The Schmooze Award!

“As it goes, schmoozing is the natural ability 'to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.' Good schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship."
Each recipient is to post the badge on their site with a link to their post and bestow the award upon five bloggers. This is a very very hard choice. My choices are:
- Caesar & Princess: They always have a kind word, friendly comment, or cheerful thought for every cat they visit.
- Karl & Anastasia: They are two cool cats! And their recent "I Dare You All" contest had much of the cat blogosphere in pink wigs.
- Skeezix: Skeezix deserves this award because he is a friend to every cat!

26 Notes for Daisy:
Oh my oh my, we are excitapated, and completely surprised by this awardie.
Thank you Daisy for thinking that we are naturally conversable.
we will pick some kitties (this will be easy as there are so ooo mannny converable kitties out there in bloggie land)
Headbutts, Caesar
(I just had my flooids and I feel jello-y)
Congrats! You really deserved that award, you also need an award for the best furs/model.
YaY Daisy! You so deserve this award, as you make everyone feel so comfortable and welcome in the CatBlog world. Concatulations!
Daisy, you deserve this award. You are a very good schmoozer!
Congratualtions on your Schmoozer Award. I have to say you all that and more. You're a good friend.
congrats on the schmoozer award!
Congratulations Daisy you deserve it cause your so sweet and a wonderful friend :)
Congratulations! You are very deserving of this award!
~Donny, Marie and Casey
What a fitting award for such a nice kitty like you.
You certainly deserve that special award, Daisy - kisses!
(Innocent ones.)
Yr friend,
Oh my goodness Daisy, that's the perfect award for you!
Congratulations on your Schmoozer Award. It is very fitting as you visit and make everyone feel very welcome - big purrs to you, Daisy!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Congratulations to your award, you deserve to this award Daisy!!!
Congratulations! You certainly deserve this award, Daisy. We enjoy your blog very much!!
(Tiger Lily's sister)
You certainly deserve that award Daisy - those lines are a purrrfect description of you ~ thanx for all your great kitty advice :)
Congratulations on your award, Daisy! :) It is certainly well deserved. :) You've also picked some great cats to receive the award!
Dear Daisy,
you certainly deserve this award~!
Congratulations, Daisy! You are indeed a great schmoozer.
deer daisy,
i havta say ... u ar da biggest schmoozer owt dere ... an yer 5 choicez ar eksellent onez az well.
luv--yer frend--jh
Daisy, I am so touched, my eyes are a bit wet... I know Anastasia will take it with her usual air of "I deserve it anyways" but that´s just the way she is! And she is the one who really deserves the award because usually she is the one to go around and visit, the little social butterfly...
First: you are the embodyment of this award, truly the one cat here who deserves this. Always visiting everybody, always with the most thoughtful, kind, funny, and wise words!
So for you, to nominate us, that is the biggest honor we could have ever imagined.
We might have to throw a party in your honor. A bit later, Anastasia is still exhausted from the pink wig dare and I am not that good at these things.
Thank you with all our hearts dearest Daisy!!!
Karl and Anastasia
I didn´t quiet understand where we link to from the award picture that we post on our website...
Daisy I can't think of a finer recipient. I don't know how you do it, finding all those new cat bloggers and introducing them around and always having a comment for everyone!
you are sumfin daisy, a real nice kittie to blog all around the world and bring smiles to all the faces along the way. you always make me smile...
smiles, auntie bee
Congratulation, Daisy. You are the best schmoozer around. When I first heard of this award, you were the first blogger I thought of as a recepient.
At the risk of sounding too much like a "Mee Too!" newbie, the description of this award fits Miss Daisy to a T. Well done!
Daisy you are very deserving of this award cause you are a friend to all and you helped us so much in the beginning and still do!! You are a wonderful furiend!!
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
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