My Interview Question!
Fiona and Ali started a very fun new meme. It is called the Interview Meme! Here's how it works, excerpted from their blog:
The Interview MemeWe are sure there are questions you have wanted to ask another cat but the opportunity never arose, well here is your chance!Rules:You can ask one cat a question you have always wanted to know about them, they can choose to answer the question (anycat can decide not to play) and then they have to ask another cat something they would like to know about them. If there is more then one cat on a blog you can only ask one cat, so the other cats can have a chance to get tagged.
I've been tagged by Jeter's whitester brother Mickey! He asked me the following question:
Daisy...while I'm writing this I am also watching "My Cousin Vinny," one of my favorite movies. What is your favorite movie?
Well, Mickey, I am very happy that you asked me this question! Because my favorite movie used to be Driving Miss Daisy. This is a movie all about my Mommie driving me around in my stroller. But now that I am older, my favorite movie is Godzilla! You may also call him by his real name, Gojira.
I used to be very very scairt of Godzilla. But now that I am three (years), I am much braver. So, I been watching and studying Godzilla so I can learn all about the giant lizard! This should help my lizard hunting skills.
And now, it is my turn to ask a question. My question is for Luxor:
Luxor, your photos always look so beautiful. Do you have any tips or hints that you can share with us about taking good photographs?

And now, it is my turn to ask a question. My question is for Luxor:
Luxor, your photos always look so beautiful. Do you have any tips or hints that you can share with us about taking good photographs?

26 Notes for Daisy:
I guess i will haf to be 3 'afore i stop being skairt by Godzilla? - Miles
DAISY WATCH OWT!!!! Gojira is coming after yoo, and he's got a trane in his mowth!!!!! RUN LIKE THE WIND!!!!!
Gojira is behind me? ::turns around and looks:: AAAAAaaaahhhh! I am running!
Dear Daisy,
That is a coincidence that "Godzilla" is your favorite movie ...
You might also be interested in this godzilla
Thank you for answering my question.
Wow, I never knew Matsui was also Godzilla!
This is the coolest Meme! It's kinda like a scavenger hunt, because you have to click to see where the Meme goes!!!
WOW! You were running so fast and far that you just ran past me in Northwest Arkansas! Slow down when you get to Kansas City, there's heavy construction on the loop!
We're still scairt of Godzilla. Please don't eat any trains Daisy, they'll probably upset yore tummy.
How are George and Snack?
Daisy, yoo are so studius. Yoo take the time to lurn frum effurthing arownd yoo! How many PhD's doo yoo haf now?
Daisy, you RAWK!
Aaaaagh, Gojira still scares us! Mom watch a movie wif a giant moth and two tiny gerls, it was called Mothra and dat scared us too...we is all chickens::hangs heads in shame::
Samantha and Bebe still get a little nervous when I watch Godzilla vs. Megalon. You're a very brave cat, Daisy!
Our mom loves Godzilla, she has watched everyone. She's old,(hehehe) so she's talking about way back from the first one!! He's even a good Godzilla in one of them!! Great meme... We so glad you aren't scared of him anymore.
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
hehehe, Daisy, I'm glad you aren't skeered of Godzilla no more and that watchin' his moovie is helpin' you with yur lizzard-huntin' skills!
And you asked Lux a great question -- Momma's wondered that furry same thing about his bee-yootiful pickshures!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
*giggle*! I'm so glad you're not afraid of Godzilla anymore. He is a big lizard, and it's very smart of you to study him to increase your lizard-knowledge! They are such fascinating creatures, aren't they? And they look so yummy (though eating a lizard as big as Godzilla would probably give me a tummyache).
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
I like lizards, but I think even I would be afraid of that one!
I bet you are not even afraid of a T Rex are you Daisy. You are the bravest kitty girl I know!
Oh my - we watched Gojira recently!! It was very exciting!
~Casey and Marie
Mr.Gojira please don't eat my friend Daisy.
You had a good answer. Godzilla is a humongus lizard.
Hi Daisy, I picked you for a 5 things Meme.Please go to my blog to see.
wow daisy. yu is not scart of gojira? yu ar a brave gurl cat. we is chikens in ars house. we depend on ars mommees to protect us frum oversized lizards.
yuki & kimiko
YOu are so brave to not be scared of that big of a lizard!!!!
I love your pernacious studying of all things lizard. You are well on the way to becoming an expert.
Wow Daisy you are very brave!
Gosh, that Gojira thing isn't coming to Whiskonsin, is he???
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