Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Fight


48 Notes for Daisy:

Mr Puddy said...

All of the sudden, Harley stop fighting !
What's the trick, Miss Daisy ?

Sparkle said...

That wasn't too bad, Daisy! It looks to me like Harley only spoiled your good time a little.

P.S. I am not doing Wordless Wednesday today because I have too much to say about SOPA.

Barb said...

Harley honey? I live for your expressions. srsly.

LP said...

Probably a love fight! We think you two would be lost without each other to spar with! :)

the critters in The Cottage xo

HH and The Boys said...

Oh...oh... distracted in the middle of the fight? No scars then?

pawhugs, Max

Poppy Q said...

Cat scrap in the kitchen. Luckily mom was there to referee.

Unknown said...

Priceless pictures! I thought you two never fought! This will be some comfort for our five cats at home: Sara (her mother Cajsa has retired to the farm) and Sara'a silly siblings: Peep, Pelle, Lill-Kajsa and Calle-Mathilda.
Hugs & cheers from

Sandy Kessler said...

I see some slap fighting

Hannah and Lucy said...

Did you give Harley "The Look" Daisy?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh No Don't Fight ... Bee NICE! Happy Wednesday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Donna said...

Awww, play nice. :)

Clarissa said...

Oh my Cod!!!! It's a game of "smacky paws"! We LOVE to play smacky paws!!! And we love also love Harley's "Who me?" expression.

Clarissa & Co.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

A smackdown! Looks like somebody got yelled at by The Mom!

The Florida Furkids said...

What distracted Harley? Did he hear the treat bag?

The Florida Furkids

Marg said...

Good girl Daisy, you stared him down. Well done. Harley, she got you that time or maybe Mommeh got your attention. Glad no one got hurt. Take are all of you.

Jenna and Sissy said...

Our human calls that a "tiff". A minute later all is forgotten...

catsynth said...

Ooh, that looks like it rough for a moment there. But at least is was quick. Funny how it ends and is forgotten so quickly.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Harley looks so surprised. I suppose it because you don't usually act like a tough cat!

Shaggy and Scout said...

You defended your territory very ladylike, Daisy!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that Harley studied ballet. Clearly, he is demonstrating Fifth Position "at the big toe", as Daisy the Curly Cat is observing. I hope this means we can expect to see some more dance moves from him in the future. Abby, you have two amazingly talented kitties. Love, Mary (Fatboy Babushka's Mommy)

TaraMetBlog said...

lol, I like how the photos make the slap look like it's in slow-mo.

I'll have to start snapping pics of my kitties fighting. It's usually when I'm trying to sleep though *hmph*

Jean(ie) said...

rut-roh... you two better behave. :-(

MissMOE said...

Classic look in that last picture.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Milo always does that crossed paws stance when he's trying to look innocent afta being a teeny bit norty!

Alfie xx

Sebastian said...

Looks like you've called a truce now!

brokenteepee said...

The paparazzi can break up any fight, huh?

Rose Clearfield said...

Hopefully that was just play fighting and no one got hurt!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We thought you were learning to dance!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

That's right Harley!! Don't go messin' with the women!!

We ALWAYS get the last word!

Marilia said...

Kisses friends, and remember: don´t fight!

meowmeowmans said...

Wow Daisy! It looks like you cast a magic spell on Harley ... he stopped right in the middle of his tracks. :)

Lin said...

Well, that doesn't look too bad to me. At least you can both stand next to each other--my two can't be within 5 feet of each other. They are goofy.

Dma said...

harley quinn... you're not supposed to hit girls.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Harley I´m sure of that is was Daisy that started this fight !

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Dat'z it Daisy darlin, you tell Harley to "Talk to da Paw!" hehehehe .......

CCL Wendy said...

It reminds me much of Dylan and Domino! When Domino raises her paw, she has the last word (and the last swat).

Two French Bulldogs said...

was it a love tap?
Benny & Lily

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You must have given Harley a very hard look because in the last picture, he looks as if he wishes he hadn't started it.

Tamago said...

Oh why are you fighting, Daisy and Harley? I love the pictures, though :-)

Lorenza said...

Looks like Daisy won!
Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs

Gigi said...

Smacky paw! Smacky paw! Smacky paw!

It was really really mean of Harley to disrupt your pleasant moments on the counter.

But it looks like something interesting mighta happened mid-fight?

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We hardly know what to say! We saw that little claw come out, Daisy. (a girl has got to know how to protect herself)

Unknown said...

harley! If yous said THAT to me, me whould whap yous too!
Daisy me has your back

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Miss Daisy!! That is just like me & Clementine!! Only it's at least once a day!! Sigh!!
Your TX furiend,

Over-the-Road Photos said...

I'm new to your blog and participating in Wordless Wednesday. We have a Harley at our home too. He's a Siamese cat who behaves like a dog.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

A fight? We are thrilled!

A Tonk's Tail said...

Allie: I guess you showed HIM, Daisy!

Daisy Deadhead said...

You're both still so pretty, even when you're mad! LOL

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