The WORLD is a bunch of ROOMS. I never get to go into the OUTSIDE room. But SOMEBUDDY left the window OPEN. I am a little WORRIED about this.

Maybe I will just POKE my head out for a SECOND. Hmmm, these windows are DIRTY. Those BOLTS around the window are where the HURRICANE shutters attach. I do not SEE any HURRICANES coming.

There is a LOT to SEE in this ROOM. There are many GREEN furnitures! Even the CARPET is green!

This side is the SAME WAY! I like the INSIDE rooms betterer.
ps: I gotted the idea for this story from The Beaded Tail. Only their window is much CLEANER!

The Outside Room
55 Notes for Daisy:
I don't like the outside room - it is filled with vets! If I get to go outside, I am afraid someone will start sticking glass tubes where they don't belong!
Harley, you and I are so much better off being in the inside rooms!
inside is the place to be.
Awe, the outsides isnt all its cracked up to be! :D
We have thought about getting hurricane shutters. We were very interested in the bolts you showed us where yours attach.
The outside room can be scary. I would stay inside where it is safe and warm.
Your pal, Pip
Harley, glad you didn't investigate that outside room. It is really scary out there. You do look like you are enjoying that view though. Love those big eyes of yours. Take care and have a great day.
How much is that kitty in the window? Priceless!
That was almost a suspense thriller - will he go or will he stay? Oh my.
Harley, we never get to go out into the outside room looks interesting...but inside is probably better.
the outside room is furry scairty and we hates to get near it - Sammy and Miles
Oh, Harley! You are just filled with wide-eyed wonder!
Hobbes likes the outside room....a lot! He even goes out in the cold and snow. But then he likes the fireplace even more!
Harley, we don't go to the Outside room either but we sure like to watch what is going on through our own dirty windows! :-)
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie
My kitties used to be let into the outside room, 'cause I didn't know any better and thought they needed to be, to be happy. One of them, Ernie, got lost, and (incredibly) I found him, but not for two horrible days. Everybody stays inside now...and I don't think they miss being outside at all. Especially up here in rainy cold Washington!
Ohh, Daisy.
We're glad you got to look at the green room. There's definitely a lot going on in there.
But do be careful. That window isn't open very high and we don't want you to get caught in it.
"The Boys" and Karen
Yes, I always liked the inside rooms better too. I especially never liked the wind blowing in my ears....
pawhugs, Max
We are glad you want to stay inside Harley - you have more scarier animals there than we do here and besides you've got to protect your sisfur from intruders!
We love your wide-eyes, Harley.
Yes, the inside is better, unless you have an enclosed, safe outdoor room. Then it's fun! :-D
diego-san once got into the outside room and judging from the shaking, didn't much care for it.
you are right, harley--inside rooms are the best! the outside rooms can smell enticing, but there is just too much ROOM for comfort out there!
we has heard mom tell of takin' uncle eeker of blessed memory outside wif a leash an' harness. he got about two body lengths out from the patio an' just hunkered down flat, grippin' the grass wif all four sets of claws an' howlin'! mom picked him up an' took him back inside, an' he hid fur the rest of the day!
Harley, you DO have the most amazing eyes!
Harley, we're glad you didn't venture into the outside room by yourself. It's dangerous out there. A handsome dude like you is better off staying in the inside room.
ps-good luck in the World's Coolest contest!
Oh, my gosh, Harley! You need to go back to your inside rooms right away! There are scary things outside. Stay safe! :)
You look very cute framed in the window. It was a good decision to stay on the inside, buddy.
Mr. Harley, neither one of us have any desire to go into the outside room. I, Fuzzy, lived out there for a while, and once I came inside, I had no plans on leaving ever again. We hope you all are not too freezy down there!!!
I was sooo worried thinking that you got out!!
Thankfully I know your Mom was right there if you did.
Trust me, you aren't missing a thing outside!
Love, Cody
Harley, Daisy would agree with all of don't want to be in the outside rooms and that green carpet. Your inside rooms are soooo much better. I used to be outside when I was a baby but mommy rescued me when I was a kitten from the parking lot I was cowering in. I love my inside rooms. Outside rooms have the v-e-t in them.
I do not go out to the outside room unless I know it's nice AND the Woman is out and not all bundled up--sometimes there is cold stuff in the outside room and she tries to lure us out there and we get cold toes.
Harley, you are such a good boy. Gandalf would have made himself into a flat cat and got himself all the way Outside. He is NOT such a good boy sometimes. srsly.
We like to smell the outside room but Mom won't let us go out except in a condo!
You do appear a little stunned at the sight of the outside room, Harley!
Harley, your eyes are big and full of wonder at your outside room. We like our outside room because it is safe, and danger can't come in over the high fence or hedge. We like our bigger outside room too because mum comes with us to keep us safe. Now it is cold we like our inside room the best.
Harley, we like the room theory! Where we live, the rooms are all brown and tan and rocky.
We like to look at the outside rooms, but the magical food dishes are indoors so we guess we like it there best.
Stay safe Harley ~ we don't want yoo going owtside wiv out proper supervision 'cos yoo are too preshus.
This was so cute! Harley looks like a little snail poking his head out of there and looking around.
I don't know why I think he looks like a snail, but can you see what I mean? Hehe.
I think the inside rooms are much better for you, Harley -- stay put!
Harley, it's fun looking around in the Outside Room but the inside rooms are much better. I was impressed that you were able to look around without being held back since my daddy was holding onto me when I looked in the outside room! Thanks for linking to my post today too!
The inside rooms are where the noms are! Stay there!
I know you have a very nice outside room, but I recommend you stay inside where it is warm and dry, and you have a sister to play with.
The outside is nice, but we are glad you didn't get out there!
Oh, Harley. You best stay inside if you don't have your harness on. I bet you could wiggle right out of the window crack! BE CAREFUL!!
Sherpa the Farm cat tried this too!
The outside room is too big and scary for us!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Those are fun pictures of you checking out the outside room, Harley. We're impressed you didn't try to escape. Being good for Santa, arent' you!
Oh dear...looks like screens might be a good investment.
I like your outside room much better than ours. Our is all white and the heating doesn't work too well in it this time of year.
We like the inside rooms too!!
That's where our noms are and our snoozy spots are,heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Such wide eyes....yes the outside is a dangerous room, better get your head back in.
The inside rooms are much better! My mom won't even open the windows that much for me because I can flatten myself so much to squeeze through things.
Sadie and I prefer da inside rooms too. Zippy haf not gone to da outside room since it snowed! Mommy hadda put a poopy box in da small room in da dunjun fur her. Oh, and about da dirt, dat belongs on da outside. Really, mom is always talking about her dirt outside, she even does tests on it in da spring.
The inside room is better, Harley. In addition to all that other green stuff, the outside room has big green lizards that might eat you.
Tough one, but we always like those inside ones the best. You did a good inspection of the outside rooms
Benny & Lily
wow! your mommeh is very brave, i would have been pushing your cute little head right back inside the window!
Oh Harley, I wouldda been in the green outside room in a NY minnute! I would love SO MUCH ta get outside again...
We're never allowed to go in the outside room 'cause Mom says there are lots of bad things there.
Your friend
Stay inside!
Uncle Bobby & Theresa
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