OH, you have DISCOVERED my SECRET to staying STRONG. My DUMBBELL. You MIGHT think that I do NOT know how to use EQUIPMENT like this....
But you would be WRONG. Here I am DEMONSTRATING proper FORM.
I do BELIEVE it is WORKING already!
My WORK here is DONE.

33 Notes for Daisy:
We are most impressed by your muscles, Harley!
Wow, and all my human does is lift those dumb things! Clearly, she does not know what she is doing.
You better lie down for the next 200 hours and rest after your workout H. Can't wait to see your muscles.
OMC look at those abs!! We're impurressed!
The Florida Furkids
Whew! That was quite a workout!
So that´s way you have all that muscles Harley :)
Well done, muscle-man dude! You are looking ripped!
I have some dumbbells... although I prefer to call them hand weights, thankyouverymuch!
Do you make all those grunty noises when you lift, Harley? That's what all the big guys do in the "prison yard" section at the gym. And they sweat a lot too.
U are strong!!
Nice going Harley working out with that dumbbell. We should try that to tone up our muscles. Have a great day.
We think your abs are absolutely tip top Harley.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Like mewz dumbbell Harley, mew have much in common: same color as mewz eyes, both are a sign of strength, and mew are a force to be reckoned with (I'm sure Daisy would agree with the last characteristic 😻). One thing mew definitely do NOT have in common is the definition of dumbbell used as a slang word- as mewz use of this human weight shows, mew clearly know better than they do how best to use one. Purrrrrrrrr!
Harley, I am so impressed...I believe you deserve a calendar of your own with muscle cat pictures!!
they don't call it a dumbbell for nothing.
My human is ready to try your way, Harley ;-)
So THAT's how you stay in shape! You're doing a pawsome job Mr. Harley.
HA! That DOES look like awesome form!!!
Now I know the secwet to youw gowgoos phis Eek.
Gweat fowm wif that dumb bell
please give Daisy my love
smoochie kisses
Jenna just fainted over that tummy shot...
Harley, you are looking really strong. Do you have a spotter when you are using that thing? You don't want to hurt yourself. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
You are totally RIPPED, Harley!
Harley, Harley, Harley. I love you
Harley, you have GREAT pectoral muscles! You must use them a lot around the house, helping your meowmy!
Selina (who admires a good mankatt physique)
Dood! Our momma has it SO WRONG! She needs a LESSON for Sure!
Hello! Nice to met you! I am Ragdoll Mommy, from my blog http://lifewithRagdolls.blogspot.com (Life With Ragdolls).
And I love your blog!
Hope to see ya' soon!
Harley, you've never looked so much like a Manly Cat. Please ask your Mommeh to give you a hug from me. And Daisy, as well. :)
dood...we bee eggs hausted watchin ya....bee bak after a quik 847 zzzzzz's
You've mastered that dumbbell, Harley!
Thanks for coming by!
Thought we noticed buffness
Benny & Lily
You are very fit & firm!
Aw Harley my laddie,
You look all tuckered out!
Aunt Teesa
Hi Abby!
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Big Tail Wag!
Tammy Sexton
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