Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Proof of Harley's Wrongdoing!

Many times, Harley acts like he is innocent even when he is being bad. When my Mommeh tries to take video of him, he stops acting bad! I guess he does not want his bad behavior captured on video.
But I finally have PROOF! I don't think Harley realized the camera was behind him. I was just relaxing in the sink and the Harleymaniac went and... MANIAC-ed!
If you can't see the video here, you can watch full-sized on YouTube!

50 Notes for Daisy:

We love LUNA said...

Daisy sweet girl, I understand your feelings.Harley is really like all boys, they need to get our attention all time!
Thanks for sharing your video!:)
love and purrs
*** now...go for a peaceful nap inside the wardrobe!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh that was SO BAD fer Harley ta whap at you when you were in the sink! Should I send Iza over there ta whap him back for you?


Poppy Q said...

H - you are a bit of a rascal. Brothers and sisters don't always play nice with each other though.

Julie and Poppy Q

Sparkle said...

When Binga is bad, she does not care if the camera is on her or not!

Unknown said...

That was a bit naughty of Harley. I hope you are friends again now.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh he does remind us of Genji!!!

The Chan Girls

Barb said...

He is a bit of a scamp! It sure looks like you more than hold your own, Daisy. Maybe we should call you Daisy Dukes?

Hey... and did you notice Harley paid no mind until your Mommeh called him "HEY"?

Have a lovely day honey pies :)

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

I agree with Barb - Daisy, you showed him! Way to go, girl!

The Island Cats said...

We saw you giving it back to him, Daisy! Great right hook you have! ;)

Barbara said...

Harley = guilty! Daisy I applaud you for the way you stuck up for yourself - excellent paw technique!

Marg said...

That darn Harley, he is really ruining your good times Daisy. At least you have proof now. But you did a good job whapping him back. Next time, get him in the sink. Take care

Lin said...

HA HA! Harley got yelled at by Mommeh!

Gees, what is with that?? Dang, he was just looking for a fight.

(Hobbes does that to Grace too, Daisy. It must be a "brother" thing. Sheesh.)

Hannah and Lucy said...

We think you are a naughty boy Harley trying to whap her while she was in the sink. Daisy we think you have taken a masterclass
course on whapping brothers!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Sweet Purrfections said...

Oops! Looks like Harley's little halo slipped just a little bit. We think he just wanted to play.

Truffle and Brulee

Selina said...

Oh Daisy I can TOTALLY relate to your frustration! "Big Brother" finally caught Harley in the act! Boudicca bugs me ALL the time like that - disturbs MY peace.

I sympathize, sister!!!

Harley, don't whap your sisfur!


Dma said...

i'd like a nickel for every time i was just trying to relax in a sink when my brother came and tried to whap me on the head.

Katie Isabella said...

OK. Mommy said she gives. Usually she tries to find an excuse for him but that WAS naughty of Harley. And to start a whapping session was really not a good boy. Daisy was just relaxing in the sink and should have been allowed to do so at her leisure. harley, now be a good boy.

Random Felines said...

Did you realize if whapped him just right he would have fallen off the counter?? That would have been awesome....of wait, mom says we mean that would have been terrible... MOL

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Pardon us for pointing it out BUT didn't you raise the first paw? So offishully ~ Harley was in self defense mode. MOL! xx

Jean(ie) said...

Give the sneaky boy a good whap...

Mandy said...

UGH! Stinky boys are so bad!

Forever Foster said...

Oh my goodness! Sink warfare!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Not your good time again!!!
At least mommy intervened for you when he went too far.

brokenteepee said...

Oh my! Looks like you got a few good swipes in!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Ichiro is like that with Gemini. I think that they are being very bad indeed!

Anonymous said...

Oh it's just playing. Right?

Katnip Lounge said...

Good Grief. Harley, go sniff some nip or something...

Ivan from WMD said...

Daisy, some boys are like that. Not *me*, mind you, but Russell is.

Rumpydog said...

Harley, I think you're being framed! I'm sure Daisy started it. -June Buggie

Miss Elsie Fallulah Graves said...

Dearest Daisy,
I cannot tell you how much Harley reminds me of our Joey. They look alikes and they act alikes...Daisy, the only way I can survive all of the aggravations that Joey heaps upon me is to catch him by surprise and open a can of whoop ass on him. I would be happy to teach you the fine art of whoop ass can openin' if that would be of any help to you. Please let me know.

Very truly yours,
Miss Elsie Fallulah Graves
Top Cat
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang

Unknown said...

Wowwie Zowwie! me thinks me would not mind the flashie box if Mommy caught Kozmo whapping me!!!
But NO! He always acts like me started it!

Donna said...

Awww, be nice, kittehs- don't fite. :)

LP said...

Oh my Gosh! That is a Levon move if we ever saw one! With Esme that is.He is a thorn in Esme's side and will Whap, Whap, Whap her when she is all peaceful somewhere just because she is VERY good at giving him a reaction! Boys truly can be very annoying Daisy :p

the critters in The Cottage xo

Marilia said...

Harley, Harley, Harley!!!! You´re like Nelson with their brothers... hahaha!

Jenna and Sissy said...

Oh, yeah! Whappin' kitties! You let Harley know that sink isn't big enough for both of you!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

He is a hoodlum that Harley. Always has to be involved in everyone else's business like the whole world revolves around him. I only know that because the whole world revolves around me.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...


Do I recognize a hoody wearing bad boy in this set?

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

UH OH!! Harley iz a badboy ..... he think he boss jus like Gabriel! ^..^
You good girl and whap him back and tell to wait hiz turn ^..^

Kissez & Purrz ♥xoxoxo♥

meowmeowmans said...

Stop that, Harley! Stop ruining Daisy's good time!

Daisy, it's good to finally have proof, isn't it?

Fanks for stopping by to wish the mom a happy birthday! We did not have a great turnout at the PAWS senior cat Sunday event, but this was the first time the shelter tried it. They will keep on trying, because there are definitely loving homes out there for these awesome older cats. :)


Lita and the boys in Melbourne said...

Oh my word, bad Harley! But you had good reflexes there, Daisy, good for you. What was the boy's problem, anyway? Did he want to get in the sink? Brothers!

The Florida Furkids said...

Boys are like that!! You two had quite a good paw swap going on for a while!

The Florida Furkids

The Crew said...

Why Daisy, you're RIGHT! You were completely innocent and Harley started bothering you.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Poor Daisy! Harley is being mean again!

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Poor Daisy! I'm sorry Harley is always ruining your good time :(

Your Daily Cute said...

Daisy, we are going to have to start calling you Quick Paw McGraw!

Everycat said...

This looks like six of one and half a dozen of the other to us Daisy hehe!

Clooney said...

Yep, we caught that guy there red-pawed on tape! Cute video, you two are so funny!

BumbleVee said...

ooooh, somebody's gonna lose an eye .....

Unknown said...

ha! ha! I probably shouldn't laugh but that was a funny video! You sure showed him, Daisy! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

A Tonl said...

FaRAdaY: YOU GO Harley! Gurlz needz a little smack down every once in a while!

Allie: You want a piece of this pink paw, brat? Hmm? I didn't think so. Mother thought Harley's "I'm not doing anything but sniffing the faucet" innocent routine at the end was too funny!

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