Thursday, May 24, 2012

We Got Valerian Root!

When I saw that my friends at the Katnip Lounge got Valerian Root, I said that I wanted to get some myself.  And guess what? They sent me and Harley some of their stash! I can tell by sniffing that it is going to be good.

Harley is already in love with the stuff!  

They also sent a pretty card and some of our very favorite organic catnip. Those cats are all right! You might be wondering why I am posing with one paw behind my back.  I do not know.

Hey, Harley! Stay away! I get to try this stuff first.

Nom, nom, nom! I decided to taste-test it first.  It has a flavor.  A GOOD flavor!
Now I think I will just roll around in it for a while.

Sorry, Harley.  It is all gone!
Ps: Do not worry, Harley got to have some, too!  Thanks Katnip Lounge kitties!

34 Notes for Daisy:

Sparkle said...

Valerian root is amazing - I got some from the Katnip Lounge kitties last year! I don't get to have it very often because my crazy human HATES the way it smells. Did I mention she is insane? But she does pull it out for me sometimes anyway.

Poppy Q said...

Oh my gosh that looks like fun Miss D and H. You cats sure have fun.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Harley, we're both very grumpy with you, you've charmed our mummy SO much she's dying to cuddle you!

Barb said...

oboy! We just planted some Chia Cat Grass. I bet that's waaaay better!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

That valerian root looks interesting...but, Daisy, how did you balance with your paw behind your back? You sure have some great composure!

Katie Isabella said...

MY mommy is also charmed like Rumbles's mommy and she is bustin' to get her arms around you Harley. xox

Sophie said...

That pose with one arm behind your back is very advanced. Love it!

Marg said...

Are you scratching your back with that paw Daisy. Too funny. We might have to give that Valarian root a try. Harley, you are just too cooot. Have a fun day.

Dma said...

the one hand behind your back look makes you look a little like thompson. and that's a good thing.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

I have never tryed Valerian root.
Maybe I shall beg mom to try to smuggle in some to Sweden :)

Mariodacat said...

Isn't that just the greatest stuff. I love it.

Lin said...

Hmmmm...I have never heard of Valerian root. What the heck is that??! We have 3 catnip plants outside and we have to put tomato cages around them or a certain big orange stripey goes and lays on them and smooshes them. We don't like smooshed catnip. :( Do you like fresh catnip, Daisy? (And Harley)

LP said...

Well now we will really have to push that lazy LP into finding us some Valerian root! It seesm everyone is it and we want to try it too! We wonder if Canada brings in this delicacy because we have never heard of it here....

the critters in The Cottage xo

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

We got some Valerian a while ago and while we liked it better than nothing, truthfully we think some nice fresh nip is better!

Jean(ie) said...

Ive had it in tea. Maybe I need to roll around in it.

brokenteepee said...

Was it good, Daisy? I may have to try and get some for the Farm cats

Jenna and Sissy said...

Our human said she wasn't going to try valerian root on us. We didn't pay any attention to the silvervine. She was really irritated with us. A little nip is all we get.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

What fun, how nice of Trish!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You two look like you are enjoying that! The Katnip Lounge may have a huge business on hand!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We love seeing you roll around uninhibited on the floor, Daisy. Let it all hang out, girl!

Marilia said...

Hahahah! I´m laughing!!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Those lounge kitties are the bomb!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That must be some good stuff!

The Island Cats said...

That stuff is awesome! Do you and Harley have a valerian root hangover now??

Shaggy and Scout said...

We were just going to comment like d-Ma about looking like Thompson!!!
Seriously....that must be good stuff and how wonderful of the Loungers to share!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You are a wild girl, Daisy! That first photo of you enjoying the root is GREAT!

Rose Clearfield said...

How fun! I did wonder what happened to your paw in that one picture!

Donna said...

Oh wow! I wish they made some for doggies. :)

Unknown said...

One of Mommy's friends gots some Valerian seeds and started them in her greenhouse for us. Wes has a great plant we is going to put in the Licorice Memorial garden. Right now it is with the other bedding plants and Kozmo has been eating the leaves! Me can't wait to try the roots!

Katnip Lounge said...

We are so THRILLED you two had such a Good Time! Did it mellow our Harley? Our crazypants Maui get verreh laid back after he eats some Root.

Unknown said...

Your so lucky to have Valerian root, it looks yummy :D

Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

Jemma Chihuahua said...

Interesting, we've never heard of Valerian Root before. Gonna have to check it out!

A Tonk's Tail said...

FaRADaY: *bug-eyed look* You guys gotted VAlerian Root??? Mowzers, who'd you bribe to score that???

Maxwell: *stern look* Faraday, dude, you not supposed to ask those kindsa questions, it's RUDE!

uh, so...were you two stoned after that? It looked PAWESOME!

Tink said...

I make herbal home remedies. My cats couldn't care less, unless.... I work with valerian root! It's almost like they become high of it. I think it stinks!

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