Today I am going to model the fabulous Christmas present I got from my extra-special friend, the super-handsome
Skeezix! I could tell it would be a wonderful present on account of the beautiful Hello Kitty gift wrap and the fancy pink tape!

First, I got my very own Skeezix ornament! This is my very most favorite ornament of all time.

And I got this walking dress! I call it a "walking dress" because it comes with a coordinating leash, so it is perfect for a casual stroll.

It came with this jaunty hat, but I had some trouble wearing it correctly because I got a small head.

It was a little bit cold and windy this day, but I really wanted to try my walking dress outdoors. Can you see the water drops that fell on my head?

Here I am dreaming of
Skeezix. And also looking out for alligators.

Thank you so much, Skeezix! You are the Mancat of my dreams!

My Walking Dress
66 Notes for Daisy:
You look very pretty in your new dress, Daisy! That's neat that it has a leash to match for walking outside too!
Those are some great gifts. That Skeezix, he's a keeper!
That dress is very pretty. Skeezix really knows fashion!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
A beautiful outfit and a very thoughtful gift!
That dress is really cute, Daisy! Quite something with the coordinating, attachable leash!
Skeezik haz good taste Daisy, you iz like a flower in dat pritty dress
O. M. G. that looks AWESOME on you, Daisy! Skeezix certainly knows fashion. :)
That dress fits you perfectly, Daisy! Usually men don't do such a good job of picking out clothes for us ladies, but Skeezix did great!
That is a fabulous dress, Daisy! Skeezix knows fashion!!
Happy Friday to you and Harley,
~ Noah
Wow a man er mancat that buys a dress for a ladycat AND has good taste? I say you hold on to Skeezix!!
What a sweet mancat! You look adorable!
Oh Daisy!!! Skeezix sent you THE perfect walking dress of all time. And you look just perfect in it. What a sweet man cat friend you have to gift his special lady cat with such a gorgeous feminine dress. MUAH!
Daisy, that is one gorgeous dress and you get to go for walks in it. We really do think that is so pretty. That Skeezix is a special friend to do that for you. Do watch out for the alligators.
DANG! Skeezix has some good taste! You've got a sweet boyfriend, Daisy.
i think i'd be in big trouble if i ever gave a girlfriend a dress with a leash.
Daisy, Skeezix has got wonderfully exquisite taste. He picked yoo AND the dress!
What a beautiful dress! Your mankitteh is so thoughtful.
a really special friend
You look very beautiful in that dress. What a nice touch to have the leash coordinate with it. Very nice.
Have a super weekend.
pawhugs, Max
That dress was just purrfect for you Daisy and Skeezix chose the very latest style - he certinly knows his fashion.
Happy New Year everyone!
We wish you a lovely good year filled with good health and good laugh.
I love your walking dress Daisy, how sweet of you to say Skeezix is the Mancat of your dreams! He has good taste, hasn't he?
Daisy, you always look lovely, but that dress really suits you! The ornament is pawsome too!
You look beautiful,Daisy. Skeezix sure has the fashun sense, and knows you very well!
It's a lovely beautiful springy dress and looks great on you!
The ornament is neat too!
What a nifty idea! You look lovely!
Those are both lovely. We are especially impressed by the ornament because we think the FL made have made it herself.
That outfit sure looks pretty! Watch out for the alligators! Oliver and Ruby
Oh! That is a beeyoutimus walking dress Daisy! And such pretty colors too!
Luf, Us
Miss Daisy, that is probably the best gift package ever! The walking dress is just beautiful - and it comes with leash - how cool is that! That Skeezix ornament is very special, too. And the wrapping paper - all perfect!
That is a very pretty dress Daisy and it is so neat that the leash fastens to it. Skeezix is very thiughtful. We like his ornament too.
I must say you look very pretty in your walking dress. Skeezix really understands fashion.
Awesome walking dress, Daisy! You look so pretty in it...even with water drops on your head! And the Skeezix ornament!! Just an added bonus!! Skeezix is quite the mancat!
That is a lovely dress, Daisy! Skeezix knows just what will look good on you! I am afraid that if my human tried putting a dress like that on me, I would Houdini myself out of it and run off!
That's a very sweet gift Daisy! The walking dress is very stylish!
You look really pretty in your dress, Daisy! Skeezix has great taste! :)
What a beautiful dress, Daisy! It really fits you well!
Very nice dress Daisy. I am already looking forward to next years holidays.
What great gifts! I love the dress and coordinating leash :) How fun that you got to go outside and try them out!!
You look absolutely gowgeous in youw walking dwess
Skeezix is not only handsome and loving , but obviously has excellent taste inclothes.
I know he loves you vewy much
smoochie kisses
They don't call Skeezix the "feline fashionista" for nothing! He has excellent taste, he knew you would look so pretty in that dress!
Well, Skeezix sure knows his fashion, because you look great! It is very cute!
And that Skeezix ornament! WOW! We are a bit jealous of that one! ;)
Skeezix has very good taste, that is a beautiful dress and you look just lovely in it Daisy
That is a very clever dress, Daisy. Skeezix is very nice to you.
Do you think they make them for goats?
THat is a very stylish walking dress!
Wowzers! what a purrty dress Daisy! and wif a leash, so now momeh can take you outside! I bet you lay all day gazing at Skeezix photo ornament, what a handsome mancat. I hope Harley doesn't get jealous. Hey, Harley has a bigger head, maybe he would enjoy wearing the hat, since you looked kinda mad it didn't fit you.
Wow, what a beautiful dress, Daisy! You look as lovely as always. We love your presents from Skeezix. What a mancat!
Oh, Daisy, that is one very cute and purrfect dress for walking along the water.
O goodniss! :) U are so sweet!! :) I loves the dress and ur pretty hat. :)
Squeeeeeee, so pretty. We luv the dress. You look totally gorgeous in it out in the yard!
Tika and Kizzy
You got yourself a good honeybunny there, Daisy. What fine taste he has, in both ladycats and walking dresses :)
daisy yoo look so purrty
That dress is sweet and I adore the ornament! Skeezix Rocks!
Wow - that is so pretty :) And you are holding that sears catalog pose so well! Such a professional.
Hey Daisy!
No squiggling out of that dress. Cute. Nice of him to send you Hello Kitty gifts.
You got wonderful gifts! I love the photo of Skeezix in the ornament :-) That is a very nice walling dress. I bet you will draw so much attention wearing that dress!
You look gorgeous in your walking dress!
Super duper presents!
And the walking dress is sooo beautiful!
Happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Wow. That is a very pretty dress Daisy! And I do likes that leash!
I know! You should come to my house and we should all go for a walk together! That would be fun, huh?!
But not Aswell because he do not keeps his clothes on good!
You are so pretty in that walking dress! Wish I had one! But all the snow will have to melt before I go outside!
Sara Cat
If you would like to see what snow looks like go to this post:
Sara Cat's Mystery
Daisy, that is just the prettiest dress you ever wore! I love the leash! Brilliant and it allows you to ahve fun going outside!
What a very fashionable dress, Daisy! Skeezix is very thoughtful and generous! Daisy, you look great in your new dress!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Sunny and Sky)
Cool dress! We just loves you in pink!
PS: We likes Harley in that color too!
Cute - maybe Willy should dress up his big dog.
10-4 Willy
That is SUCH a great dress Daisy! Ya look classy in it walkin outside...
What a beautiful little lady you are in your new cloths!I mean really... you're beautiful even without but every girl needs a new dress every now and then!
Thanks so much for asking about Edward! He is still doing better! We're off to the vets again tomorrow for another check-up and to lower his medicine intake... keep your prayers coming for him!
Aw, Daisy you are so lucky! And very cute too!
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