Tricks for Tuesday: Jumping Demonstration
It is very important that you practice and practice your stunts so you do not get rusty. Here are four photos which demonstrate my jumping technique: First you must get in the proper stance. Then, extend one paw gracefully. Finally, LEAP! Notice the graceful arc at the top of the leap? Also, curling your tail up over your back helps you to slow down for the landing. Have fun leaping!
ps: Do not worry, that stove has NEVER been turned on! The picture is an animated gif that my Mommie helped me make on Photoshop (we just made the 4 photos into 4 different layers, saved as a .gif file, and selected "animate").
ps: Do not worry, that stove has NEVER been turned on! The picture is an animated gif that my Mommie helped me make on Photoshop (we just made the 4 photos into 4 different layers, saved as a .gif file, and selected "animate").

44 Notes for Daisy:
I could only see one photo, in which you seem ready to leap ~ you are right though ~ practice is important :)
WOW Daisy! Your jumping wocks!
Daisy! The style, the grace! I am very inpressed and want to practice too!
You are very light on your paws and I think you could be in the olympics!
WOW! I really am amazed that you managed to snap the photos. Great work!
We are speechless! Smart. Pretty. And an athlete. A graceful athlete!
You are sure cat royalty in every sense! Karl said that if he wasn´t gay he would be so head over heals for you, he would even dare Skeezix!
Who is, I think, the perfect match for you!
Dear daisy, Good morning to you. This is a very good shot of you jumping from the counter top to the stove. Believe it or not, I can still do this! Prinnie does not jump anymore.
Yes, the curling of the tail is very important otherwise the powerful force of our leaf could make us crash into mommie's clutter.
Have a happy Day Daisy!!
Wow, Daisy, you are a good jumper! Excellent technique! :)
That is an awesome leap Daisy. You are so graceful! Nice landing too.
We give it a 10.
We thank you for your demonstration, you are so very talented.
That is great jumping! But be careful - sometimes those landing pads can get HOT!
You are a really good jumper, Daisy! You have beautiful technique.
You and Adan ould have jumping contests-what a leap!
WOW!!! How'd you did you make that photo move Daisy???
Oh that is fantastic Daisy! I am not allowed on the counters, but Katie does it anywya
That's great technique you have there Daisy!!! Poor Gatsbi doesn't have any brakes at all and can't stop once she leaps. You have a wonderful braking system.
Luf, Us
Wow, that is impressive!! You and I really do need to run off with the Circus. Although watch those paws!!! Do you check to see if the red light is on???
how did u do dat daisy? i meen da pikshurz goin like dat ... i know how u jumped?
i'm verree, verree impressed.
luv--yer grate frend--jh
Daisy, I hope you know better than to leap before the knowing the stove is off!
We tried it and, well, lets just say it would be better if we went one at a time! How'd you get yoor pikshers to do dat? We'z no allow on da stove at all. Sadie din't lissen once and burned her foot...she duzent get up there any more.
Deinitely great technique and an amazing photo. Please, please be careful jumping on the stove, though. Our Cheyenne burned her little foot doing that.
Daisy be careful! you're jumping onto the hot hot thing!
HAHAHA! Yoo jumpt on the stove! Tripper the psyko stray cat jumped onto the bar b q once win thare was fire in it. The was the last time he jumped on the bar b q.
Daisy, you're not only beautiful but athletic too. Wow you're quite a special cat. My momma doesn't let me up on the counters because I shed and she doesn't want to find any more hairs in her coffee than are already there. Do your curly hairs fall off? Also your kitchen is as pretty as you are. It has inspired my momma to get off her butt and start cleaning. Hope your full of adventures. Toodles, Tyler
Daisy, you are a very good jumper! I am glad that you continue to practice cause it is a skill that you don't want to lose.
Great leaping! That looks like fun!
Leepin' lizzards! And anuther grate moovy frum Daisy! Yoo are surtanly graceful!
Ooo, ya look so graceful! That's purrty neat that the pichur moves like that.
WOW!! WHen will your circus act be performing near IOWAH? We wants to come see yoU!
That is so wonderful - both your jumping skills and your mommie's photoshopping skills!
Um, but the stove has NEVER been turned on? Is your mommie pulling our leg?
Wow, that looked so real, like we could reach out and touch you Daisy! Your Mommie is great at that Photo Shop. My mom has got to start practicing her photo shop. Is is true that the stove has NEVER been turned on?
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
Very impressive athletic ability, Daisy! A cat is built to make amazing jumps like that, and then some. (In my younger, lighter days I used to do that, but my humans kept yelling at me to get off the counter.)
You nailed the landing, too. Score that a perfect 10.0!
wow. That mini movie pic thing is sooo clever! You look awesome as usual but I just think your human is pretty clever for creating that!!! My human is far too stupid!
I love how the oven has never been turned on ha ha sounds like you need to train your human! xx
you and your mommie are furry smart daisy! wow you can jump really good too. nice girl...
smiles, auntie bee
Whoa, that is COOL.
WOWZA are very impressive with your jumping skills and your mommy sure does know how to take good shots of you. Do you really think she needs to learn more about photography from Luxor's mommy? Well all I can say is the two of you ladies sure do keep us stunned!
Daisy yoo are so clefurr and afflettik. Yer mum is furry clefurr too to make yer pikchur move. Our mum couldn't efun git the pink wig on us.
Cool! Thanks for sharin' your "movie making" tricks!
Daisy, you have a very lovely kitchen. I just noticed those really nice cabinets with the glass doors. If you crawl in there, it's really cool to look out at everybody. I get yelled at, though, for putting my 'tocks on the plates. Whatever.
Wow! that looked like the real thing. I was worried you might jump on a hot stove. You're moms pretty smart. It sure fooled me.
Leaping lizard!!! excellent technique Daisy.
Glad to also see you keep safety in mind...
I do lots of jumping too Daisy. You are so right that you must practice your technique all the time.
Oah Yeah Daisy,
Let's jump together~!
That's a wonderful merge picture~!
Daisy, Mom tried to view your blog for us on her BlackBerry first thing this morning, but it would not load because the file was too large. She found out why when she viewed your delightful animated photo from her office. We only just now got to see it. Way cool!
Mom thinks that you have a great kitchen, and she believes that she read that your mommie doesn't like to cook. What a shame. Our mom likes to cook--especially bake, though she doesn't make fancy stuff.
Wow Daisy, that's a stunt!! You and Mommie did a great job making this animated picture!
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