Photo Hunters #23: Hair
The Photo Hunters theme this week is hair. Even though I have beautiful, naturally curly furs, I have this blond wig for special occasions. See the pretty pink bows?

Photo Hunters #23: Hair
Posted by Daisy at 6/16/2007 04:56:00 AM
Labels: cats in wigs, hair, I am a natural blond, Photo hunters
84 Notes for Daisy:
What a nice wig. My four would probably claw me before letting me put a wig on them!
That is so funny. She looks like "Are we done yet". Cracks me up. Have a Super Saturday
Very cute, Daisy, although I prefer your beautiful, natural, curly fur. The pink bows are very pretty.
I have never seen a cute cat wearing a wig! how special :)
happy hunt!
That's hilarious! I really love the last shot. The eyes, oh, the eyes!
I can't wait to see what you do next Daisy! You are like a soap opera and I am addicted:))
Such a fun shot of you in a headfur wig....but I am with my brother Dragonheart on this one...very cutey pink ribbons (for Skeezix?:)
I am a tad bit filled with envy over your lovely whiskers.....ahhhh
Love Miss Peach...who is off to bed now but I won't close up my laptop...come find out why:)
I can't believe it, Daisy! I also wore a blonde wig for photo hunters. Great minds, huh?
It looks like to posed nicely with yours. I cried and made a fuss so my blonde hair looks a little unkempt.
What a majestic beastie Daisy is. Good Photohunting.
How patient Daisy must be to wear a wig for your blogging pleasures. Happy Photohunting.
Oh Daisy,
You made me and my mum laugh and laugh!!! You are such a gorgeous girl and a fantastic poser.
You should enter stuff on my cat - I am sure you would win a big prize!! Maybe you could run your own competition?
Poppy Q
Oh Daisy, you could never be unprofessional, everything you do is purrfect (to me!)
~Noah of The Bunch
That is LAUGH OUT LOUD funny!
I'm glad you're not in the photo contest that I'm in right now (theme humor) or you'd be beating me!!! hee hee
Oh man, Mom laughed so hard she almost fell off her chair and she can't type from the floor. Silly bean. We love that last photo. Tem-tay-shuns make us all drool.
This is too funny....I'm still
Totally unexpected and what a great "hair" for the theme. Amazing your cat posed for those pics.
I can't believe your cat let you do that!
Wow. You are most brave, Daisy, to wear hair like that. And you are such a good girl not to messing it all up. Because I would.
Wow! I'm speechless for a change. Mommy spit some coffee on the keyboard! HaHaHa!
Now that is a fun photo!
Drop by and see my photo from the musical Hair!
Happy weekend
deer daisy,
yer gointa get abowt a gazillion commentz on yer pikshurz!
yer soooooo byootiful ... i almos pee'd miself ... jus like yer skeezix!
woo hoo!
luv--yer grate frend--jh
wow daisy, you are a blonde just like me!! want to be in my blonde joke?? i would love to haff you in it...
smiles, auntie bee
Very cute Daisy! you look very sweet in the wiggy with the pinkie bows!!
Happy Saterday
Should we still call you Daisy? Maybe you are about to adopt a filmcat name to suit your new persona. I prefer your beautiful natural fur Daisy. You can't improve on that as far as I am concerned, but I am just an opinionated male.
Daisy, we all were "laffin and laffin" here! If our mom woulda been drinking something it woulda shot out her nose!!
That's a very funny picture!!!
Daisy once again you look adorable :)
Oh, we agree with Dragonheart & Miss Peach.... you look beautiful in your natural curly fur.
HAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Oh my we are all laughing at that Daisy!!! You look absolutely stunning, as always, it's just its the first time we have ever seen a cat with a wig on!! It looks awesome though!!!
Oh Daisy! Mommy was hysterical looking at that picture. You look very beautiful indeed. The drool only adds to the look, we think.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
oh daisy you look bootiful in the blonde joke! go see honey!
smiles, auntie bee
daisy, you look so furry cute with that blonde wig. it really looks good on you. you look like a true blonde. skeezix is gonna wet himself
Daisy, you have that "look" again. Like, "Are we done yet?"
Luf, Us
Hi Daisy. You really look cute and cool wearing that fun wig. Thanks for visiting earlier.
Oh Daisy!
What great photos!
I think these are some of my favorite Daisy pictures EVER!
Now, combine the wig with your overalls....
Would that be a Daisy Duke look?
Oh my. If the Mom tried to pull this on me...well, let's just say I couldn't be held responsible for my actions.
Oh my gosh, this is the greatest. I absolutely love those photos. I giggled, and giggled and had to call the kids in to see too! They were laughing hysterically.
What a sweet, patient kitty.
mommy spit coffee onto the screen. you is way too cute.
Oh Daisy, yoo look beyootiful in da wig. Din't it bother yoor ears? Dad even laffed and laffed at dis piksher! Mom sez thanks fur making her furget her butt!
Ok, Daisy. I didn't think that you could top the Cowgirl outfit yesterday. I was wrong. THIS is the best Daisy photo shoot ever!!! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us with the next shoot! Mom was LAFFFFFFFIN!!!
Oh, Daisy, you made Momma's day. She's laffin and laffin. You are just too cute.
My mom *can't stop laughing - I think she's going to start coughing if she doesn't stop soon! Too cute!
I believe your momma also laugh and happy for you~!
You certianly a very good model~!
Nice work~!
Mommakitty says blonds have more fun!
Oh. My. Goodness. That was too funny! Daisy, you can really pull off blonde... but have you ever considered going red? ;-)
Oh Daisy, you are so cute in that blond wig. Is it true blonds have more fun? The last picture is priceless. Those eyes and wet chin. Me and Tigger are giving you 8 paws up for that one.
Your Florida friends,
Samantha & Tigger
Daisy, you made our year with these pictures, you look lovely but your curly furs are beautiful. Momma is laughing too.
You make a furry excellent blonde supermodel! The pink bow is precious!
Look at you! You are a natural and being blonde!
It's true, Daisy! Blondes do have more fun!!
I thoroughly enjoyed your Photo Hunt Miss Daisy, you are fabulous! My kids and I instantly thought of this song when we saw your lovely vision in that sexy blonde wig..."I'm too sexy for my wig...too sexy for my wig...and I do my little turn on the catwalk.."
Daisy, you don't look too happy; doesn't that wig squishy yur ears? I don't like anyfing coverin my ears like that. Mom an Dad sure laffed at that photo, tho!
Oh, Daisy, you are just TOO adorable!! *Mom, can I have a new "do" too??...*
Watch out for the hairballs, Daisy! Those will be extra messy ones.
Very stylish Extensions. We just looked back at your recent videos,... what a star you are!!!
Oh Daisy, I was laughing so much when I saw this picture that I fell off the desk where I was blogging. I want a wig too. FAZ
How glamorous!!!
hehehehehe, Daisy, that's a funny blond wiggie! Momma and Daddy were laffin so hard! And Momma thought you looked so cute she made that SQUEE noise again!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Daisy, you're so cute and the wig brought a smile to my face.
Mama Bear
*giggle*! You're a blonde now, Daisy! We're twins!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn (I don't blame you one bit for drooling in anticipation of Temptations!)
MomBean keeps giggling and then looking at me. I don't like where this is going...
I don't know why my mammacat thought the photos are hysterical. I think you look great!! You look like a super model. Very classy!
Does Pixie have a wig, too? I bet she look like a super model too... purrr!
Daisy how do you stand it? I'd go crazy if I had to wear a wig, even though I try to be a metrosexual, wigs are just too much for me.
Are you trying out for Sandy in Grease?
You are just the cutest thing!! Since you love to pose and model your outfits and hairdos so well, will we be seeing a "Daisy the Curly Cat" Calendar soon? We think that would be great fun!
MamaCat & the Furry Purries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie & Freckles
I am soooooo envious!!!!!!
What a glorious wig.
And not mine, I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!!!
But you do look darling in it, I have to admit. You are probably the best wig wearer aside of myself.
Come on over and have some lizards with us, we are having a big BBQ, the hunt was really successful!
Daisy, you are beautiful, and you look really cool in that "spare hair". When Shadow comes in I'll have to show him your photos, and he'll likely drool too.
Drop by my lair
to see my hair,
With time to spare,
others will be there.
Daisy you look furry strange with that thing on your heac. I like your real furs better.
I love your wig! You look beautiful!
Wow. Blunt-cut fringes are so hot right now!
I think your hair is cute also
Daisy, I adorrre yourrr new look! How lucky forrr you, that you can go blonde. I trrried on a furrr wig once, but it was silverrr grrrey and I think it just made me look tooo maturrre.(Hee, hee, that was supposed to be a joke--see I'm alrrready grrrey!)
After picking myself up off the floor, I am amazed that you sit so still for this portrait. Not for all the stinky goodness in the whole wide world would any of my cats do this. I put a halo and a pair of wings on Miss Willow one Christmas and she immediately made herself as thin and flat to the floor as possible.
BTW... the yellow catnip banana is a favorite of the kitties here too. So is the brown cigar, although we don't like our kitties to smoke so we call it a sausage.
:) Great pics here!
You look quite adorable in your wig! Stop by to see my wig.
You look very serious with that blond hair. I like your natural hairstyle much better.
Daisy your hairdo is wonderful. blonde fits you very well, we like it.
momma was laughing so hard, she even had tears in her eyes.
I am speechliss. Yoo are reely a sizzling hot ::wispers::sex simbul with that wig! Not that yer not a sizzling hot ::wispers:: sex simbul withowt it, it's just that YOWZA! Maybe I'd better qwit wile I'm ahed. I feel sum urjes coming on.
So this is where Empress Bee got the cat with the wig. How adorable. :)
Mom says you're just precious. Maybe we should be jealous?
Jajaja sorry Daisy but you remember me E.T. jajajjaa
Daisy, you are too cute!!!
Daisy yore wig is so cute! But being cats we like your natural fur better. Does yore wig smash yore ears? Anyway, yore a furry pretty girl with or without dat wig.
Mom just loves these pictures of you Daisy. She says they are so darn cute. Actually I didn't know they had wigs for cats. I think you look pretty cool myself.
Oh, wow, I think I have a new favorite for this week! ROFL
Mine is up very late and not nearly as funny as this one!
Daisy that sure are very cute pics of you.
fanks for participatinng in the contest. we especially love the last pic wif tha close-up!
ROFLMAO! Daisy is just too much! Look at the expression in that second picture. I can't even imagine what Sasha or KC would do to me if I put a wig on them. LOL! Love it!
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