Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Getting Testy

Ohai, everybuddy! Last week I went to see the vet for my annual exam. They all said I was a Very Good Girl!
I think I did pretty well on my test, but I might have made just a few small mistakes on a few of the questions. Here is my Report Card. If you click on them, you can see them bigger. Or you can just use a microscope.

Here is page 2. It was a long test!
And now because I did not do my best on my bloods test, I have to take ANOTHER test! It already has my name on it. This is so Harley does not take the test by mistake.
Hmmmm, let me see this stuff. It looks weird.
Do not worry. I will take the potty test. And I am pretty sure I will pass this test. Because I am a Very Good Girl, after all.


67 Notes for Daisy:

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're crossing al our paws that you will ace the next test, Daisy.

Sparkle said...

Daisy, I have to be honest - I do not know how humans grade these tests, and neither does my human! I just hope you pass the next test! Maybe I will stop by tomorrow to see if any humans who are smarter than mine know what all those numbers mean.

Spunky Doodle said...

My blood test came back all good and I've gone 5 days in a row without vomiting since I started using my Kong to eat my meals to slow me down. I am getting ointment in my right ear too to fight an infection. Good luck to you, Daisy on your upcoming test.

Jemma Chihuahua said...

Oh, I know all about these kinds of tests. I recently did well on mine - we hope you will too, on your next one!

Vanillabeanseed said...

Yay glad to see you did well on your test! :D

Mr Puddy said...

Paws crossed for you, Miss Daisy
I sure all will be O.K.

Marg said...

Oh gosh Daisy, we hope you pass the next test with flying colors. But if there is something amiss, we know there is medicine for it. Lucky used to have to have those tests all the time. Please keep us posted. Hugs to Mom, we know she is worried. Sending purrs that the test will be purrfect.

Kwee Cats said...

Oh Daisy! We gots you way deep in our purrs! Our paws are crossed, we'd even tie our tails in a knot for you if that would help.

We are just for sure that you aced all them tests, and will this one too. We think it's them dumb ole human graders what don't know the right answers so they was wrong for saying you missed anything! You bees the very, very, best-bestest girl, yup!

(((Hugs))) *nosebumps* Purrs
and kitty-kisses, Miss Daisy.

Angel Simba said...

Hi, Daisy. Doing the potty test looks like maybe it will be harder for Mom than for you. The mistakes on your other test look very small to me, maybe the Vets know something we don't know about it all. Best of luck acing the next one.

Anonymous said...

study hard... hoping for good results!

The Island Cats said...

We hope you pass this new test, Daisy! We know you can!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad you did well on most of your tests Daisy. We hope the one you were not as good at was just a blip and you will fly through the next one.

Lin said...

Ooooh, all those numbers! EEEK! Grace had a test like that a week ago and didn't do all that well either. I hope both of you study hard and do better on the next one. There is no flunking allowed!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Daisy, we certainly hope you pass this next test! Our v-e-t usually will take the sample via needle if the bladder is full. Ouch!

Paws crossed for you!

KitKat said...

Daisy, we hope you pass your next test. We wish you luck.
Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Good luck, Daisy, we know you will do grrreat on your second test.
Love & Purrs,

i beati said...

so much to comprehend You must be very smart!! and mommeh !!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We're sure you will pass your test with flying colours Daisy.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Kali and Aswell said...

Oh! I do not thinked I would like to taked those tests!! You do be very good to put up with those tests!

I hoped you will get a gold star on the next test! Or some catnips!

Dma said...

i took a look at your chart and it looked pretty good to me. one question, why is your sex listed as "s"?

The Florida Furkids said...

We know you'll do really well on your next test! Don't let Harley talk you into playing instead of studying!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Random Felines said...

We hope you pass this test as well!!

The Whiskeratti said...

Daisy, we knew you could never be anything other than a purrfect lady. We do hope you get the best grade on your last test.

OKcats said...

Excellent, Daisy! Our mom always smiles real big when our tests come back as good as yours. We hope you also do real well on your urine test!

Raymond and Busby said...

We're fascinated by the jar of black beans they want you to pee in. Hope you have good aim, Daisy!

Katnip Lounge said...

Daist, we hope you do well on the extra credit portion of your test! Say, what sex is "S"? We were pretty sure you are a "F"!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We think you will do great with the test, Daisy. The Bunch had some of that too, but it didn't have their name on it. You are very special!!
~ Phillip

Anonymous said...

Dearest Miss Daisy
Me has my claws crossed that you will ace the pee test too! Yous is Number One!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Hope you get more gold stars on your tests
Benny & Lily

Admiral Hestorb said...

Precious Daisy..I hope you pass your pee test with an A+
you did very well though. I had my big bloods test yesterday and we will see wwhat happened when my Dr calls mommy up laters. Here is to good results to both of us.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We hope you ace this particular test Daisy! I think I would get tired of taking all those tests.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We think ya did very well on yer test, Daisy! WE dont know what ANNY of those things are, so WE wouldda got them ALL wrong...

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We are sure you will pass your test, lovely Daisy, but to be on the safe side, we will be purraying that you do.


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Daisy, we coulda saved yoor mommmy a lot of money 'cos we already know yoo are PURRFECT!

Forty Paws said...

Let us know if you take that test without any problems!

Luf, Us

brokenteepee said...

Yes you are and I am hoping that everything erm, comes out all right.

Anonymous said...

We hope yoo study hard and do well on yoor next test Daisy. When's graduation? Oliver x

LP said...

Daisy we know you will pass your last test with flying colours 'cause you are the most purrfect girl in the world!!

the critters in The Cottage
P.S. We will keep our paws crossed though just to make sure you do !!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Since you are a scientist and a professor we knew you'd do good on your test. Those doctors are nosy so that's why you have to do the extra one.

jenianddean said...

You are a very good test taker!

meowmeowmans said...

Daisy, we just know you will do great on that pee test! But we will purr and pray, just in case! :)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Well, those are some interesting tests you are taking Daisy! We anxiously await the results!

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

You are a very good girl, Daisy! I hope everything comes back perfect on your next test!

Motor Home Cats said...

Daisy, we know you've had bladder problems before - we hope that that's not what this test is for. Good luck with your test.

Cody and Gracie

Pip said...

You are a very gud girl Miss Daisy.

We knows this vets knows how much you means to all of us and will dos their very best fur you.

Purrs, sweet little girl! Pee well.

HH and The Boys said...

Hope you pass the test... sending you lots of good vibes.

pawhugs, Max

Jans Funny Farm said...

We hope you pass this next test with flying colors!

Ikaika said...

We are purring for good results on your next test, Daisy.

Rose Clearfield said...

I hope that your tests go well, Daisy!

Your Daily Cute said...

Good luck on your test, Daisy! I'm sure you'll do great. Always remember to puddle your pees and plop your poops!


We are sure you will pass your next test with flying colors!
(especially pink)!

BeadedTail said...

Daisy we hope you pass that test! Our sisfur Sadie flunked hers so is on meds so hopefully next time she'll pass it.

CCL Wendy said...

What a good girl to submit to all that testing! We're glad you did so well.

And we're sure you'll pass with flying colours on the urine test, too.

By the way, Domino is modelling a brand new dress today, if you're interested.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are sending purrs that you pass this test with flying colors!

Cara n Crew said...

Daisy, that looks like a really tough test! We bet you'll do great on the second potty test part. Test taking at the v-e-t is hard, isn't it? All the stress we're under anyway and a test on top of it all! Yow!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie

Anonymous said...

♫ *´”)
, ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) ♫ ♪
(¸.•´ (¸.• ♫ ♪ Yes Daisy, you are certainly a good girl and I doubt that anyone would say any different. I do hope you do just as well if not better on your next test. No cheating!!

Nofuratu said...

good luck with the potty test! I bet you will do great.

Nofuratu said...

Good luck with the potty test! Bet you will do great!

GLOGIRLY said...

That test looks longer than the SAT. ....not to be confused with the SIT, the LAP or the NAP.

You're a smart cookie, Daisy.
Do you think Harley could do as good as you?
I think not.

girl power!

Clooney said...

Oh Sweet Daisy, you are so adorable and you are a good girl! We are purring that you pass your next test with flying colors. Our best thoughts coming right your way...

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Oh my cat! Good luck on that test! Big purrs fur you, Daisy!

Andy, Kiefer and Gus said...

That's some fancy looking stuff. We're sure everything will be good. You probably just need to drink more water. Mom is always telling us to drink lots of water. We have water fountain, but we also like to drink from the faucet too - that's the freshest, bestest, funest water. I stand in the sink and wait for mom to turn on the drips. If she doesn't do it fast enough, I knock over her cup. She had to switch to plastic cups.


Theresa H Hall said...


You better pass all of your tests please. We need you to stay very very very healthy.

Love Always and always and always,


Janet said...

Oh, my goodness, Daisy, that looks like it was a complicated test! But this next part looks like it might be a bit easier -- at least there aren't so many WORDS!

The Crew said...

Oh my goodness Daisy, what a big test! We know you will do a good potty to put in the jar.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Hope you past the test Daisy !!!
Purrs to you :)

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Humans put cats through all kinds of tests, we never get a Gold Star or a trophy for passing though...

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