Tuesday, May 29, 2012

#10 Business Size

Guess what? I enjoy envelope glue.  I do not know why, but it has a flavor.  A good flavor.

Here is a close-up.  I am licking with the BOTTOM of my tongue!
Now I am even licking the other side of the envelope.
I would make a good secretary.

45 Notes for Daisy:

Poppy Q said...

You could get a good office job Miss D. My mum would love to take you to work.

julie and Poppy Q

Barb said...

I bet would make a fabulous Administrative Assistant, Daisy! And you could boss Harley around.

Oh, wait...

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Licking envelopes.... *shaking my head and laughing*

Sasha said...

I am also enjoying all sorts of strange tastes that I never tried before.

Spunky Doodle said...

You are a big help, Daisy, I like licking things too, especially a poster in my human's bedroom.

Dma said...

Don't forget to lick the stamp.

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

That's a very cool tongue trick, Daisy! Are your taste buds under your sandpaper-y tongue?

Marg said...

So, Daisy, what does it taste like?? Sure looks like it is tasty. Well done licking with the bottom of your tongue. Take care.

Selina said...

Daisy, my Meezer brofur, Sharif, loves glue! Envelopes, stamps, you name it - if it's sticky, he likes to lick it! So you are not alone!


Lin said...

Dang, Daisy--I'm gonna have to borrow you for Christmas card season!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Your envelope glue must be different to the UK glue!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cat said...

We used to have a cat who licked photographs!

GLOGIRLY said...

Daisy, you have a beautiful tongue!!!
Make sure they are really good envelopes though...did you ever see the episode of Seinfeld about the envelopes? ; )

Mariodacat said...

M wants to know where you were hiding all those years she worked and had to lick envelopes. You could have had a job with her. She thinks you are so adorable anyway.

Jean(ie) said...

Id ask Mommeh for a raise.lol

Jean(ie) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

Just think Daisy - you could work in an office and with all of the green papers you earn you would be the best dressed Admin at the company!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh I bet you do Daisy! You do a great job!

Marilia said...

Daisy, you´re the best wotrker in the cat world!!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Mom said to come over anytime to help her with the envelopes

brokenteepee said...

You are a very useful kitty, Daisy

Sparkle said...

I love envelope glue too, Daisy! I think it is awesomely tasty! Sadly, my human has recently switched over to the kind of envelope with the paper that peels off ("pull and seal") - make sure your human does not do the same!

Anonymous said...

My cats always liked envelope glue - Wonder why?

A few Good Cats said...

Being helpful should get you some extra treats, Daisy!

Andy, Kiefer and Gus said...

Daisy, you have weird tastes! However, our mommy has lots of envelopes that you could come get and lick all the glue off. Please come get them, her paper recycle bin is overflowing, again.

Rose Clearfield said...

Too silly, Daisy! You would make a good secretary.

Donna said...

O hai! My hoomin says she would like to be an office critter like u. :)

LP said...

Hmmm. Either that or you could start a special group called Lickers Anonymous :p

the critters in The Cottage xo

Terri said...

We know you would liven up any office, Daisy!

Jacqueline said...

MOL!!...Daisy, we are sure you would make the best secretary, sweetie=those photos are too cute!...Tell handsome, silly Harley we'd love to go on Safari with him anytime!!...Hope you all have a happy week ahead, precious friends!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Poppy said...

Oh Daisy! I enjoy licking too, but I have never tried envelope glue. Maybe I should.

Poppy LBC

Photo Cache said...

Oh Daisy sweetie pie, you gave us idea on what to lick next. We bin licking everyfing but not the envelope.

Emma and Buster

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Lot of people would probably love to hire you, Daisy!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We hope you do not get a paper cut, Daisy!

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, do you type as well? ;)

caspersmom said...

What a feat Daisy, to lick an envelope with the underside of your tongue.

I came by to thank you, Harley and your mom for stopping by with your special thoughts and purrs when Casper passed. It was very appreciated and thoughtful of you. Thank you again.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are a very hard worker Daisy, but don't lick too many envelopes or your tongue may stick to your teeth.

Ann said...

I'll hire you to come lick all my envelopes. I hate that taste....lol Cool close up shot of your tongue Daisy

CCL Wendy said...

I guess you must like horsemeat, Daisy! I wonder how many of them it took to make that glue???


Shaggy and Scout said...

My goodness Daisy we don't think we ever knew this about you!

Unknown said...

Ewwwww. Me thinks that stuff is awful! But - we is all different.

Lorenza said...

Is it really tasty???
I need to try it!
Kisses and hugs

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Is it mint flavor? Thats close ta Nip!

Kali and Aswell said...

Aswell will liked to rip envelopes but he do not licked them too much.

I do be a good dog and I do not messes with She's stuff so I do not ripped no envelopes. I might could try to be a good secretary too though! If She do letted me!

BumbleVee said...

Be careful Daisy....don't get a paper cut!

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