Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tattle Tail Tuesday: About Harley

I have something to tell you today, about Harley. He is very wild and wacky and plays rough all the time. But he is also very sensitive!
He can get skerred very easily, and when he does he gets very uncertain and runs away. A few of the things that worry him are loud noises, new things, and anything he does not understand. He usually goes away to be by himself for a couple of hours to figure stuff out.
Remember when he got skerred of the balloon?!?
The catnip bubbles also worried him a little bit.
Sorry I told, Harley. Even though I have a little head, I got a big mouth.
Do not worry, we are very understanding of Harley's sensitive side and try our very best to never make him get upset or worried.


67 Notes for Daisy:

The WriggleButts said...

It's okay to be a little scairt, Harley! Virus is afraid of cats (uh.. yeah..) but sssh.. don't say we told anyone!


Anonymous said...

Gandalf spends nearly every single thunderboomie hiding, Harley. Do not worry. It's Ok to be askeered of a couple things.

Poppy Q said...

I am very understanding as I am scared of lots of things too. I am scairt of strangers, childrn, men, cuddles, snuggles and the furminator.

I go and hide away sometimes too.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry Harley. Alice is scaird of EVERYTHING.
And having a sensitive side just makes you sexier!

Teddy Westlife said...

I get scairt of things too Harley. It's okay.

karen and Gerard said...

I think lots of cats get scared of things. I know mine do! I didn't know you has such a big mouth, Daisy. Wow!

Angel Simba said...

Daisy, it's actually good to know that Harley is scared of the same kinds of things that bother lots of cats. Makes him seem more "normal".

Forever Foster said...

Me and Lishy both have things that make us go and hide out for a little while, too, mainly loud noises or new people. Fui is usually pretty brave, but if mum shakes out a plastic bag he heads for the hills. Don't worry about it, Harley :)

Marg said...

That was very nice of you Daisy to tell us about Harley being a little afraid of some things. There are a whole bunch of cats here that are just the same. Everyone here runs in all directions if a stranger walks in the yard and even worse into the house. So Harley don't feel bad. We love you anyway.
Hope all of you have a fun day.

The Island Cats said...

Harley, I'm like that too....it's okay...I've learned those things won't hurt you...


feefifoto said...

Daisy, I know that you told so that all your friends would know not to do anything to scare Harley, and that's very thoughtful and sisterly of you.

Jemma Chihuahua said...

Everykitty has their fears. All those traits make Harley the more endearing!

Lin said...

It's okay, Harley. I get scared sometimes too and I'm all grown up. Today it is VERY windy here and I am very scared. Eeeek!

Anonymous said...

you're a good big sister.

Sarge Charlie said...

You got to tell harley to man-up

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

me too harley! we are twins!

smiles, auntie bee

i beati said...

I like that figure it out- good way to put it.

Ramblingon said...

Harley, I love you. I am scairt too of a lot of things like noises and stuffs that skitters across the floor like a balloon. Don;t you worry though. Daisy and your mom and dad will make sure nothing happens to you. xoxox

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I get scared sometimes too Harley. I hide behind the sofa.

Cat said...

Oh Harley, so sensitive and sweet, we love you just the way you are:-)

Cory said...

Harley it's ok! Our biggest toughest mancat here, Nigel, is also a 'fraidy cat sometimes. Mom says it's because of what probably happened to him before he found us. We just let him be himself and he gets a little less afraid all the time.

Dma said...

judging from his "how things work" postings, harley eventually does figure things out even if it may take him an hour or two.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We all get scared sometimes Harley - with us it's mostly baskets, car rides and v-e-t-s, especially man v-e-t-s cos they've got big hands.
Daisy and your mom and dad will look after you.

Vanillabeanseed said...

I recently received a balloon for my birthday. Both cats were scared of it. But Sage to the point where it made me feel terrible. :[ We understand Daisy!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Some of us are skerred of different things, too. Maybe that is where the term 'scardy cat' came from?
Happy Tuesday to both of you!
~ Miss Emily

Janet said...

Harley is lucky to have you for a big sister, Daisy!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Harley you are such a sweetie!

The Whiskeratti said...

Harley, that is ok. We're all a little bit scared of something. (Daisy, Ginger from Cory's house would be so proud of you!)

Anonymous said...

oh Harley, sensitive mancats are what all the ladycats are after.

Forty Paws said...

Poor Harley! We have quite a few sensitive poodins here at our house. And then we have quite a few unsensitive poodins here at our house.

Luf, Us

Kea said...

It's okay to be scared, Harley! In our house, Derry is scared of a lot of things. He'll even run away if our mom approaches while carrying bags or some other large object. So he's a real 'fraidy cat, but we love him anyway, just as you are loved!

Liss said...

Awww! My Nixon is a big scaredy cat. He's afraid of balloons and cat nip bubbles, as well. :) Silly boys!

Anonymous said...

Oh poor sweet Harley. And those photos are just wonderful.

Samantha & Mom said...

Awwwwww!!!! Harley being scairt is okay!! Me and Clemmie get scairt all the time!! Loud noises and lawnmowers are the worst!! Daisy we just love the picture of your BIG mouth!!! Hehehehehehe!!
Howdy from your TX furiends,

Raymond and Busby said...

Oh, we certainly understand. Sounds like Harley and Raymond are a lot alike. Wild and crazy on the outside, soft and mushy on the inside. We know you do your best to take care of him. (even if you did tattle on him!)

Shaggy and Scout said...

That's ok Harley.
Brave Mancat stuff takes practice.

brokenteepee said...

We are all scairt of some things....

Sparkle said...

Harley is way more complex than he seems on the surface.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Daisy are you a tattle tale? BOL Well guess what, Lily is just like Harley
Benny (& Lily)

Angie, Catladyland said...

Harley, Cosmo is a little worried too...you are in good company! It's of for men-cat to have a sensitive side.

Theresa said...

Dearest Daisy and Harley,

You are well matched.



BeadedTail said...

It's alright that you are a sensitive Mancat Harley. We think that makes you even more endearing than you already are - if that was possible. My sisfur Isabella doesn't get skairt of anything but I do so I understand.


Ann said...

We all get scairt sometimes Harley, it's ok. And Daisy it's ok to be a tattle tail sometimes too, especially if it's for a good reason. I think letting everyone know that Harley has a sensitive side is a very good reason :)

Chrissie said...

Everybody's got somethin', Miss Daisy, don't they? I'm just glad Harley's got an understanding sisfur.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

It takes a strong mancat to face his sensitive side. We know Daisy is just trying to help you!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Harley it is ok to be afraid of things - and we understand that if you are uncertain about something you need to go think about it! We are all afraid of some things - we bet even Daisy is afraid of stuff. And we totally understand about the bubbles - they confuse us a lot too, and well some of us have run from them before. We think you are totally normal! Plus, the ladycats do like a man who is sensitive - so this could really get you a lot more ladycats interested in you! And if it makes you feel better our big brother Floyd (who was a very big cat) was afraid of ants! So even giant cats get scared!

Pip said...

You are a sweet big sisfur to tell about Harley's scairtness. That way we can all be sure we not make him be sad.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Dont worry that ya told, Daisy. Thats what Big Sisters are SPOSED ta do!

Joanne Olivieri said...

I always new he was a sensitive little guy so it's good you are watching out for him.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Miles and I have our skerrdy stuff too.
Miles hates the vaccuum and I hate loud noises like crazy, I also hate the doorbell. Miles gets freeked out by slippers too haha

bonkbonks to both of you!

Keiko said...

We think that's a cow kitty thing! Kenji and Yuji are always scared of new stuff. And they're sensitive, and both Mama's boys. The tortie team here is not afraid of anything! We are so curious about everything!

Purrrrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji

peppylady (Dora) said...

I won't repeat a word of it.

Coffee is on.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
Please tell Harley to not worry about being scared for things. Lots of them scare me too!
I know you do everything possible to make him feel relaxed.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Quill and Greyson said...

::Whispers:: I don't care for loud noises either.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Oh Harley, I am sorry that your sister some of your secrets. This is when I am glad not to have a sibling. Watch out she might start to blackmail you.

Donna said...

I luvs u bofe, Daisy and Harley. And ur hoomans. :) {{{luv}}}

Sweet Purrfections said...

I think Daisy is being a pesky sister!

catladydiary said...

Oh Harley...love your "Balloon" eyes!

Jacqueline said...

Don't worry, Harley, we run under the bed to hide whenever we get scared so we understand...We adore your blog so much, it is always so fun=yesterday's comic was great too...We love you both, sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Sweet Harley. We hate to think of him being scared...

The Oceanside Animals said...

Nor do we mock his pop-eyed look of panicked bewilderment as he gazes on that bizarre blue ball of air that's sitting on the floor in front of him.

The Crew said...

Harley, maybe it's something about us black & white guys 'cause, as big as I am, I'm the same way. Mom says I'm skittish.

Max S.

Maureen said...

AW.... oh Harley, you are TOO cute! Our Dakotah is like you; she imagines all kinds of scary things out of the simplest objects. She is tentative of even coming near newly washed towels (of course Tawnee is usually hiding underneath moving them....) ;)

meowmeowmans said...

Don't worry, Harley, everybuddy gets a little scairt sometimes!

PussDaddy said...

OMG the balloon pic was hilarious.


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Yoor description of Harley is just like Alfie Marshall. He is scared of efurryhting too. He's even frightened of his own shadow sumtimes. but we make sure he is safe too.

Aswell said...

I is not scared of anything!
But Kalie is. She do not like loud noises. Or cars. Or rains. Or winds.

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