Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Boxing Match

Daisy: Harley, leave me alone! I am trying to enjoy this box.
Harley: I'm just WATCHING you.
Daisy: Then look the other way, Harley.
Harley: Okay! Is this BETTER? I'm not LOOKING!
Daisy: MOMMEH! Harley is bothering me!
Harley: But it is my Weruva STEAK FRITES box!
Harley: WOOHOO! Let's CHASE each other!


38 Notes for Daisy:

We love LUNA said...

MOL I think Harley just want to play in your box as well.You know...I also love boxes!
You both are so sweet!Go to play together, it's wonderful!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Harley is REALLY annoyin you.. Ya want me to come an pounce/bunnykick him?


Sparkle said...

Sheesh, Daisy, can boy kitties be any more maddening?

Mr Puddy said...

Harley, No one understand you, But I do
Boy still be boy : ) Can't help it..heh..heh..heh

Jacqueline said...

We love boxes and we love to chase each other and play thoE=can we join you guys??...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Sweet Purrfections said...

I think Harley just wanted to play a little bit.

Mom Paula

Link Bartholomew said...

The dynamic of your relationship cracks Marmie up every time.

Karen and Gerard said...

Daisy is such a cry baby. Go get her, Harley!

The Meezers or Billy said...

little brofurs - Daisy, I feel your pain - Sammy

Dma said...

mmmm. steak frites....

Lin said...

Why do I think "chase" was the whole idea from the start??? Brothers--sheesh.

Vanillabeanseed said...

we like your jumping out of the box pose daisy!! cool moves!

zool said...

hahah. run away.. can't wait to see them fight.hehe

brokenteepee said...

He really does always ruint your good times, doesn't he?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That happens to me all the time on the cat tree with Ichiro. I feel for you Daisy. We prefer the chicken and chicken livers Weruva!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Poor Daisy! Cannot enjoy a box with out her little big brother interfering!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Did you come back later and steal the box Harley?

Katnip Lounge said...

hmmmm, we're wondering about the "each other" part of your statement, Harley.

meowmeowmans said...

Poor Daisy. Looks like Harley ruined your fun times once again...

LP said...

A game of chase beats box sitting every time Harley!!
Run Daisy RUN! :)
the critters in The Cottage

Kwee Cats said...

Sometimes, you just gotta duke it out!

Liss said...

You silly gooses!

Kali and Aswell said...

That do looked like fun!! Aswell and me liked to chase we too!

Asta said...

Daisy and hawley
You two awe so lucky to have each othew fow all that fun
smoochie kisses

Clooney said...

I think theese kind of Boxing Match is the best kind to have!

God's Little People said...

Oh Daisy and Harley I'm so pleased to see you having a hoot with that box - there's just nothing like a good ol' box. Forget about expensive toys!
P.S. Thanks so much for the sweet comments about the little white/grey tabby - I can't wait to see her again and hope she'll be much better soon. She is such a little beauty.

Admiral Hestorb said...

boy kitties are so bothersom sometimes but Harley uis so adorable...I would have to forgive him.

DILLY said...

Mayke Dilly larf!!!!!!!!

-if hav time, pleez come vote in Dilly new poll!!!


Athena said...

Somehow I think it's only Harley doing the chasing!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Harley is a little diabla
Benny & Lily

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Mebbe a lil tussle comin on? You two crack us up! xoxo

GLOGIRLY said...

Daisy, don't listen to Mr. Puddy. You and I both know it's all about us girls. Boys annoy. That's why it rhymes.
: )

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

hee hee~~~
Look at you 2 really have great fun!!

Lorenza said...

I guess Harley got what he wanted!
Kisses and hugs

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Aww Daisy! Harley is such a cute brother!

devon said...

Harley is like a rotten brother. heehee

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Poor Daisy! You can't even enjoy your box! Kennedy does the same thing to Charlie.

Maureen said...

Yep. Put down a box, and within nanoseconds it shall be filled with a cat. And more often than not, other cats will arrive to watch and wait for their turn in the box too.

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