Friday, February 23, 2007

Fashion Show Friday: Pixie's new robe!

Here is my sister, Pixie, modeling the new pink robe she got as a prize for winning Skeezix's Valentine's Day Contest, with her Valentine to Icon. It is beautiful pink satin, lined in terry cloth, with very soft faux fur trim. I do not think Pixie is very happy wearing the robe. See, she has her "hat" on. I think I might need to borrow the fabulous robe from her....
Here is another view of the beautiful robe. Yes, the more I think about it, that robe would look better on me. Far, far better.
Thanks again Skeezix, for the great VD contest. It was FUN!

40 Notes for Daisy:

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Pixie, you look lovely in that robe! Those are beautiful photos. :)

Daisy, I think if you ask very nicely, Pixie might let you borrow her robe. But it is Pixie's, so make sure you ask her permission first.



Pixie looks lovely in da robe, but ummm...she doesn't look real happy.

So, I fink yu are rite. It wood look devine on yu, maybe yu should wears it. I don't fink Pixie wood mind.


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

What a beautiful robe!!
I think since Pixie has her hat on, she probably wouldn't mind if you borrow it, Daisy.
Would like to see how lovely it looks on you :)

LZ said...

Pixie looks divine! Though I do agree, pink looks fabulous on you Daisy. But Pixie looks lovely.


Icon Baxter Bentley said...

THAT IS SO CUTE! I love love love that robe! Pixie, you look lovely.

(Can you believe that my beans still have not taken my measurements to send to Skeezix for my matching robe!?!)

Anonymous said...

Caesar and Prinnie wear that kinda hat sometimes... mostly Prin.

Pixie looks absolutely ravishing in that pink robe. I think she really loves it but she is pretending it is painful :-)

I hope both of you have the very best Friday ever!!
It is terrifically windy here, sounds like the house is going to blow down O_O

Anonymous said...

Since Pixie looks so mad in her elegant new robe, maybe Daisy should be given the robe, instead. Daisy would probably enjoy wearing this pink robe.

Forty Paws said...

Pixie looks like she has the "ES&D" look on.

Luf, Us

The Crew said...

Pixie darling, you look marvelous! Pink is my signature color and I'd like to ask Daisy if she's accepting applications to join The Pink Ladies. What are the necessary qualifications?

Your friend
Misty E

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yes, Pixie looks nice in her new robe but also kinda not to happy about it. If I gots clothses I would gif dem all to Sadie, 'cept she won't ware dem eether!~Zippy
Mrowrrr! If Misty becomes a Pink Lady I may pass out! Oh, dat would be furry a'citin fur me~Speedy

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Oh Pixie... you are so cute in that robe. Put a smile on that face, girl!! Congratulations on winning the VD contest.

Anonymous said...

You look Divalicious!
If I weren't already infatuated with Jenny, Gatsbi, and Sally from Forty Paws (and if you weren't seeing that rascal of a beau of your own...)
Then I'd have to say "Mrrooow!"
~ Jazper

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wood it KILL Pixie to krak a smile??? Duz she know how fabyulus she looks? Maybe she needs a hot pink mannykyer!

(Yes, Daisy, I think yoo need to "borrow" the robe!)

Shaggy and Scout said...

Maybe thats just her sexy, pouty, come hither look?

Karen Jo said...

Pixie looks beautiful in the robe, but she doesn't look too happy about it. I don't think she would mind if you borrowed it, Daisy. Then you and Skeezix would have matching outfits.

INAMINI said...

Pixie looks like a winner, although you wearing this for Skeezix would be a guarenteed turn-on (urje?)

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh Pixie, you look Marvelous! What a pretty robe for such a beautiful Kitty Cat. Pink is a nice color for you as well as Daisy. Maybe you and Daisy can share your outfits and trade once in a while!

Sending much purrs and kitty loves to you both!

Zed Monster

The Meezers or Billy said...

Pixie looks 'dorable in the robe!

Leona said...

Humans- they are always making us do things we hate. A picture is worth a thousand words Pixie!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said... look wonderful in that robe. It is to bad you aren't very fond of wearing it. Maybe you can share it with Daisy...taht way if you decide you want to wear it, you can.

Anonymous said...

We think that is a very lovely robe. Pixie doesn't look to happy though. Heehee. Maybe she will let you borrow it, Daisy?

The M's said...

Pixie we understand about not liking to wear clothes all the time, however, you do look very beautiful in your robe.
Daisy, please remember to ask Pixie if you can borrow the robe, I am certain that she will allow you to borrow it then.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

I think you may be right. The ear position is one of mad, take this thing off of me.


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer pixie,
u look sooooo byootiful in yer noo pink robe. it'z verree fashunabul an oh so feminin! a byootiful girl, such az yerself, lookz purfect in dat robe!

Artsy Catsy said...

Dr. Daisy, I just heard that Faz is considering seeing you for a little nip/tuck work. (Is the nip the anesthetic part?) Can we get buddy plan pricing if I come along for some work on my severe belly flop?

Here's an idea: I think we should appoint you Surgeon General of the Cat Blogosphere!


Skeezix the Cat said...

Pixie, IBB just sent me his mezhurmints and adress, so he'll be gitting his Hugh Hefner robe and his dreem date pakije.

Daisy said...

Rocky, I am just now learning cosmetic procedures. I have to buy some straws before I can do Faz's liposuction. The procedure will cost 17 cents, but I can set up a payment plan of 1 cent per month if you like.

Skeez, Pixie says she can't wait to see Icon in his robe!

Pelu & Carlota said...

Hi nice tu meet you!
Pixie looks fantastic in that robe but she look angry xD.

Daisy you are a very beautiful cat ;). Thanks for post in our blog.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Pixie, we agree, you do look great in the robe.

Daisy, Mom said that little sisters always borrow their big sister's clothes. Sometimes they even ask first. That works better.


Kimo and Sabi said...

Maybe Missy is a "Tomboy" gurl kitty

Lisa said...

I love the robe, but um, I don't think Pixie does! LOL

Anonymous said...

Pixie looks uncomfortable, as though she knows she doesn't belong in your beautiful robe. Take it easy on her, Daisy... she knows she can't measure up to you.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I like Pixie's "hat" much better than the robe (even though it is pink).

Ivan from WMD said...

You made my mom laugh when you said Pixie had her hat on! I enjoyed your Sea Monkey argument and also your Thursday Thirteen. So thanks for making us smile today, and thank you for the lovely note you left about Eddie, too.

TorAa said...

Shame on you. How can you Doll you up like this? What do your two legs really think of you? A puppet like a Barbiedoll? Are they really so softheaded?

Yours best VikingManx (as long as it lasts, if you don't sharpen. Get them out running;D)

Rosa amd Felicia
=^,^= =^,^=

Max said...

Heh. Methinks Pixie oughta just give Daisy the robe; I think they'd both be happier, and their People wouldn't have to worry about having a face eaten off whilst asleep...

Rosie & Cheeto said...

HAHAHAHA, we luv the robe on yoo pixie! It's a purrfect fit!!! HAHAHAHA

Tara said...

What a fabulous robe, too bad Pixie doesn't seen to like it too much. I think it would befit a pink lady....Tara

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Aren't those robes the best and warm too? Kinsey had sea monkeys and enjoyed watching them. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Oh Daisy - your sis looks fab in that robe!!

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