This is a simple sleeveless dress. Note the sparkle-y pink flowers and pretty coordinating pink ruffle. This is the perfect dress for a casual summer afternoon, and it is comfortable for playing in, too. A definite DO! Another plus: this dress was a Valentine's Day present from
Skeezix! And you know he has very good fashion sense.

Notice how the wrong accessory can add five pounds to your look? If you choose to wear a feather boa with your outfit, you must practice draping it gracefully around your shoulders. So you do not end up looking like the Michelin Man in pink.

I love accessories! But too many accessories can ruin your look, even when the accessories are very beautiful. Here the feather boa is draped just right. But I am also wearing diamonds, pearls, and my sailor cap. I think wearing only the pink diamonds would be just right.

Fashion Show Friday: Dos and Don'ts
58 Notes for Daisy:
I am taking notes. Lots of notes. Can't wait for more top fashion tips Daisy. I am particuarly interested (as a tricolour cat) what colours I should wear that would go well? FAZ
Thanks for the fashion advice, Daisy! Your dress is very pretty. I can't wait until we are back in Canada and I can buy some cute outfits - I will put your advice to good use!
Great tips, Daisy. There are a lot of women in Hollywood (and everywhere else, for that matter) who would benefit from your classic style tips.
Woulds it be okays to just wears the boas? I likes the fluffies on it!
Daisy, this is great advice. That last photo... too many themes going on, so many do this, wear everything they own that is "pretty" together and it makes for "mass fashion confusion!"
I bet you and your mommie were laffin' and laffin' whilst taking the last photo. The "fashion don'ts" can be hilariously fun.
Happy Week-end Daisy~kins and (((gentlehugs))) to PixieFlower
Yes, Daisy, we agree! Like Audrey Hepburn style, simple is best...
u truly know more about fashion than i do, but i must say your sailor hat has to look good with any outfit. it's fab, and u wear it well.
the fashion 'do' photo is fabulous! but i also like the sailor cap on you, it fits so well
You are so right, too many accessories can ruin a purrfect look!
Daisy! Your fashon tips are wunnerful. Our problem is - we won't ware anything! But, that fashon do is beyootiful. The only aksessory we would put wif dat beyootiful dress would be a nice pair of sunglasses!
The Meezer Gang is right. You look just like Audrey Hepburn in the first picture. Very classy.
Earl Grey
i adore a cat with fashion sense! you got it just right honey. do you pick out your own clothes now?
smiles, auntie bee
pee ess: sorry but i tagged you again, you can change some things if you want to do it....
Daisy you are so fashionable! Have you ever thought about modeling professionally? Good tips about accessories.
It is a good point you make Daisy. The wrong accessories can really ruin an outfit! I don't know about the bling though, I hear you can never have enough of that. Especially if you're a raper.
Daisy, my mom loved your dress and really appreciates your fashion sense. I just want to kill the boa.
Don't worry, I wouldn't do it 'cause you're a friend. I wonder if my mom would buy me one just for killing?
Hello Daisy! I missed your posts! Today was a wonderful example of your great fashion sense! You're quite the diva!
Lovely fashion do! You have great fashion sense and can pull off any style and look. We agree with your fashion "don'ts". Too many accessories just look heavy.
Luf, Us
Pee Sss. We are glad to hear that you have gotten rain and that your mommie can now water twice a week!!! We haven't had to water here at all...........
You know what, Daisy, you still have a perfect model pose even when the stylist has over-accessorized your ensemble. That shows your true professionalism.
Your buddy, JJ
but Daisy you look cute as the pink michelin man
Great fashion tips Daisy you make a lovely model :)
Hahahaha...Mom and I are just laughing so much. You are a great fashion consultant! And you look so beautiful especially in the "fashion do" picture.
By the way, I think you are cuter without the wig. I'm just sayin'.
Lovely photos and great lessons!
We agree about the boa adding pounds, and Skeezix does have excellent taste. You are furry lucky to have such a friend!
I'm not big into clothing anyway, so fortunately I don't worry about such things. However, there may come a time and it's good to know these things...
Michelin Man in pink! HAHAHA HAAHAHA HAHAHAHA!!! Yoo krak me up! But yoo reely look more like the Goodyeer Blimp wich was over owr howse yesturday I lookt up and thare it was as big as a football feeld I think I wood love to play football and I wood be vary good at it espeshully the takkuling part and win I look at yer boa I JUST WUNT TO EET IT UP!!!
Thank you for the fashion tips. Great job of keeepin all us kitties informed.
Now see, I'm a man cat and I don't know anything about fashion. But it is something that is important to you ladies, so I'm all for it. Your knowledge will help others -- thanks!
We told our mom to study your tips very closely. She is a walking disaster.
Daisy, once again you have out done yourself. Knowledge is power and you are definately increasing our knowledge of fashion. Maybe you could talk to some tv executives and get your own show, I would definately watch!
Pee Sss. I really like the dress Skeezix got you for Valentines day - it is perfect for summer.
I am very glad I am not fashionable - it looks like it a lot of work!!
Are dirty ears a fashion? I didn't think so...
Wow, you should write for Glamour or W.
Once again you have provided more have-to-know knowledge fur the kittie community! You look furry pretty in yur pink dress.
Fiona apperciates the fashion tips, she will remember them when she models.
hehehe, Momma's crackin' up and SQUEEin' again, sayin' "Daisy's just soooooo cute...!"
You have supergreat fashun sense, Daisy! I'm furry furry impressed! My sisturs kompliment you on your purrfect sense of style.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
You are the ann Wintour of the cat blogosphere, Daisy.
I love your fashion sense.
I think you ought to have a column in KITTY WEAR DAILY -- you are a fashion icon.
deer daisy,
i think i akshooallee havva pikshur uv me inna boa ... i'm gointa look an if i do ... i'm gointa post it ...
jus becuz i'm dat kinda tabby.
luv--yer frend--jh
Daisy - HOW have you never been on the catwalk? Honestly, even tho you say those are fashion don'ts, I still think you could start a trend cos you are so gorgeous!
Daisy - You are the QUEEN of Fashun!
Hot Momma! You look really pretty in that dress, Daisy.
Whoa. MomBean was eating a cracker when she read this and I think she snorted it up her nose! Way to go, Daisy!
Fashion is Everything!
Can't wait to see what you are wearing to the Bastille Day Party!
No wonder you and Skeezix belong together...he also goes for those "cute clothes." Daisy, I love you best in the second photo. I like a cat girl with a bit of meat on her backside. I think you have a little more JLoesque look. Also, I can see your lovely fruit bat ears, all huge an pointy. Ahh Daisy, you're out of my league. But I love staring at your beautiful photos. Thank you for making my day.
Yoo know, Daisy, even win yer waring fashun don'ts, yoo still look vary glamerus and pritty.
Those are great fashion tips! Now if I only wore clothes!!
Daisy, we agree with everybody else - you still look great even in the "don't" shots. Plus, you certainly don't have to worry about having extra weight added to you cuz your so petite!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Daisy, as ever I am so impressed with your beauty, your sweetness, and your fashion sense! Those are excellent tips, and you are very savvy.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
I dunno, Daisy. I think that you might actually be MORE fashionable than Skeezix! Is that possible?
Wowy - you gurlz have it so difficult...havin' to keep up wif all da fashion rules! Looks like them other gurlz is take good notes!
I like the feathers. Keep the feathers! Your dress is pretty. But I like the feathers....
You are the best fashion sensible cat we know! You certainly don't want to add pounds, but that Michelin man was a hoot!! You are very beautiful in the first picture!!
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
that's excellent advice. do you think skeezix will give some for the boys?
My mom is awful, Daisy - she is laughing so hard at that second picture I fear she's going to choke!
As usual dear, you look stunning. Skeezy picked out the perfect dress for you. He has such great fashion sense.
I´m sorry to say: I rolled around laughing! Your dont´s are just too hilarious! You have great fashion sense, Daisy! Have a wonderful weekend, Karl
(Anastasia is at the races in Ascot but I will send her over once she is back!)
MOL!!!!!!!!! We don't wear clothes...mommy won't let us....but we were laffin and laffin, da fashion don'ts are da best!!!
*busy scribbling notes*
Daisy, I had no idea a simple feather boa could make such a HUGE difference!
I think it all great on you.
No.2 is just like a beautiful flower.
I admire you very much, I just cannot wear anything, but you seens fine~! You are amazing~!
Oh my gosh that's absolutely hilarious! But I love boas. LOL're fabulous darling! You know how to make us laugh, don't you?
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