Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I'm Comin' In!

Hey Mommeh!Whatchoo doing in there? You're getting all wet... that can't be right!
I'm coming in!
Don't worry Mommeh, I'll save you!


37 Notes for Daisy:

Sparkle said...

Daisy, when I see my human getting wet, I run in the opposite direction!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Daisy, you are loyal and very brave! *impressed*

Barb said...

How marvelous that your Mommeh boughted you a condo with tiles that match your curly furs, Daisy!

Poppy Q said...

I love popping into the shower once my mum has got out and sipping the water.

Smudge said...

Oooohhh, cats and water- Not this guy! Nice shower, by the way!

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

You're very brave to save your mommeh from the waters! My kittehs have never come into the water place, not even close because they are scaredy cats! Boy, first the elevator, now the shower. What next? Run a vacuum cleaner?

Cats Herd You said...

Oh, Daisy, you're much braver than we are. That vertical water is scary!

Marg said...

Oh Daisy, good girl for trying to save that Mommeh. She just might need some good help. That is a lovely shower. Take care.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You are SO BRAVE, Daisy!!!

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, how brave you are to want to save your mom. You do know you'll get wet, too?

Sweet Purrfections said...

You know you're going to get wet, don't you?

Lin said...

Best to sit that one out, Daisy.

Dma said...

You have to teach your mom how to lick herself clean.

Jasper McKitten-Cat said...

Daisy the Rescue Cat!

Unknown said...

Ha! HA! Daisy - I think this is one of my favourite posts of yours! Such funny pictures! (Although I have to say, I can't believe that you VOLUNTARILY went into a showed...*shudder*!)

Honey the Great Dane

Donna said...

U so cute when u rescuin! :) Hoomins do like to take a lot of baffs.

Selina said...

Daisy you're so brave! I wouldn't go in the wet place if I HAD to!


catsynth said...

Funny pictures. I used to have a cat named Morty who had the same idea as Poppy Q. He used to run into the shower after we were done and lick the puddles of water.

Jenna and Sissy said...

We prefer to let the human get wet by herself!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are a very brave cat Daisy!

Anonymous said...

Wow Daisy, you ARE brave. I think I'm going to make you my official hero 'cuz I need to learn how to be more brave.

Photo Cache said...

Oh my goodness Daisy, you are brave and sweet, but sweetie pie, when the mommeh or the daddeh is inside that thing and getting wet, run the opposite way. Trust us, it's for your own good :)

Emma and Buster

Two French Bulldogs said...

BOL don't do it. Run for the hills
Benny & Lily

A Tonl said...

*winces* oooh Daisy that won't end well....

The Swiss Cats said...

I love jumping into the shower once Mum or Dad has got out and licking the water in the bathtub..

brokenteepee said...

You are a good girl Daisy!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

daisy...ewe knead sum fish for yur tub...letz uz noe how manee N how soon N what kinda !!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We hope you did not get wet, too!

Rose Clearfield said...

Some kitties around here are very curious about the shower, too.


We know it has been some time but we did want to tell you how very much we appreciate all the kinds words of compassion you left us for over the loss of our dearly beloved Abby. We are humbled by all the support and love we received and there is no way we can tell you how much it meant to us.

Angel Abby & Family

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are very brave Daisy. I like to sit and watch my mum in the shower but haven't gone in with her yet. Eric used to lie on her when she was in the bath.

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Your a very brave cat! Wow, we think you are quite the kitty to go into the shower. Your Mommy will be safe now.

The Florida Furkids said...

You're very brave. On the other paw.....your Mom takes a flashy box in the shower with her?????????

The Florida Furkids

The Crew said...

You're very brave, walking into the water room, Daisy. I only go in there when the water is off!


meowmeowmans said...

Daisy, you are SO brave! Moosey likes water, but even he waits until the shower is turned off. :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Do you too like to take showers ?!
I do :)

Kitties Blue said...

Daisy, hope you were able to rescue your mom without getting too wet yourself! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

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