This is MY donut. If you WANT one, you can go to DUNKIN DONUTS. Only, yours will be FILLED with JELLY instead of CATNIP.

Nom, nom, nom. It has a FLAVOR. A good, good, FLAVOR!

I will try to suck the FILLING right out of my DONUT!

DONUT, you are my LIFESAVER.

40 Notes for Daisy:
That donut does have multiple uses, a donut and a life saver. It sure looks like a tasty one too. Hope all of you have a super day. Take care.
We need a catnip donut! We bet it tastes good!!
very cool
Mr. Harley, I'm pretty sure if human give a try with the catnip donut, They will never ask about Jelly Donut ever again !!!
Darn you, Harley!! Now I'm gonna want to stop on my way to work for a donut!!! arrrrggghhhh! (I like chocolate frosting ones)
We bet that catnip donut gets lots of cuddles and biteys.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
That donut looks wonderful to us!!!
The Florida Furkids
i heard on the news the other day dunkin donuts is planning on doubling the amount of its stores. good news for you and america!
Harley, you enjoy that donut. It's all yours and you don't have to share at all. xoxoxoxoxo
nom nom nom - looks tasty!!
What a cool toy1 me loves how the pink color goes with the inside of your Mouth!
Uh.Oh.We wants a donut just like yours Harley! Now LP will be in for a day of high pitched hurling, squirreling ,cacophony of meowing until we get what we want! Hopefully she will understand it is a catnip donut we are screeching for.....
Enjoy yours :P
the critters in The Cottage xo
Ah what a tasty donut you have. I think our human will be heading out to Starbucks (there is no Dunkin Donuts around).
Harley, that donut looks deeeelish. You are very lucky to have it. You might want to sleep with it, cuz I just might send the boys over to borrow it.
Pawhugs, Max
That looks like an amazing donut!
Where did you get that Donut, Harley? I know my furkids would LOVE it...
Humans are so weird - who would want jelly in their donuts instead of catnip??? Oh well, it means more catnip donuts for us, doesn't it?
Oh, boy! That looks yummy! :)
That looks like a great donut! How nice that they make them with catnip just for you. :)
Do you think they have one with apples and grain?
Nom! Harley!
Go for it!
That looks like a truly delicious donut, Harley!
What a great toy, Harley!!
Your donut will have less calories than the other kind!
We can see that you really love that donut, Harley! NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM!
That donut looks delicious! Even Meowm thinks so!
Hmmmmmmm! This donut looks delicious..... nham!
OMC ! Do you have catnip filled Donuts in the states ??
MOM I wan´t to go to the states and do some shopping !!!
Your donut looks very tasty. Our mum thinks so too, but we think she would have a big surprise if she tried nomming it.
I'll pass on Dunkin Donuts since I make them myself where I work but none of the ones I make are as special as yours Harley
That donut looks pretty tasty!!! ...and I don't even like nip that much. Maybe when I'm older?
Harley Quinn,
Kick that donut really hard. Good Job!
Uncle Bobby ManCat
I'm now 14 1/2 years and 1 week old. HooRay!
Harley you look so cute wif your donut. Mommy says your little mouth is the cutest thing efur!
suddenly, our mom says she is craving a without catnip...
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
That sure is a tasty donut!
Kisses and hugs
We just love your donut
Benny & Lily
Nip IS better!
So cool, a catnip donut! You're a very lucky kitty. We're also jealous - we want a donut!
Wow, we thought that was a donut from Dunkin Donuts!! Filled with catnip, it must be even better!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, Sky, & Mama Rose
I do not thinked I will like my donut to be filled with jelly OR with catnip!
Maybe I will liked to have a MEATLOAF donut!
She maked we meatloaf for supper and it did tasted so good! But She do not gived we enough.
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