One of the things I love the very most is scritches on my nose and head. It makes me relax so much my mouth just falls right open!
Aaaaaaahhhh! It feels good.
And as long as my mouth is open anyway, I might as well yawn.
Look at my tongue!

Scratch 'n Yawn
37 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy, your mouth is open so wide, I can almost see what you had for breakfast!
We are most impressed at how lovely the inside of your mouth is, Daisy! And pleased that you're getting your favourite scritches!
Oh, Daisy! I SO wish somebuddy would scritch my head sometimes. srsly.
loving it for sure !!
U are so cute! :) Your teefs are nice, too. :)
That is a big yawn, I will have to try this technique with Spunky Doodle when I have to squirt the bitter tasting medicine into her mouth. I feel like such a failure. Each day gets harder. I still have 3 days to go, but feel there's not much point. It seems I squirt it in and she just spits it out or drools it out. Whatever. I can't say that I blame her one bit.
OMC, Daisy! We think we saw your tonsils!! ;)
Daisy, is that a new way to efficiently catch flying noms?
here's hopeing for endless scritches...
Are you hoping a treat will fall into your mouth too?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
As long as your mouth is open, maybe Mommeh will put a treat in it!
Wow - look at all those toothies. I'm very envious cuz I don't have any!
Mommy and favorite brother are sitting in the Hospitsl right now and seeing this made them both smile really big!! Brother having simple test. xxoo
Oh that looks relaxing alright. Look at those lungs, BOL
Wonder if we could rent that hand to come over here
Benny & Lily
The Woman said that your tongue looks a little purple, and the tongue coat slightly yellow. This means you might be getting some excess heat because of stagnation. Stagnation can result from the stress of waiting for Harley to pounce.
(PS the woman said that would only be if you were a human. She does not really know the appropriate colors for cat's tongues)
What a great shot of your bristly tongue and nice fangs! Scitches are the best...I think I'll go get some from the human :)
yikes....and look at those fangs!
Aww you look soooo happy :-)
My Niko loves head scritches, too and his moth comes open sometimes :-)
You have a beautiful tongue!
I love you! You´re so cute!!!
Rough day Daisy?
We thought that you might want a treat in there since it was open so wide!
She seems to be a great maseusse....masuess...massage lady.
Wow! You could swallow your human whole! Scritching makes you yawn, that's a new one!
Do you drool too? Some of us are big droolers when we are relaxed from a great massage from one of our humans. Do you like kisses on the head from your humans. Some of us like that. We think you have the most photogenic tongue and an exceptionally expressive yawn. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth, Astrid and Calista Josette
Your mom knows just what you love!
daisy you are pretty at every angle. we luff your open mouth shot. now our mama is wondering if she can get that close to getting the same shot with us.
emma and buster
Quite an impressive yawn! Cute barbed tongue!
I find that many cats have tongues that are too rough for my personal taste.
A human who knows what you like *and* who does it for you! That's a keeper, Daisy.
Daisy! Eric opens his mouth like that too when he has nose rubs. I don't think he has ever yawned that big though.
That looks like a very nice scritch you are having.
How are your tonsils?
I think you love mommy very much~~ You are so in to it.
I can almost see China down there!!!
; ) Katie
Wow Daisy, we can see all the way down your throat!
ooooh we're now all yawning and wanting scritches over here, too...!
Daisy, February is Dental heath Month, is yous giving uus a hint?
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