Thursday Thirteen, Edition #29
(you can watch many of my circus stunts on my video, Big Top Daisy!)
- Walking on the highwire. I have mastered this stunt, and it is very thrilling!
- The Feline Cannonball. This is a very fun, but you need a partner to help launch you through the air. (Do NOT use explosives for this stunt!)
- Acting like a clown. I know many people are scairt of clowns. But I like to show that clowns can be very fun and entertaining to watch. My main character is called "Hoppy the Clown."
- Lizard Rasslin'. You can pretend that the lizard is a giant ALLIGATOR!
- Jaws of Death! This is when I open my mouth wide and my fearless
Mommietrainer puts her hand inside my dangerous jaws! It is very hair-raising. So far, my trainer has not lost her hand yet. - Amazing jumping feats! Maybe I should rename this act Amazing Jumping Feets.
- Magic trick: The Mystifying Disappearing Temptation! Now you see it, now you don't! Where did it go? Nothing up my sleeve!
- Acrobatics. I can balance on the very top of my narrow scratching post without a safety net.
- World's Smallest Cat! OK, I know I am not that small. But if you buy your ticket, you still get to see my curly furs. So I do not think you will be disappointed.
- Carnival games. Well, the only carnival game I have is Tent Wars. And you have to bring your own tent. I might need to work on my carnival games a little bit.
- Machine Paw. This is an act I invented! All by myself!
- The Incredible Bearded Lady. Well, I do not actually have a beard. But I do have some pretty long curly whiskers.
- Trained monkey act. This act is still under development. Because I am having some trouble making Pixie act like a monkey. Except for the eating bananer part.

60 Notes for Daisy:
What is the Machine Paw, I wonder? Sounds frightening . . .
Oh, I am going to put a link to my Machine Paw video right away!
Those are all great circus tricks, Daisy! Good luck with the ones you are still working on!
And to think that all our Jasmine can do, is (for two days running now) get grease and oil on her lovely white furr coat!!
Great list, please stop by and have a look at ours...
ah yes ... machine paw! it iz a thrillin act!
Oooo, we gotsa ask mom to buy us a ticket to your circus Daisy...what thrill, the chills, the pretty kitty dare devil!
We like the high wire the best. That used to be my signature stunt!
Have a happy snappy day Daisy!
Daisy, you are a multi-talented little girl. I was wondering if there was something special behind that one cupboard that you were machine pawing so much in the video? Is that where your mommie keeps the Temptations? And your big sister Pixie looks dangerous. Maybe you should just let her have that tent. Or maybe you enjoy teasing her, you rascal.
Hi Tyler! Nah, there is nothing but pots and pans in that cupboard. I paw at everything like that. You are very right about Pixie being dangerous though!
Cutest clown ever! Daisy we would buy tickets to your circus, it sounds thrilling.
Daisy yoo are the most multi tallintid cat we know. We want tikkits furr yer sirkuss.
Daisy - I love that eye! I have actually seen some of your impressive tricks! Very professional! Did you ever tour with a circus? If you ever want to borrow my beard for the bearded lady trick - no problem, just let me know!
Your friend Karl
Daisy, those are some great circus acts. Even though Momma said you were the cutest clown she's ever seen, she's still pretty askeered of them, though.
i just watched bof of your videos daisy and you are just the cutest thing ever honey....
smiles, auntie bee
Ha ha! You can fill three rings all by yourself! What sort of music do you prefer to perform to? Circus organ music or something else?
Your buddy, JJ
You might want to have Adan join you on the jumping Act. You could do all kinds a tricks!
I myself am quite the fan of your high wire acts. I don't have anything in my house that high up and wish that I did. *Sigh*
Machine paw is da best!
Daisy, we would all come see your act. meowmize is not very fond of clowns though, but she finks youz would be a cute one...Sia
I just love the Machine Paw~!
Daisy, you are a great circus cat! Are you going to run away and join Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey when they over-winter there in Florida?
Luf, Us
Daisy, I love machine paw. You are so talented. FAZ
Daisy, you are truly phenomenal! We once saw Lucy and a squirrel do the machine paw through our window, but you are definitely the master of the machine paw!
Wow! What a wonderful TT13! I have a cat named Baloo. he is solid black. I wish I could have 2 more. But my husband wants a dog!
Such talent! :)
we have a little kitty now too, just her last week - her name is Mei Mei (means little sister in Chinese)
you can use Sammy as your monkey - he does great monkey things like climbing and playing a hurdy-gurdy! (ok, well mabye not the hurdy-gurdy part, but i bet if mommy would buy us one, he would play it) - Miles
The Food Lady has trik #12 naled. I'm probly not suppost to blab that.
I'm gonna bring my tent rite over for #10: I LOVE tent wars!
Very talented:) Happy TT.
Tent Wars! Tent Wars! Tent Wars!!!
Daisy you are a great circus performer! I would definately buy tickets to your show. Are you going to give up studying to be a doctor in order to join the circus?
I love Machine Paw!! Katie practices it all the time, trying to be like you!!
I like number seven the best! You are very talented at circus tricks
Where can I buy my ticket, Daisy?
Love it.
Beautiful, smart and you are a very well rounded cat.
♥ аббу ♥
Dose are some great tricks Daisy. You're furry acrobatic! We all liked yore movie and mom laughed the whole way through!
*claping* Hooray! Hoorah! You're a good circus act. So light on your feet. I loved it! *more paw clapping*
HAHAHAAHAHAH Machine paw is amazing!!!! What a fantastic video of you!!! You are amazing Daisy! Oh my, i can see exactly why Skeezix loves you so very much! xx
oh number 8 made me laugh too - mystery of the disappearing temptation..hmm..??
ROFL! Loved the last one especially! Happy TT!
What wunderfurl tricks Daisy, we would luv to come to your circus! You're such a talented girl, and pretty to watch!
Hi Daisy! Sorry I'm so late coming to say hi. Your tricks are very amazing. You can borrow Latte's "Smallest Cat" certificate if you want. He's not really all that tiny either.
hehehe, whatta great list, you're superduper at all of the circus tricks, Daisy! And dang if that Kitty Cannonball thingie don't sound like SO much FUN! I'd be a flyin' MAOball!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Daisy, you're an amazingly multi-talented kitty girl! So pretty and so much fun. And you make a darling clown!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Wow, you never stop to amaze me, Daisy!
Thanks for visiting my essentials TT.
you are one very talented poose!
you are truly amazing Daisy, we would all come and watch you at your cirus
Love that last
comment about Pixie!!!
How great it is for you to put all your circus acts into one video.
Charybdis plays fetch. Charybdis and Scylla are meowing very loudly now, they want their supper.
Machine paw RAWKS!!!
Hmmm Our comments disappeared from earlier. Strange.
Maybe that's part of your new tricks? hehehe
Sending lots of loves and hugs for Daisy and Pixie! We love the Circus!
Daisy! Your TT graphic with the wink is furry awesome!
Love your circus tricks ... You are so talented and brave to try all of them!
Hahaha....One look at your picture and I cant stop laughing at my monitor!
Daisy, you are so multi-talented. We think you and Pixie will come up with a really great trained monkey act!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Dear Daisy,
I have suspected all along you are quite the clown. Your list supports this well. I remain ever impressed.
Wow, we culdnt evun get pasted yoo winking at us! That is super super cul!!! it's like yer thare in the computur!
Wow Daisy that is some circus!
You live such an exciting life!
Thank you for your kind comments when I was sick. Mom read them to me and now I'm able to reply on my own.
I just posted my very first Thursday 13 about our first Secret Paws package. It was fun putting it together!
Jemima said she'll try to blog now and then since she enjoyed it so much when I couldn't.
You have a lot of circus tricks, Daisy. I love machine-paw. I hadn't seen that video before. At first I thought you were pawing at your reflection, but then I saw you pawing at non-reflective surfaces. I'd come see your act any day.
That is the greatest movie and you are very wonderful in your acrobatic endeavors! We love the cannonball!! Mom laughed the whole way through it!! She says she's glad we don't do those things or she would have a heart attack!! Silly Mom. We give it 8 paws up cause we were laughing,too. We aren't scared of clowns anymore either!!
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
you are certainly a well-trained performer! can we book you for a gig?
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