Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Harleybow


41 Notes for Daisy:

Dom De Bellis said...

Oh, Harley! . . . You're gonna give Daisy a run for her money! . . . Maybe you can have your own blog!

Sparkle said...

Harley, you look like a Follies dancer!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! That a big bow. How about Daisy, a pink bow. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Barb said...

Work it, Harley! Work it!!

Manny Boy said...

Harley, that bow makes you look ridiculous. I think you should give that bow to Daisy instead.

Lin said...

Harley GaGa!

The Whiskeratti said...

Harley, that is you! How glam you have become!

Cherry City Kitties said...

Stylin' Harley, realllllly Stylin'
Harry, Dexter and Tipp

Hannah and Lucy said...

We want a Harley Bow.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

John Bellen said...

Poor Harley. No wonder he looks stunned and startled. He'd better go back to the collar with the bells on it.

Marg said...

Well Harley, you are all wrapped up with a nice bow. That is hysterical. Mom laughed out loud. Silly woman. Take care.

Unknown said...

The belled collar is okay but somehow the bow is just wrong; though, it is cute!

Selina said...

Harley, MomKatt says she'll unwrap you ANY day! This is her favorite photo of you YET!


The Island Cats said...

That's just a little bit over the top, Harley! HAHAHA!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh that is ADORABLE!

Donna said...

Squee! :)

Kali and Aswell said...

Uh do looked very pretty in you bow but I do not thinked that is a very mancat look for you.

You might could look like a girl with that bow on you head!

Trudy said...

You look so handsome, Harley

Unknown said...

Harley - Dude
You are all wrapped up for giving! What lucky lady cat is going to find you under her tree?

Dma said...

it takes the manliest of men to pull off that look. congrats.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

poor, poor heart goes out to you!

Marilia said...

Hauhauhauhauhahahuhu! Pooooooooor Harley!

Your Daily Cute said...

Bow-tiful, Harley!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is one mondo bow Harley!

brokenteepee said...

There ARE no words...

Jean(ie) said...

Harley the cross-dresser.

da tabbies o trout towne said...



meowmeowmans said...

Oooh, Harley Quinn, that look is tres couture! :)

Colehaus Cats said...

OMC! We mean, oh yes, so stylish and chic! Purrs...

GLOGIRLY said...

Harley, you're a goofball. Either that or you're one of the Rockette's newest high kickers.
; ) Katie

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Awwww too cute!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You can be my present, Harley!

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a model!!
Benny & Lily

Mr. Black said...

Harley. You need to assert your mancatliness. Or, change your name to Harlietta. Hee.

Quill and Greyson said...

This may be one of my favorite looks on you!

Cara n Crew said...

mol! Harley, you are a maniac!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

HOLY HARLEYBOW!!! Dont go outside with THAT...

Anonymous said...

Harley, seriously dude...ya gotta let go of that bow...just sayin'...

Rose Clearfield said...

Are you going to be under a tree this year, Harley? You'd fit right in with the presents!

Shaggy and Scout said...

We hope you got treats galore for this one!

Maureen said...

Now THAT's a present I'd like to see under my tree! You are darling, Harley!

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