Hmmm, no treats in here. Maybe it is not a Halloween goodie bag after all...
Could it be a hat? I'm not so sure.
Oh yes, it IS a hat. See the chin-strap?
Just wear your treat bag on your head and you are sure to get lots of delicious treats!

In the Bag
30 Notes for Daisy:
Y'know, Daisy, I was skeptical... but it worked!
Looks like a cute hat Miss D. Lucky there weren't too many treats in there, as you would get crumbs in your curly furs.
Daisy,how clever of you to figure that out :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
Daisy, I'm pretty sure you'd get lots of delicious treats no matter what, but you sure do make a cute ghost!
Daisy, whether a hat or bag, it is really cute. We like it on your head though. Hope you get tons of treats but we have a feeling you will. Take care.
It must be a hat, Daisy, because it's way too small to be a treat bag for all the treats you're gonna get!!
MOL! Daisy that is one cute treat bag hat.
That is the cutest little bag ever!!
Daisy, we don't know which is cuter: you or that bag! :) (Well, yeah, we do too ... just sayin' ... )
Precious girl! <3
You certainly have that worked out Daisy!
Man, Daisy. You certainly pulled off the bag-hat look. You look good in anything!
Very cute, Daisy! I hope you get lots of yummy treats for Halloween :)
Daisy, you are just one of those cats who can wear anything!
Now that's a fashion statement
Benny & Lily
You always make me smile Daisy. And I needed one today
Allie: ooh DAISY! You can even pull off "Bag Lady" with style and panache!
And treats! *squee!* ALWAYS fashionable!
You are so stylish, you make everything look good!
Harry, Dexter and Tipp
not for any kind of treat whatsoever would I allow anything to be strapped under my chin, in fact, not anywhere even near my head, period! You are a brave and trusting kitteh...and way cute!
Daisy, not only are you a Good Sport, you're the BEST Sport!
You'll get delicious treats no matter what type of hat you are wearing! You are just too cute.
hahaha, worth it right you are such a great sport.
emma and buster
you sure are smart, Daisy!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie
Mmmmm, candeee!
You are really smart Daisy,
you finger all yourself!!
Daisy it works and that is the most important thing.
You are hilarious, Daisy! Happy Halloween.
That's a great hat, Daisy! It's just perfect for Howloween!
Thats a good tip Daisy!
Ha Ha! Oh Daisy! You are a silly kitty! You are adorable!
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