Spring is in the air! And on my clothings! This is a pretty pink top covered in fancy flowers. The April showers must have brought these flowers.

I always feel extra-glamorous and pretty when I wear pink. It is the best color in the universe!

In case you cannot see the beautiful rainbow of flowers, here is a close-up of my chest. I hope I am not showing too much cleavage. 'Sketti straps are hard to wear, on account of I don't have any shoulder bones.

Do you want to give me a kiss? I think you do!

Spring Fashion!
81 Notes for Daisy:
Oh, Daisy! I ALWAYS want to kiss you! Just like I kiss my own kittehs!
How did you know I wanted to give you a kitteh kis? I luvs your pink flower owtfit Daisy!
Daisy, that is such a pretty dress! You look pawsome in pink!
Spaghetti straps ARE very hard for kitties to pull off, but you did it very well! Plus I love the backdrop - it looks like you are floating in the middle of the clouds!
Yes, Daisy! You are looking particularly kissable in that last photo! Your outfit is lovely!
Flowers flowers flowers on the clothes!!!!!
Michico's favorite part~!
You look very in, Daisy~!
Smoooches to you Daisy! You look great in your pretty pink top! My mummy was looking around your blog and saw a picture of your wardrobe. You wardrobe is bigger than hers! mawhawhaw!
Where do you get all your outfits from? You have such fashionable taste!
Lots of purrs, Keiko Kenji & Pricilla
Daisy, we would like to give you many many kisses! For a girl with no shoulder bones, you are rocking those sketti straps.
There's a big kiss for you Daisy. We love your springtime top, and you do the 'sketti straps very well. You're so glam that you make it look easy.
We think yoo look pawsome Daisy! And we're giving yoo a big sloppy kitty-kiss throo the scree of the pooter!
You look so pretty, Daisy! I just love all the colorful flowers :)
Yoo haf a pretty heart shaped mouffie to go wif dat pretty pink dress. Kiiiisssssssssss!
That top is so you, Daisy!!
Of course we want to give you a huge smooch. Your dress is so pretty and pink definitely is your color with those pretty flowers on it. You are doing such a good job of modeling that lovely dress.
Hope all of you have a fantastic day.
Oh, Daisy! You make modeling look SO easy, and I know it is not! I could never wear 'Sketti straps as I am so Boney Maroney as it is! Pink Smoochies to you!
kisses daisy
you look furry beautiful and springy Daisy!!
You be lookin' like a hot frou frou girl Daisy!
Don't worry, Daisy. I don't think you're showing . . . any cleavage. The dress is almost as beautiful as you are. And YES I DO want to give you a kiss?
May I?
kiss kiss honey! you are bee-u-tee-full!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy, you look fabulous in any colour, but we especially love today's floral top!
Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.
SMOOCH! That's a purrty dress. You did a great job with the 'sketti straps and managed not to show too much clevage...we wouldn't want Skeezix to get urjes!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
for someone with no shoulder bones, you really pull off that look.
Daisy, your spring flower shirt is really pretty. You are the best model. You always have such pretty poses!
i would give you a kiss but i dont know if skeezix would like it, but then again he has been thinking about that orich cat on his boner blanket so you know what..skrew him comehere beautiful! **Smooches** :)
oh and you look great in skettie straps even though you dont have shoulder blades.
Lovely Daisy!
That pretty outfit is so 'you' Daisy - you show it off beautifully. We were windering if modelling came to you naturally or if you had advice from a top model.
You were showing just the right amount of cleavage.
Yes, Daisy, I would! Such a pretty dress. Pink is awesome.
just lovely today, Daisykins!
Daisy, that outfit is bee-yoo-tee-ful! Mama's not a fan of 'sketti straps either for that cleavage reason, too. MOL.
Happy Weekend!
Daisy, such a super model! We send lots of kisses!
Daisy, you really are a very good fashion model. Those outfits are not easy to wear! Happy Friday!
Daisy did you get lots of treats for modeling so well and such a hard dress to wear!
Right on that little pink nose! (smack!) :)
Oh yes - Kiss, Kiss!
you sure a cutie miss daisy
I have that!
Yes, Daisy, our Mommy would love to give you cuddles and kisses!!...What a gorgeous model you are, we love your adorable outfit and that last photo is too precious!...Hope you and Harley have a fun weekend together...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
America's Next Top Model Is...
what a pretty blouse! it is perfect for a spring day. have a wonderful weekend!!
You are oh so fashionable!
Benny & Lily
what a vision!!
Here is a big kiss from us ::smooch::
Us LadyCats are pondering the whole cleavage thing now, trust Daisy the fashionista to bring it to our attantion! We're hoping fur brassieres are in this year...
Hi, Daisy. I was very crabilated today, but seeing you in your lovely pink dress and asking us if we want to kiss you just turned my whole day around. Thank you!
Oh, Daisy, I love your pink outfit with all the spring flowers on it! You looks very fetching indeed (even though you're not a woofie). And yes, I would love to kiss your adorable little face. Smooch, smooch!
Yes, we want to give yoo a kiss...MWAH MWAH MWAH MWAH...even mom! Yoor shirt is really cute and furry, furry Springy.
**smooch** that was from our Meowm. We wouldn't want to enroach on Skeezix territory. You look very cute!
Awww so pretty you are Daisy....Kisses
Oh yes Daisy, we would loves to give you kisses all over your cute little girlie face!
You looks so very fashunabull and beatuiful in your pink top.
Smooch!! Of course, that is totally platonic - two of us do have girlfriends! But we think it is ok to smooch a friend every once in a while!
You do always look so pretty in pink - it really is your color!! And we love the flowers a lot - they are perfect for May!
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!
I gives u a kiss! :)
Love the last picture. Pink is definitely your color.
You look great in pink, Daisy. It really is your color.
Purrs from Gotchi
looking pretty in pink there Daisy. Duke says he'll give you smooches so long as you don't mind dog breath.
Another lovely fashion!
Daisy, you look very Springy and very purrty in your pink outfit!
Very beauticious, Daisy! And the fancy backdrop adds to your seasonal flair! :-)
Miss Daisy, we wish we were getting spring so we could see you and your little flowers!
I think that is one of my favorite Daisy outfits! I like the ruffles and flowers. Very feminine...
So cute! Kiss, kiss!
Hi, Daisy!
You look gorgeous!
You are right... pink is the best color!
Have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs
You are always pretty on pink and we always want to give you kisses!
I do, I do! I want to kiss that little heart shaped nose!
Daisy! Sherpa is purring away. He thinks you are the cat's meeeeooow!
YES!!! I want to give you more than a kiss!! Kissess and Hugsssss
Always the fashionable belle kitty!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow i didnt no yoo cud fly luk yoo ar up amongst the klowds!!! ok bye
You are so pretty in your new top. The sunshine has to shine when you dress this way.
Aunt Theresa
P.S. I still have some goodies to mail to you.
You look very pretty in your cute flowered top. I bet there are thousands of computer screens with lip prints on the monitors today.
So very glam on a Friday!
That's a very pretty top! I don't wear pink flowery clothes, but I wore pink flowers for Cinco de Mayo! I wish I was as glamorous as you!
We want to give you BIG kisses,Daisy!!!
You are definitely the prettiest Spring Girl ever!
Nice dress! And really nice background, too. BTW, you can never show enough cleavage for me.
Very pretty Daisy and thank you for the kisses, sending some smackeroos right back at ya and Harley too of course. FAZ
That will be one of our most favorite dresses!
Our Mom is still recovering at her sisters' house from yet another surgery., but we just had to come by to see you.
Many hugs..
~ The Bunch
We love your daisydress. You look extremely kissable.
Daisy, even us girls here want to kiss you!
'Sketti straps might be hard to wear, but you pull them off fabulously!
You are lovely Daisy! I admit I am jealous of your pretty pink outfit! I want one!
You're entirely right about PINK being the best color! Skeezix must be very jealous of your new dress. You look lovely, even without shoulder bones.
Your friend
Daisy, I'm hypervenultating frum looking at yer kleevidge. I just abowt past owt!
But I agree with you that pink is the best color in the universe, and sketti straps are hard to ware.
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