Friday, January 21, 2011

Winter Wear is Bulky!

I am ready for the frostiest of weather with my new puffy quilted jacket and winter cap! This is the first time I have ever worn a suit with a zipper. Most of my outfits close with velcro, even when it looks like buttons. I even sat still when my Mommeh was zipping me up!
This puffy jacket is a little bit bulky. I hope this suit does not make me look fat! Mommeh, please take my photo from the waist up.
I am dreaming of a winter wonderland. Too bad I live in south Florida!


70 Notes for Daisy:

Christine said...

Daisy, you look lovely in your winter clothing! If you want a winter wonderland, you are always welcome to come up to Boston and visit us. It is snowing here now. Our kittehs don't go outside, but they like to look at the falling snowflakes out the window.

Sparkle said...

Daisy, I live in southern California, so I know as much about winter wonderlands as you do!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Daisy, yoo look as snug as a Daisy in a rug! MOL!

Unknown said...

Daisy you look so cute (not fat) in your winter gear. I am in S FL too and cold weather is predicted for the weekend. Not such bad news if you have the right outfit, and you do.

Spunky Doodle and Manny said...

You look like you are ready for snow. We'd love to have you visit us in Cleveland!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You look very cosy in your winter clothing. If South Florida suddenly gets Arctic conditions, you will be well prepared Daisy.

HH and The Boys said...

All you need is some boots to go with it. You look great in that outfit and poofy or not, you never look fat...

Have a great weekend.

pawhugs, Max

Marg said...

Daisy, that is a very warm and nice looking jacket and with a zipper too. How fancy is that. We especially love the hat. No, you don't look fat in that outfit, you just look nice and warm. Hope all of you have a wonderful week end.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We love the winter cap best of all, Daisy! Warm clthes do tend to be bulky but it's important not to be cold!

Pandafur said...

You looks so cozy an adorabuls Daisy. Come to owr howse an we haz lots n lots of snows you can play in!

one of Fae's humans said...

i like your jacket and your hat is really interesting, Daisy. you're such a good girl, letting your mom dress you up.

i hope i can get Fae to let me dress her up by the time winter comes here. :(

one of Fae's humans said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Island Cats said...

Send that puffy coat up to us here! It's freezing!!

The Florida Furkids said...

Your Winter Wear is really nice and it has been cool enough to wear it in our part of Florida. You'll be ready.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Link the Cat said...

Don't worry Daisy. I think you have a nice figure (and a pretty face). Nothing could make you look fat!

ibcmeir said...

puffy plunging necklines are a very bold fashion statement...

Dma said...

it's twenty below this morning in minnesota. feel free to try your lovely outfit up here...

The Whiskeratti said...

You could never look fat, Miss Daisy. But you do look very warm and toasty.

Anonymous said...

You look marvelous Daisy!!!

Anonymous said...

Whata fabulous coat Daisy!!! are MORE than welcome to spend some quality winter time at our home nestled in the mountains of The Poconos...we just got 6" of fresh new snows last night!!!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Daisy, can we borrow that outfit? It's -6F here right now! BRRRR!

Janet said...

Oh, Daisy! You are so darn cute in that winter outfit! It is -2 here today so you would definitely need it if you were here visiting!

Hannah and Lucy said...

You winter clothing is very chic Daisy - you would be the star of the apres-ski get togethers.

Meowers from Missouri said...

you. look. mahhhhvelous.

nuffin' you wear could make you look fat, daisy--you makes efurrythin' look nice!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Daisy sweet girl, you don't look fat and you DO look adorable!!

Sebastian said...

You look gorgeous and petite as ever!

OKcats said...

It doesn't make you look fat, but your comments reminded my mom of "A Christmas Story", where the little boy was crying because he couldn't put down his arms after his mom got him all decked out in his winter stuff!

Rose Clearfield said...

Be glad that you live somewhere warm because it's -7 in eastern Iowa right now! Your winter wear is still adorable, though. :)

i beati said...

getting you a ticket to Boston long haired cats are coming along

Sarge Charlie said...

you would not have to go far to find snow.....

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You can come visit us--or maybe some of those other people who are getting even more snow!

meowmeowmans said...

You look warm and extra-snuggly in your new oufit, Daisy! Now you can come visit us in the Northeast. :)

We hope you and Harley (and your Mommeh) have a great weekend!

Forty Paws said...

If you guys get any snow in Florida, then you'll be ready to go outside! That is a very cute outfit!

Luf, Us

Shaggy and Scout said...

You are all set if you come to Minnesota.
It was -24 this morning. Its almost noon and has warmed to -6 now!! Brrr!

Catsparella said...

You look quite fetching in your winter ensemble, Daisy! It's purrfect for all the snow we're getting here in NJ!

Anonymous said...

Ha, you can has MINE weather up here, Daisycakes. Snows is stinkies. Ughhhhh.

BeadedTail said...

Daisy, you look so cute in that outfit! It's best to just model it and not actually be in a cold, winter wonderland though.

Angie, Catladyland said...

You look adorable, Daisy! You can come visit us in Minnesota anytime you'd like!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh noes, that looks way too uncomfortable!

Pip said...

You look very svelt Miss Daisy, no need to worry. We loves your winter outfit.

Ann said...

Oh it doesn't make you look fat at all Daisy. You look quite lovely in your winter wear.

Angel Simba said...

Daisy, you look so stylish and cute. But I recommend you just model those clothes and stay in Florida. believe me, "Winter Wonderlands" are over rated where cats are concerned. I cannot wait for warm weather again.

Mr.Mews said...

Too dear for words!

Mickey's Musings said...

daisy, you look charming as usual :) However, as we live in the cold,white north, we do not think you would really like it. It is supposed to be VERY cold for the next 5 days :o
Indoors is the place to be!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Anonymous said...

too cute for words

brokenteepee said...

You could always come visit me in Montana Daisy!

Lin said...

Daisy, I may need to borrow your hat--it is 10 below zero here tonight!!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You look ready for a fashionista New England vacation!

Lorenza said...

You look great, Daisy!
Well... you live in Florida where is normally hot... but with the crazy weather you never know!
Kisses and hugs

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

OMC Daisy you look precious!! soooo cute! You must go out in some cold weather now! lol

Loved your interview on Catladyland!!!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We need that outfit here, it's really cold!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are all set for cold weather. And that does not make you look fat!

The Other Alice said...

That outfit is so cute! We got a lot of snow up here just recently. I do visit here but so far haven't commented. I think your blog is stylish so I offer you this award if you are interested:

Livvy from New York Renovator (my Mom's blog) says, "Hewwo!"

Cats are awesome!

Karen Jo said...

You look cute as can be in your winter outfit, Daisy. It doesn't make you look fat at all. If you go north a few states, I think you can find all the winter wonderland you can stand.

Donna said...

Wow, u look like Mrs. Santy Paws! :)

Clooney said...

Oh Daisy, you ARE the cutest! You can come visit us here in Canada if you wants to wear your new outfit!

Aswell said...

We has lots of snow here you can play in if you wants to come.

But maybe we would has to leave Kali inside cuz she is too good at taking winter coats off! She do not NEVER let me wear mine!

Too bad cuz I do liked it!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

You look very nice. My aunt Betty would love to play with you. Y'all are similar looking.
Sally Ann

Tamago said...

That is a very fancy outfit! I love the puffy jacket. You look so lovely in it!!

The Creek Cats said...

Bulky, but so cute! We could use that winter wear today. It snowed 6" here!

Joanne Olivieri said...

Daisy, you look absolutely precious in your Winter outfit. You don't look fat at all.

Kiefer said...


You are lucky you can only dream of winter wonderland. Here is was -12 degrees out this morning. Luckily, our Mom doesn't let us go outside much and only under supervision. I have to wear a necklace with a pendent with mom's phone number cuz I like to run outside at night. I sneak out sometimes. Right now I'm good. I only go visit the goggie who lives on the other side of the wall and come right back. It's too cold to run around and I DO NOT like snow. It looks pretty, but its COLD and WET on your paws. Ick.

Boy n Beethoven said...

What a beautiful winter jacket you has Daisy! I wish I has one too, but the weather is too warm for winter jackets here!


jenianddean said...

I love your winter wear, but I also think you're lucky to not need it.

Cindy said...

Daisy, you always make me smile!

The Furry Bambinos said...

Daisy, you are all prepared to come up North! Visit us anytime! You look adorable in your Winter attire.

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Sunny and Sky)

Danielle said...

Aww...cute! You definately do NOT look fat in that. You're adorible!

=^..^= said...

You look so Chrismassy! I dun like wearing jackets tho. I can't jump or run or even walk properly when I am wearing them. But Mommy makes me wear them during winter so I won't become ice. Where do you get all your purrty outfits from?


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We missed commenting last Friday MIss Daisy (at least we think we did). Anyway, we think you are adorable in your winter wear. And yes winter wear is bulky. Our Meowm looks like a giant marshmallow some mornings!

The Crew said...

Daisy dear, you're perfect. You could not possibly look fat!

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