I really wanted to be a GOAT this year for HALLOWEEN. But I could NOT find a single pair of HORNS to wear. But I get to be the NEXT BEST thing: SUPERCAT!
Look, up in the SKY! It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's SUPERCAT!
HAI-YAH! I am a MANCAT of STEEL! I might be able to leap LOCOMOTIVES in a single BOUND!
Well, I am off to SAVE the WORLD! Wish me luck.

50 Notes for Daisy:
Oah yeah!! Harley!!
The cat world is counting on you!!!
Dear Harley,
You are absolutely perfect for Halloween Party!You are adorable!
purrs and love
That is the most amazing Halloween costume we have ever seen, SuperHarley!
what a gorgeous outfit!
Oh, Harley! You are my hero! srsly.
Harley, I don't know if the world can be saved! That is what happens when humans think they are in charge! Maybe it is up to you to help us kitties take back world domination!
Rumblemum says she's in danger and she needs you, SuperHarley!
Hahaha that is awesome H. You are a superstar.
Harley, you are a great supercat...a funny one too! Haha!!
I feel much safer now... And that last picture made me snort.
Oh my GOSH! That is HILARIOUS!! I like the little hands. Now you just have to figure out how to fly, Harley.
Just be careful of the Catnip-Kryptonite!!
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
Oh Harley, you make the purrfect Super Cat. Too funny. That last picture is terrific. We wish you luck Harley and know you can do it. Take care.
I am sorry but that is funnier than HELL
Impervious to kriptonite but a wad of 'nip gets him every time! MOL
Harley you crack us up!
PS - Bet you have problems finding a phone booth these days ..
Harley you are so brave and we hope you can save us all from disaster.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
U is so cute. (((Snuggle)))
that do be a too funny supercat suit!
That last pose just cracked my mom up!!! Now for me, you are the epitome of Super Cat. MY hero!!
Cool costume and yes, you are always SuperHarley to us, sweetie!!...Happy weekend, precious friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Woof! Woof! My favorite costume. Happy SUPER Harley Friday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Harley....great costume! Go Dude!
Good luck Harley and have fun!
Good luck Harley! You make a great Supercat :)
I just might feel safer knowing that you are a supercat Harley...
Harley my friend, you look FANTASTIC!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
You can fly!!!
Benny & Lily
You make a great supercat, Harley! Is Daisy going to be Lois Lane?
That is so cool Harley! What a Supercat you are!!!!
Luf, Us
I hope you got a really good treat for all that posing!
Harley, you made me spit my coffee this morning. You are a superherocat of amazing talent.
You would also make a fantastic goatcat
You definitely are a Cat of Steel Harley and we know you can save the cat world in one feline leap! :)
the critters in the cottage xo
It's SUPERHARLEY! (He's everywhere! He's everywhere!)
Mommy has the inexplicable urge to turn her hands upside down in a certain way and sing "up in the air, junior Birdman..."
You are a great superhero! Everyone will feel safe with SuperHarley around.
dood...ya dont reeely wanna be a goat any way coz then ya wood hafta go outside N like mow de lawn...werst even... yur mom mite think ya had sum...milk for sale....N cranberriez ta that mess......
So, Superman rates BELOW Goat.
You are the best SuperCat around!
Kzmo has turned green with envy.
You are the most adorable super cat, Harley
You look just like a real superhero!
Mommy is "over the moon" fur your costume. She said Daisy should have been Lois Lane! HaHaMeow!
You really are a Super Cat, Harley! Clever costume.
Oh Harley, you are Supercat!
That's a very unique and special costume. It totally fits you!
We love the costume Harley! But, um, why would Beins look up at the sky and remark in awe that they saw a bird or a plane?
Ha ha ha- Harlarious photos!!! I'm getting a little nervous. My mom and dad found another damn Santa hat in Spencer's, of all places. Gonna go hide...
You look grand! You can save me anytime!
Auntie Teesa
Hahaha! We love it, Harley! :) You are a Super Cat, indeed!
Oh that costume is AWESOME Harley!
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