Thursday Thirteen, Edition #25
Here are 13 things about modeling cat clothing:
- I usually enjoy my modeling sessions because I get paid very well. Most times I get about six or even SEVEN Temptations per session.
- Since I get paid my Temptations DURING the photo shoot, I am usually purring and purring the entire time, and sometimes I drool a little bit. But I try not to get any drool on the clothing. That would be unprofessional.
- My Mommie never makes me wear anything I don't like. And I don't like to wear shoes. I hate shoes. Even cute pink bunny slippers.
- Most of the time, my photo shoots last less than 10 minutes.
- My Mommie takes lots and lots of pictures, and then just picks the best few. Many, many pictures turn out bad and are trashed right away. My Mommie is not really a very good photographer. And I like to jump around a lot.
- Sometimes I am not in the mood to model. Playing is more fun! I don't have to model if I don't want to.
- I am hoping to buy a little Miami Dolphins jersey before football season starts. The Dolphins are a kind of fish that wear football helmets. I am not sure if they wear athletic supporters. Maybe not since they live in the ocean.
- I learned a lot about cat fashions from the very handsome Skeezix! He is my hero and a true fashion legend.
- Sometimes my Mommie uses toys when I am modeling to keep me interested. My favorite modeling toy is the Cat Dancer.
- After my modeling session, my Mommie takes off my clothes and says "Good girl, Daisy!" Then I get a big hug and I get to go play. I like that part best.
- Some of my clothes are on tiny little hangers in the guest room closet. The rest of them are thrown in a box all helter-skelter. And my Mommie says she refuses to iron cat clothing!
- Some clothes are hard for me to wear because my shoulders are very narrow and the clothes slide right off. So I look for things with a small neck-hole.
- My favorite thing to wear is a t-shirt. Because t-shirts are comfy.

57 Notes for Daisy:
I am picturing your little outfits hanging in a closet - CUTE!
deer daisy,
wut'z "helter skelter"?
luv--yer frend--jh
Getting paid in Temptations sounds like a good deal, Daisy! My mom takes lots and lots of photos too, and only keeps the best ones.
I can't wait until we move back to Canada and I can buy lots of cat clothes. They are just way too expensive here in Germany, or else shipping costs way too much.
You always look divine in your outfits!
Daisy you look so nice in your clothes. we would never go for anything like that. We used to wear hats sometimes.
we hope you have a happy day.
i was always thinking you liked to model the clothes because you are furry cute in them and i think you should ask your mommie to iron them all for you. if you send them to me i will iron them. i ironed all of sarge's stuff yesterday and his stuff is BIG! gigonomous big! ha ha but he is furry nice too. have fun honey!
smiles, auntie bee
very creative list for the day!!
You look fantastic!! I bet all of other cats are jealous.
Your a my inspiration for my modeling, you a beautiful model.
Your Friend,
wow, 6 or 7 seven temtayshuns, thats alot
Thanks for the insider information Daisy. My mum was getting worried cause she has to take lots of pictures of me too!!
She thought you liked to pose. Nice to know you are wormy squirmy too!!
Poppy Q
Yoo always look so beyootiful. We won't ware clotheses and mom has stopt trying cuz she sez seh likes her skin attached thankyoofurrymuch!
HI DAISY! I LUV all of yore klohs!!! I only have one shirt and it is a gray swetshirt that my bruther has TOO so I lyk it becuz I lyk to be like my BRUTHER but it is not very girly so I REELY REELY lyk it when yoo post pikchurs of yoo in yore klohz!!!! I think yoo are VARY BYOOTIFUL and I want to be just like yoo when I grow up!!!! Luv yore biggest fan SOPHIE!!!!!
Daisy you are such a good model! After reading about how you do it I think it sounds like something I wouldn't enjoy very much. You're a very beautiful model!
I had no idea there was so much involved in modeling. You are very professional, Daisy. Momma giggled about your Mommie not ironing your outfits. :)
Wow Daisy you shur must haff lotsa clothes. Probly more than mom. You look so pretty in yore clothes. We don't let mom put clothes on us so she stopped trying.
Oh daisy we must be thinking like i did mine on faidhon too before i even cheeked yours out
Lilly Lu
Daisy, it is so cool that I know a real model! You are so awesome! I hear that Petra and Gizelle are trying to get the people at Victoria's Secret to creat a cat lined called "Daisy!" WOW, what an honor!
You are very cute in your denim jumper and a beautiful cat model.
Yer da Top Model! It's good to hear yer staff treat you well too!
I prefer anyfing wifout sleefs. I doesn't like the sleefs. I like vests. - Miles
That is WAY too much work. No wonder you get paid a lot. Do you have a catwalk or runway?
Uh, we don't think you would need an athletic supporter if you get the Miami Dolphins jersey. That has something to do with boys.
Luf, Us
I was supposed to get paid after or during the photo shoot...Mooommmm....Munchkin
very cute!
Happy T13, Daisy!
Denim is so versatile yet very 1984. Take care all.
Daisy you must be a very nice cat to model clothes for your Mommy.
Charybdis & Scylla told me that I shouldn't be getting any ideas about how cute they would look in clothes, cause it ain't happening.
Sockie~Pooh got so annoyed at the very thought of modeling clothes he took off.
Yer not union, are yoo? Win I poze for stoopid pikchers I git abowt a HUNDRED Temtayshuns. And Pit'r Pats, too.
Paid, in Temptations??? Moooooooooom, I want some cute outfits like Daisy has!!!!!!!!!
You should be a model for Animal Fair. Cover Story!!!
I agree with everything except #5.
Your mommie is a great photographer!
Just because you have to trash 90% of the pictures, doesn't mean you don't take good photos!
My recycle bin is full every week, and I am proud of the few that I keep.
Keep taking great Daisy photos, Daisy's Mommie!
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Mao, I am very glad! ;)
Thank you Daisy for the inside information on the modelling industry, it was very informative. I think if I model, I will have to be a plus size model as I don't have the dainty figure you have. I think I might just let Mum put clothes on me just to get the temtashuns!
That is a very interesting and ultimately important list. My human has taken that in earnest - and she can't believe your human doesn't think she is good at photography - all those photos of you are fantastic!
I think your Mom is a good photographer because she knows just which photos to keep. You look great in your cute outfits. I'm glad you get paid in Temptations for modelling.
Your clothes are hanging in the closet??? That's pretty darn cool!
You are so lucky Daisy, you get to model, you get Temptaions (Me and Tigger have never had any), you have the greatest wardrobe, and the funnest adventures.
Samantha & Tigger
Wow! I'd model clothes too if I got paid in tem-tay-shuns. I'd model car parts if I got paid in tem-tay-shuns!
Good work Daisy!
Yoo make an exkwizzit model Daisy, but yoo should haf a pay rise to fifteen temtayshuns.
You are a superduper model, Daisy, and wekitties really enjoy seein' your great fashions!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Have yoo kunsiderd going on America's Top Modul??? Yoo'd be a shoo-in to win!
Daisy, you are a talented model! You always take my breath away with your fashion sense and the wonderful way you wear clothes.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
I love:
4. and 5. "I like to jump around a lot"
It's very cute, I could image that your mommy will picture very hard. HAHAHA~~
modelling may be fun, but it's still hard work! you should get lots and lots of temptations!
You are a great model Daisy! I'm learning so much from you!
That was a very informative post, Daisy. You look so cute in that little jumper! But I still don't think wearing clothing is for me.
I think you are a very good model and that Skeezix should design fashions for you.
Daisy, you are a Supermodel. Tyra Banks has nothing on you. Maybe Sports Illustrated will be calling on you for its next swimsuit edition this winter. Skeezix would flip over that!
Ya gets Temptations fur wearin' clothes!!!!?????!!!! I wunder if my mom knows about that.
Hi Daisy,
I can tell you really earn your Temptations. That is a lot of work. I am really impressed that you can balance a career and a social life the way you do!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
You and Skeezix are my favorite supermodel fashionistas ... You make the clothing look so incredible! It almost makes ME wanna wear some clothes ... yep, I said "almost" ...
As the inimitable Ru-Paul would say: "Work it, girl!"
Those are very interesting tips about modeling, Daisy. I don't think that I would like modeling very much though. You are a professional at it.
You always look great Daisy!
I think I would not like to wear clothes. I have so much fur that even my collar itches me a lot. I would scratch the clothes away.
And yes, cat clothes are expensive in Germany. Here in Sweden I have not really seen them, but there is a Swedish cat clothes designer. My female human has told me that.
Great tips Daisy. You are a true role and clothes model :)
I remember the cute pink bunny slippers! They were talking to each other, telling secrets!
Lovely cat outfits you have here. I'm just wondering how my kitties would look like in them :)
Nice work here. 1st time here :)
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