did not grow back.
Oh Harley
We are sorry you got an owie...but it's very mancattedly of you not to admit what or how it happened.
You are such a brave baby. I know that hurted awful much and you must have gotten your claw down in a pinhole-sized opening. My sister Robin did that once when she was enjoying the heat coming up from some electronics. She made to move and her claw was deep in that tiny opening. She let mama get it out. That scared us all.
You look so brave laughing and telling us that time. I'm a girl cat so I send kissies.
harley i have just the thing for you, watch tomorrow and you'll see!
smiles, auntie bee
Is that last one a picture of you laughing?! What an evil laugh must you have.
Which just goes to prove my point: all cats are evil.
You are certanly a brave boy Harley! That looks like it probably hurted but we're glad you are okay.
It's good that you can laugh about it now. I'm glad it doesn't hurt any more, and hopefully it will grow back
Maybe you could temporarily replace it with a hook and be all piratey? ARRR.
We hope it comes back, too . At least you can laugh about it!
Harley you are a VERY brave mancat not to cry too much about your claw. We think that you should be careful and not loose anymore though. We hope it grows back SOON!
Harley, I'm sorry for your big boo-boo. But you must be such a manly cat that it didn't hurt you too bad. I'm sending you virtual kisses. Does that make it better?
Harley, Oh clawless (by) one!!!
You were brave not to cry :o
What a Mancat!!!!!!!! That will shorten your trimming sessions a tad,heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I hope your claws grow back!
Glad to know it does not hurt you!
Kisses and hugs
You are such a big boy to be so brave. I wonder how that happened? Maybe you eated it?
Wow! Harley! That must have hurt!
Oh Harley, I am so sorry about your claw. Is it worse than losing a whisker? Thats the only thing I ever lossed, well cept my hoo-hahs.
You are very brave! I hopes it grows back soon.
hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hope yore toe growz bak!!! and remember eeven tho medikal ekspeeriments with lizard dna mite seem like a gud way to grow it bak faster just remember that is how the soopervillin the lizard wuz kreayted!!! i am just sayin!!! ok bye
That looks like it is still hurty, Harley. But I'm glad you're over it and can laugh.
Harley, your expressions are priceless. You've got the best kitty-smile ever.
Better check Daisy's jewelry box. Maybe she put your claw on a string to wear around her neck. Everything about that is wrong, wrong, wrong.
(Glogirly's Cat)
Oh, poor brave Harley, we hope your claw grows back really, really fast.
U are so cute, Harley. I glad u is brave. Hope ur feets feel better. :)
Harley you are a very brave Mancat. I think I would have cried a lot, not just a little. I think it will grow back, I'm betting on it. Claws and toes go together like... well, they just go together. Great photos of you, handsome devil. Be nice to your sister now...
Ouch - I hope it grows back soon! You're such a brave man cat. ;o)
Harley, you are very brave! I'm glad you can laugh about it now, and I hope it grows back soon!
Yikes Harley! Whatever did you do? We hope it grows back too...
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You're so brave!
Ouchie Harley! But I must say, those photos of you are AWESOME!
You made me laugh, you made me cry! I hope your claw grows back.
Your mewmie will check on your nailbed effurry day.. cuz it's part of the bone and can get infected real easy. Long as it looks like the photo...you will be ok. Have her watch for any swelling or "moisture"
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