Fashion Show Friday: I'm a COWGIRL!
Here is my newest outfit. It has this pretty cow print, with pink ultra-suede fringe on the bottom. Real cowboys wear fringe just like that! It also says "Cowgirl at Heart" on the back. I am not sure yet if I am a Cowgirl at heart. I still think it is OK to wear this outfit though.
Here I am checking myself out in the mirror. Unfortunately, the mirror is too high for me to see a little mistake my Mommie made when she dressed me. See? Some of the fringe in the front got stuck on the inside. But maybe that's a good thing so I can show Skeezix my tummy!

51 Notes for Daisy:
Very cute outfit Daisy! :) You do have a great Grandma!
That's a smashing cowgirl outfit Daisy!! And I can hardly see you amongst the cows in the pasture.
Nice of you to show a little flesh for Skeezix too.
My two humans are back from their trip now and all is well at our house.
Stop over at my blog and enter my 100th post contest!
That is an adorable cowgirl outfit your Grandma bought you and you look furry furry cute in it. We love the last picture, especially with you being the size of that cow...*kitty giggles* I think you blend right in (that is a beautiful pasture and I think you would find lots of interesting things there)
Yee-ha! Great cowgirl outfit, Daisy! If not for the pink fringe, I would not have been able to see you in that last shot. You sure have a varied wardrobe!
You do have the best grandma ever, my grandma laughs at momma when she tells her about my fashions.
You look really pretty in cow print.
Your Friend,
My goodness, you look very perky in that cowgirl dress. The pink fringe is superbly attractive.
Honestly, it was a bit tricky finding you in the last pic, however you are correct, the pink fringe was a big help!
p.s. : your gramma has very good taste and she is a sweetie
Daisy you look furry cute in yore cowgirl outfit. You blended right in wiff de other cows cept dey wasn't wearing pink fringe.
you do have the best grandma ever and you look furry, furry cute in your cowgirl outfit
Very cute! That is very nice of you to model for your mom. Are temptations really that good?
We live in Columbus, otherwise knows as Cowlumbus or Cowtown, so we very much approve of your outfit. The fringe looks like it would be fun to play with.
Being in Kansas City (Cowtown), Like Columbus, we approve! Mommy really approves of your lovely wine collection!
This is the best outfit, ever!!! Daisy, you are soooo cute!!!! What a good girl you are! You are very brave to go with those Moooooos, too!
Pee Ess: I have a big announcement on my page!
You have a wonderful grandma. She spoils you rotten just like grandmas are supposed to do. We love your outfit.
Where is your horse?
Luf, Us
I don't think the cows would ever know you are a cat!
Your Grandma buys the best outfits ever!!! You look so cute. Momma loved the last picture. It made her giggle.
PS - Momma wants to know if you tried to play with the fringe. We love,love,love fringe at our house. Momma had a bag that, um, used to have fringe. :)
look how cute you is!!
Hi Daisy--
Isn't it great to have a Gran who buys you presents? Your gran has great taste--you make a great cowgirl. You could be a rodeo queen.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
HAHAHA, grate FS Friday, Daisy! And yer owtfit is DEEEEEliteful! Ummmm, which one are yoo in that last one. I gotta biggifie it... -Rosie
Yeah, a little tummy ackshun is hot. -Cheeto
I had to look hard, but did find you among those cows.
You look lovely and what a Grandma!!
~Anna Sue of The Bunch
I think I see you! It would be hard if you were out with spotted cows. Did you try listening to country music to see if you liked it?
wutta cowgirl, daisy.
pleez go eezee on da wine ... an don't drink an drive.
dat las shot uv u wid da cowz made me laff an laff!
yer so funnee!
luv--yer grate frend--jh
That is the greatest Daisy!
Oh Daisy, I am loving your new dress from your Grandma! What a lucky girl you are to have such a Fashion Forward Grandma.
Wow, did you ever blend in well with those Mooos.
We love your outfit, the girl bean has a shirt that says the samething, great minds think alike.
Beautiful outfit! Say, you should come over to the Calgary Stampede with that outfit would be the coolest kittycat cowgirl ever!!!
PS. Calgary Stampede is in early July...I don't suppose you mind wearing it then? Please??
You DO have the best grandma ever, and that outfit is smashing, darling!
Yippee-aye-yay, Cowgirl Daisy!
COW ya doing? You look MOO-valous! Hahahaha! We luvs yer new outfit!
Fanks fer supporting us on our stoller petition - strollin', strollin', strollin', git yer cowgirl rollin', rawhide - yah!
Mooey cute outfit Daisy! Are those happy California cows? We have lots around here too.
Now that is a furry cute outfit Miss Daisy - your Grandma must be very nice!
Yeeee haaaaa! Yipeee I AYYYY
As always you are adorable!
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!! That's the kyootist owtfit EVER!!!! And gess whut? I've got A COWBOY OWTFIT!!! I'll have to dig it owt this weekend!!!!! I like the way yer tummy shows thru ware the frinje is tukt in!
Dat is a furry kyoot outfit Daisy, yoo must haf a furry nice gramma and she must love yoo lots...
We can hear the cow trying to talk to you. She wants an outfit just like yours. You have a very wonderful grandma that loves you lots. That is the niftiest outfit. My Mom's originally from Arizona and she says you would fit right in with all the cowgirls there. Let's belly up to the bar girls and have ourselves a drink (of milk).
Samantha & Tigger
P.S. Eureka!!! We finally got pictures with our comments. Mom figured it out today. She's kinda slow on the blog innards thing.
I was forced to biggify the picture to find you amongst those cows! Great outfit!
The picture of you next to the cow is a classic. You fit right in! My late great cat Mr. Max and I used to go for walks and Max would spend most of the time grazing on grass. I used to think he had some cow in him...
We are wondering if you are giving up working on your doctoring degree because you seem to be doing a lot of singing lately. Have you joined a rock band?
Just curious...
Luf, Us
Daisy, as alwasy you look beautiful! I honestly didn't spot you amongst the outdoor backdrop. Well, maybe a little but I had to really squint!
hehehe! you've gotta great Grandma. And you look superduper in that cow outfit, much bettur than any cow!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Your Grandma has good taste. She buys you the cutest outfits. We can totally see out on the range wrastlin' little doggies (cows).
daisy that is bootiful!!! you are so cute honey! i think skeezix will love you cute little tummy. but just so you know jazpur has been looking too!!!
smiles, auntie bee
You are a cute and funny cat! Tell your grandma to get you a cowboy hat!
You look fantastic in yur cowgurl sute, Daisy!
Oh, would you look at that, you and I are very nearly the same coloring. Wow...
I love the cowgirl look. I could spot you from the cows...You look so cute. Thanks for coming by to meet me.
Every photo was amazing, Daisy. But your photo of you out with the cattle: now that is a Pulitzer photo! I am so impressed with you!
What a kyoot outfit! I think you look farrr farrrr better than the cows. In fact, I think that one looks a little jealous of you. You'd better be careful.
You blended in so well with the other cows that I could hardly see you... That is a very moootiful outfit! he he he.
Daisy I love that outfit.You make a great model.Your grandma has wonderful taste in fashion.
Oah Daisy, I love your outfit.
In my country, some said Tuxi cat is Cow-cat, because the some of Tuxi cats' mark just like cow.
So, that makes your outfit has some connection with me. And that's great~!
You are a born model, all cloth putting on you are so cute~!
I got a pancho about a month ago and now appriciate wearing clothes? Where do you get yours? I need to send Karen out to get me more.
Thanks for the clothes info. Karen said there is a Build a Bear at the mall, so she promised she'd check it out.
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