Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday Funnies!


52 Notes for Daisy:

Anonymous said...

You are pretty askeery, Harley! We only had zero kids come to the Swamp. Do you think the Swamp is too askeery?

Sparkle said...

Harley, look at it this way: at least you still have treats left over!

The Florida Furkids said...

Our Mom was disappointed that we only had 30 Trick or Treaters. We were happy when the doorbell stopped ringing.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Poppy Q said...

You two look awesome in your costumes, you made us smile. Your mom and dad will have to eat all the leftover candy.

Teddy Westlife said...

There were no trick or treaters at my house Harley. Perhaps they all heard I was friends with you?

Karen and Gerard said...

That's too bad you only had 5 visitors. We had 27 and gave out 10 bags of candy. We had just the right amount to last a little over an hour.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it was the costume either...

Marg said...

Harley that costume is the best. MOL You need to wear that every so often all year round. So who gets all the treats left over?? Hope all of you have a good Monday

newbuffalomom said...

We don't get any trick or treaters here.
I've never been able to hand out candy. :-(

Parker said...

Wow - you beat us, we only had one...
ps - smoochies for the sidebar!

Sarge Charlie said...

hey, in our condo there was not one Trick or treater

Cat said...

Harley your costume was fantastic! We had lots of trick or treaters, but lots of left over candy too... I'll be eating it all week - LOL!

The Creek Cats said...

Well, you look really cute, Harley!

Jemma Chihuahua said...

Silly Harley, it's time to take off the costume now.

Flamincatdesigns said...

Harley! OMC! *rolling* giggle *rolling* giggle
You are soooo cute!
They should have flocked to your house to gaze at your cuteness.

i beati said...

that is an hilarious costume Friends- We had 20 times that many kids in wagons etc.

Admiral Hestorb said...

You has bunches of eyes, Harley. But the rest of you is so sweet the children would just want to love you.

Cat with a Garden said...

Ahh Harley, you're too sweet in that costume. We had no trick or treaters at all and could scare no one away, so five isn't too bad maybe.

The Island Cats said...

We had a ton of kids come to our house! I sat at the door and said hello to them all. Ernie was a real wuss and ran away everytime they came to the door.


Hannah and Lucy said...

You always make us smile Harley - we aren't sure you make Daisy smile though!

Dma said...

harley, i think you should wear your costume for the next 364 days just in case more kids show up.

Meowers from Missouri said...

yer costumes was pawesome! maybe the li'l stickies were afurraid "witch" daisy had hexed you into that scairty monster an' would do the same to them!

OKcats said...

Harley, we're not sure why more kids didn't stop by. We didn't even wear costumes and we didn't get any trick or treaters! We guess they all went to the mall.

Your friends, Fuzzy and Zoe

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We had four and no one was in costume! There were not many kids this year at all...

Kea said...

LOL! We hope your humans bought candy that THEY like, so that they get to eat the leftovers. Heh.

SeaThreePeeO said...

MOL! That's four more then we got!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! You guys still having so much Hal FUN FUN FUN! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Mr. Echo said...

Yoo were both so kyoot for Halloween. I misst the trick or treeters cuz I got grounded to the bedroom for sneeking outside. Thare wuz one sticky bean who saw Tenny inside and she just barged on in ours house to try and pet her! The sticky beans Mommy wuz rather alarmed to see hers baby do that but no more alarmed than Tenny wuz! It wuz skeery. Verry verry skeery!!!

Cat Street Boyz said...

You are way to funny and cute to be scary Harley.......Mommy said the cute part=^Y^=

brokenteepee said...

That is five more than we got Harley.

Your Daily Cute said...

Aw, just don't think kids Trick or Treat like they used to in neighborhoods. Kind of a bummer, isn't it, Harley? Trick or Treating in the mall or wherever they go no just doesn't seem like it would be the same...

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We only hadded seven doorbell dings but dey was all in groups of 5 or 6 so we don't think it was yoor costume. Mom refused to give candy to da bigger ones who were not wearing costumes unless dey sang her da trick or treat song, she even gave dem a copy of da lyrics! Some of dem went away wifout candy but many of dem sang loud enuff fur da naybors to was purrty funny.

Angie, Catladyland said...

We had almost 200 trick-or-treaters! Harley, you should come to my house next year :)

Joanne Olivieri said...

You are a little scary in that costume Harley but I don't think skerry enough to skerr them away :D

Katnip Lounge said...

Harley, WE think it WAS your's verreh askeery!

We had about 20 kids, one little girl came right inside cuz she wanted to pet the kitties! We let her pat some of us and she was thrilled.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We think that was it Harley!!! That is a very spooky costume!

Liss said...

Aww! Too cute!

Lin said...

That costume is most certainly VERY scary, Harley!

Poor Hobbes got scared yesterday when 3 very lovely princesses knocked on our door. He spent the rest of the day under a bed! Talk about scary! Sheesh.

Ann said...

We didn't have as many as usual Harley. I think Duke must have been too scary in his costume too :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

WE dint have a single visitor! An TBT sat outside in the shadow of the steps ta scare Little Sticky Beins...

Can we plant the candy corn crap to grow fer next year?

Anonymous said...

Awww, don't feel bad Harley. We live way far out in the country and didn't have any trick or treaters at all. Momma had to eat all the candy by herself.....

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Hey kitties!! We read this earlier but mom had to run off.
Harley, you look pretty intimidating for sure. I bet that is the reason you did not have many tricksters!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Yep we finks yoo scared any of dem Halloweenies away. We only got two of dem so I did not efun haf time to try an scare anyone wif mine big eyes!
We loves both yur costumes.

BeadedTail said...

Harley, if the kids knew you were waiting for them, you would have had 100s of trick or treaters!

Mickey's Musings said...

Harley, we did not have any kids !!
We don't think it was us.May we live near too many trees!! heehee
Guess you & Daisy get to have the treats!!!!!!! Your Mom did get cat treats right??????

Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Just checking to make sure that you two got home OK after the Halloween party. We will have to do this again soon. Thanks for coming.

You had five more trick or treaters than we had here. Don't know where everyone went.

Cory said...

We only had 8 little goblins at our house. More candy for mom and dad!!

Lorenza said...

I can see Harley is still in the halloween mood!
Happy Monday!
Kisses and hugs

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We had a few, but we hid when the bell rang!

Sweet Purrfections said...

No Trick or Treaters came to our house but it was because mom kept her light off. She peeked out of the window once and the street was crawling with the little goblins. Mom said maybe next year she would be in a better mood to participate.

M Dawson said...

As always, coming late, I love the Monday funnies and Harley is the sweetest. If you tire of him Daisy, he will always have a home here!!!!

Jacqueline said...

Harley is too adorable and handsome=we LOVE him...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

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