Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon


58 Notes for Daisy:

Sparkle said...

Harley, I think the dragon is mocking you!

Poppy Q said...

What a cheeky little dragon.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Come a little closer and say that, stinking lizard!

SeaThreePeeO said...

He looks crunchy.... um, nice, yes, we mean nice.

Forever Foster said...

That is one silly little dragon-lizard! He looks rather pleased with himself.

Kali said...

That dragon do not hide SO good!

Marg said...

That dragon is just teasing you Harley.Too bad you can't grab him. He is very brave too to just sit there with you looking at him Harley.
Hope all of you have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I love chasing those dragon lizoads, too...

The Island Cats said...

That dragon is lucky he's on the outside, Harley!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We did not see that dragon until the close up. We were looking at your most beautiful furs and markings!
Happy hunting..
~ Bob and Patrick

Anonymous said...


Hannah and Lucy said...

The dragon wouldn't be so brave if he was on your side of the window Harley!!

i beati said...

Harley the sleuth

Cat said...

I think I'm supposed to say something about the dragon, but I am distracted by your fantastic markings HArley!!!

Dma said...

you'll get him one day harley... and i think i might have seen the little fella on a geico commercial.

Miezekatze said...

what a cute visitor :)

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

That rascal is mocking you for sure, Harley!!!

Anonymous said...

Here, lizard, lizard, lizard...

Raymond and Busby said...

Crouching Harley, tiny dragon!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Fabulous, Harley! This post is just FABULOUS!!!

Puglette said...

so cute! that little lizard is peeking at you, harley!

catsynth said...

That lizard is definitely taunting :)

Admiral Hestorb said...

Harley, you have a very determined and business-like look on your face!

OKcats said...

George, it is very rude to look in people's windows. Go home.

brokenteepee said...

Your Mommeh takes great photos.

I think the dragon won that round.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are one amazing tiger!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Beautiful tiger and cheeky dragon.

Jennifer said...

Awww, a little brown anole! Those do not taste very good, Harley. But they are fun to chase.

Faythe said...

what a brave tiger you are Harley! I was relieved the dragon was on the other side of the glass, so I didn't haf to see any blood and dragon gutz!

BeadedTail said...

Just wait until that dragon makes the mistake of coming inside!

Anonymous said...

get 'im, Harley!!!

The Crew said...

Oh, how exciting. Do you plan to make him your pet, Harley?

Shaggy and Scout said...

Oh look at him! All smug that he's on the other side! His day will come!
You have a beautiful spotty back Harley!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

purrfect quote for those photos!


Ann said...

Was that little dragon teasing you Harley? He better be careful or you just might ruin his good time one of these

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

The biped has a friend that lives really close to you. Every time it gets real cold (like now) her friend moves all the outdoor orchids indoors and quess what!

Yup everytime a few dragons (and other wonderful creepy crawlers) manage to come in with the plants.

Angie, Catladyland said...

I love the pic of you stretched taaaall, going after that dragon!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That dragon is being evil taunting you like that Harley. Good job trying to get him though.

Clooney said...

Oh, wow, I'd be besides myself with excitement if I saw one of theese dragons...Harley you'z very lucky! PS: Theese is one of my Human's favorite movies.

Lin said...

Oh! He is very scary, Harley! GET HIM!!!

Oskar said...

I hope you caught him! He's a little creepy looking.

Nubbin wiggles,

PS ~ Great post title!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You guys have better bonk funner animabibble toys than we do!!!
Miles found a tiny green bug last night and that was fun.. -- sort of, but, a lizard would be soooo cool.
Harley, your furs are bonkbonk amazing

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Harley! Was that a door to door insurance sales lizard? We think it is looks like a lot of fun to try and get him!!

CCL Wendy said...

Boy, you sure are a tall boy when you stretch out like that! If the dragon was inside, he wouldn't have a chance.

Tamago said...

That is a tiny, kind of cute dragon! Harley, you are such a beautiful tiger!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

He is teasing you Harley. Go get him!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I love the title today,
and I guess you are the dragon, Harley!!!!
Perfectly fit the title~~~~

Asta said...

that Dwagon looks feewce
I hope you got him
smoochie kisses

Keiko said...

Aww what a cute little tiger and cute little dragon!!!

Mickey's Musings said...

Well played Harley!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Anonymous said...

You are a stylish hunter!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

It's a baby dragon!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Om nom nom.... lizard stew!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh Harley, you slim old hunter you! We are impressed.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Did yoo get 'im Harley?

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

What a cute little dragon :) I bet he was scared of you, Harley!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Quick! Get him before he tries to sell you car insurance!

The Furry Bambinos said...

Harley, you have very good eyes to be able to see that little bitty dragon!

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel, (& fosters Hunter, Sunny, Sky, Silver, and Rico)

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