Friday, September 17, 2010

Accessories and Alterations

Every cat should have a little red dress! I think this sporty pose shows off my dress real good. Did you notice my jaunty tail?
Since this dress is a little bit plain, I might need some extra props. What do you think of this fancy pink wand? Pink and red sometimes go together. But not always.
Prop, you might have let me down today.
This dress is stuck on with velcros at the shoulder. Since I got a skinny neck, it is a little bit too big. But I have a special trick...
My dress is altered with a binder clip! This makes me a little bit crabilated.


68 Notes for Daisy:

Sparkle said...

Daisy, sometimes modeling sessions just don't go right. And I hear that even human models have to wear clothes with clips in uncomfortable places. So don't get TOO crabilated!

Angel Simba said...

Daisy, I am sure this will start a trend. You can expect ladies everywhere to b e sporting binder clips as fashion statements. Perhaps you can start a line of different colors of binder clips to use with different dresses.

You look good in red, by the way!

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

Hi, Daisy! You look like Valentine's Day and that makes me happy. And I needed a happy.

Poppy Q said...

All the good models use the clips. Looking pretty in red Miss D.

Anonymous said...

Clips, tape, tissue, velcro... there are lots of little tricks in the supermodel world, Daisy! Have a snack, everything will seem better!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

As every fashionista knows, Daisy, it's not just what you wear but how you wear it. You're such a pro!

The Island Cats said...

That is a cute little red dress, Daisy! And we had no idea that binder clips could be used for dress alterations!! How smart of you!!

Forever Foster said...

You're wearing your dress real good, Daisy. I am wondering why I don't have a pretty red dress.

Marg said...

Daisy you are just the best model ever. We are just glad to get back on your blog after yesterday.Glad everything is OK.
We love your red dress and that bad prop just didn't behave. Norty prop.
Love the paw up.
Have a great day.

Sweet Purrfections said...

So that's how all of the high fashion models keep their clothes on!

A few Good Cats said...

Daisy: the lady cat in red! Looking good (we'll overlook the binder clip, because that's on your wardrobe manager)...

The Daily Pip said...

That's a lovely dress, Daisy. I would love to see my feline sister Rosie in a red dress. I think she would look very nice in it, but I am not sure she would be as well behaved as you!

Your pal, Pip

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful dress Daisy. And don't worry about the binder clip....human models have to put up with worse to have a good photo shoot. Just ask for extra snacks in payment.

Amusing Bunni said...

Daisy, you are such a wonderful model! I think you wear your dress very well! Red is YOUR color. Have a nice weekend and find a fun party to wear your dress to.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

furry sheek daisy

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You look beautiful in your red dress Daisy. Don't be crabilated. All the top models have their little secrets to make the clothes they model look their best.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Your dress is very pretty Daisy.
We hope your Mommy didn't pinch your fur when she put the binder clip on your dress. That would have been ouchie although we know you are too good a model to let it show.

The Florida Furkids said...

Your dress is so pretty, we love the bow on the back. Mom uses binder clips when she photographs dresses that she is selling. You're such a pro to only be a little crabilated!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Dma said...

i told the boyz that you thought every cat should have a little red dress. they didn't look too much like they agreed.

Anonymous said...

You're looking LOVELY in your red dress. Mom loves the bow on the back!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! LOVE the color RED. Looking lovely as always. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Meowers from Missouri said...

four paws up, miss daisy--you looks furry cute an' sassy in that red dress!! xing finks you should assessorize wif some big, chunky pearls. why does the clip make you crabiliated? surely yer mamma din't pinch yer furs wif it, did she?

Forty Paws said...

That's a lufferly bow on your red dress! Even with a binder clip holding your dress on you!

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

you need to save one of these shot for a valentine, Daisy.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Red is SO yoor colour!

Sarge Charlie said...

you will be making skeezix breath hard today.

Nomi said...

Belle of the ball as always Daisy, even with a clip in situ. Nothing can detract from how effortlessly you make modelling look.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You look beautiful in red!

i beati said...

what a vision my girlfriend bought a red cadillac yesterday maybe you 2 should get together./

Pip said...

Oh Daisy, you don't need props, just your adorable self is enough to adorn any fashun.
Is the life of a profeshunal model to has clips on their clothes. You handled it very well fur the foto shoot!
Love TK
P.S. we loves the outfit you gets for Skeezix's bifday. It was lovely!

Anonymous said...

That is a great dress and you look terrific in it...

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I like your red dress. It looks great. Now if you wore your wig, no one would notice the binder clip on you at all! But I do like Simba's idea of colored binder clips for dresses...

BeadedTail said...

Daisy, we think models with such svelte figures always have to use those clips so don't be crabilated! We're jealous of the clip because we aren't svelte model types.

Pandafur said...

Duzn't mind teh binder clip, you looks adorabuls even crabilated!

brokenteepee said...

Daisy you are cute even when crabilated. And you look gorgeous in red

The Oceanside Animals said...

Just keep your front to the camera and no one has to know.

The Crew said...

Gosh Daisy, we're so used to seeing you in pink, it looks odd to see you in red! But you look great either way. We love the back of your dress. It looks like a fancy evening gown. You should have Skeezy take you out dancing!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

OMG.. please let Daisy and Kit not show up to the same party in the same dress!! :)

I have a small wardrobe for Kit, and that dress is a part of it. I'll have to take a photo and share.

Puglette said...

what a lovely dress! just right for a friday night dinner and a movie out with someone you love. and thank you for sharing your modeling tips, i did not know world famous models used binder clips for holding dresses in place. i have seen them used on the bridal gown shows on tv, but i thought those were just to help brides. have a great weekend!!

Lin said...

But that's what they do when you try on wedding dresses, Daisy! They clip the back for a temporary fitting and then the girls all look skinny and then that makes them happy and they buy the dress because they look fabulous in it! It's a secret trick of dress people. ;)

You look lovely, Daisy. As always....

Shaggy and Scout said...

That bow with the sparkles in the back is especially fetching!

absepa said...

Daisy, you know you're up there with the big-time models when your fashions have to be altered for a photo shoot!

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

You look lovely in this red dress, Daisy! Sorry it's a little big and your prop let you down :)

Admiral Hestorb said...

Daisy darling, you are THE most glamorous and beautiful supermodel I have EVER seen. You look simply stunning in your little red dress and the binder clip...that will start a fad with kitties the world over! Everyone will want to wear their dresses just like you. You know how to style, little girl!

By the way, red suits you. Do you also have a little black dress?

Goodness I just glanced over at the comments and Simba said the same thing. See? We agree!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Daisy, what a beyootiful dress! We know at fashun shows sometimes dey hafta tape, staple, glue and binder dem models into dresses so don't be too crabilated.

Chrissie said...

Miss Daisy, my mom says the bow on the back of your wee red frock is muy kyoot! I think that since the prop and the binder clip have made you feel crabilated, you need extra TREATS!

The Meezers or Billy said...

crabilated or not, you is beautiful

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We think you look fabulous, despite the clip and the prop not behaving properly!

Mr.Mews said...

There is nothing plain about you Daisy that's for sure!

Ann said...

Very stunning dress. I hear that the top fashion models in all those magazines do alterations the same way. I bet they get crabilated too.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh what a lovely dress honey!

smiles, auntie bee

Amy & the house of cats said...

Daisy we think you look beautiful in your red dress. It is too bad that you have to have the clip but well, you are a petite ladycat so sometimes things do need a little help. Maybe you can get a jeweled clip to use next time you wear it!

Raymond and Busby said...

Do you really think everycat should have a red dress, Daisy? Even Harley???

You do look a bit crabulated about the binder clip. Try to ignore it, because you do look lovely.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Seeing yoo in that red dress kinda givs me ::wispers:: urjes. The FL uses binder clips to alter my clothes a lot cuz I have a vary skinny nek too.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

The little red dress is OUTSTANDING!

Dont worry about the binder clip, that is just a temporary thing. Our Great Grandad the tailor used ta use clothespins ta hold stuff in place like that while he hemmed and hawed them...

Lorenza said...

Your red dress is pawesome, Daisy!
Thanks for sharing the trick!
Kisses and hugs

Theresa111 said...


Your Mommeh made it a halter dress! How clever of her.


Theresa and kisses from Baby Harper Jane, too!

Teddy Westlife said...

You might be a little bit crabbilated but your red dress is lovely Daisy! I do not think the pink wand really goes, though.

Angie, Catladyland said...

A red dress!! That is just so fancy, Miss Daisy -- you look beautimus :)

Cat said...

Dang, Daisy!! You look super-fab in red!! Seriously!! That is YOUR COLOUR! Sure, red can be considered aggressive, but on you, it is perfect!! Purrs, Tiny (and Lautrec)

JD at I Do Things said...

Daisy, I think you really rock that binder clip. Maybe your Mommeh can paint it pink, so it (kind of) goes with your dress?

Maureen said...

Oh Daisy, your facial expressions just CRACK ME UP!!! Your clip solution reminds me of the mannequins in store windows, all secretly pinned tight at the back to make them look better.

Unknown said...

and i always thought pink was your color. RED is so YOU!

OKcats said...

Hi Daisy! That is a very beautiful red dress you are wearing! We just wanted to tell you that we have a new blog ( You don't know us, but your Mom was very nice and helpful to our mom when she was looking to adopt a new cat last year. She finally decided to let us have a blog, and we just had to come by and leave you a comment! We hope you had a very nice weekend!

Fuzzy and Zoe

Gigi said...

Binder clip??????

Where's your diamond brooch Daisy?

No wonder you're crabilated!

caspersmom said...

Daisy you are looking pretty as ever, especially in red. You are a model Daisy and sometimes models do get clipped, sewn in and sometimes their accessories just do not work..............but you are Daisy and whatever you model is perfect no matter what.


Your Daily Cute said...

I think you should talk to your tailor... That is a funny way to alter a dress.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...


I wrote earlier and told you of my Kit owning the same dress. Well I promise to never let you two show up at the same events wearing it.

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