This is MR. BILL. He is one COLORFUL character. But he has a BIG MOUTH. This means he is very, very LOUD. And I am SCARED of him.
If you don't BELIEVE me, just listen to him SCREAM in this video. I think you will AGREE, he's BAD.

Oh Noooooo! (Some Toys are Scary)
31 Notes for Daisy:
Mr. Bill needs to be silenced!!!!
Mr. Bill made my ears get big (and they are already on the large side)! I do not like him one bit, and I don't think Harley does either.
Oh, noooo, Mr. Bill! Airplane ears, coming right up!
Have a lovely day, Harley & Daisy!
I didn't think you were scared of anything H?
Harley, that would of scared us too!
Run Harley!! Mr Bill is way to skeery for us!! We'll be under the bed if you need us.
The Florida Furkids
Oh no. You may have to rip that voice-thingy out. That is very annoying.
Now that voice sure is annoying. You just couldn't figure that one out, could you Harley. It was pretty darn terrible. Hope your day gets better Now.
On SNL they used to tear off one of his limbs before he'd make that sound. You should give it a try...
If you are good at digging holes, I suggest burying it in the back yard, kinda like a doggie would. Maybe go to the garden where it's easier to dig. He is skeery!
Harley we would have been so scared of that awful Mr Bill. Thank goodness he didn't frighten you.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Oh NO, that is so wrong as a kitty toy or a kid toy or any kind of a toy. Hope you got some good loving after your scare, Harley. And maybe even some treats. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
Mr. Bill is one of MomKatt's favorite "SNL" characters from some time period she calls "back in the day".
WHAT day is what I want to know? MOL
We wouldn't care to listen to Mr. Bill, either! The human loved seeing that lovely white tummy, Harley :)
Oh we did not like that scream! Even on low!
Mr. Bill needs more bunny kicking and lots more whaps=he is a bad boy!!...Hope you all enjoy a lovely Tuesday, dear friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
You do not look happy Harley
Oh noooooooooo!
Benny & Lily
OH NOOOO! Run away Harley...hide in the closet till Mr. Bill goes away!
MOL! So scared face, Harley!
Oh, he is bad. I don't blame you for being scared of him!
Mr. Bill is not scary Harley. Just shrill and annoying. Go away Mr. Bill. Just go away. He's gone now Harls. Relax.
That guy does remind us of someone else, someone who hasn't made a showing in a while... Who could it be?????
The Chans
I agree, Mr. Bill is very loud and scary!
Mister Bill is scary to grown ups, too!
Soooooo scary!
Kisses and hugs
Bite his head off!
"Oh No Mr. Bill!"
I wondered if you ever played with this Mr. Bill toy I sent to you. So glad you gave him a few squeezes. Ha!
Auntie Teesa
OMC , so loud he screams Mr Bill !
O hai, don't be skeered. U will be safe. :)
Mr Bill is a screamer! He would not last furry long here, one of the hairy slobbery sisters would kill that sqeeker fast!
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