Godzilla Attacks... ME!
Here I am watching Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla. I am not scairt of Godzilla anymore now that I am a big cat. Because Godzilla is just like a big lizard. And I am a Lizard Hunter. Do not mess with me, Godzilla. See, he ranned away from me. Hahahahaha!
When I turned my back on Godzilla, I noticed a very warm sensation on my back...

50 Notes for Daisy:
Watch out, Daisy! He's coming to get you...
Godzilla is very big~!!! Daisy you are so brave~!!!! I can see you don't afraid of Godzilla at all and don't pay attention to his attack. You are so cool~!
I have seen lizards but I have never seen anything quite as big as Godzilla. You are so brave!
You are very brave, Daisy! You also have a very big TV to watch - you are a very lucky cat!
Hunt him down Daisy! Only superhero Daisy can save us from Godzilla!
Superhero Daisy - hmmm, have you got a superhero costume Daisy? :)
"Wow" Daisy your brave the second photo was alittle scary.
Daisy - fantastic!! Imagine how long it would take you to eat godzilla.
Uh Daisy- you may be the greatest lizard hunter I know of, but you should probably learn not to turn your back on Godzilla. Just a helpful suggestion.
You are very brave to stand up to Godzilla like that. I think my Daddy would love your big TV.
Godzilla is very bad. He is quite destructive and wild.
We are really impressed that you are not afraid of him.
Happy Day Daisykins
Daisy you are really brave trying to protect those people! I don't know if hunting THAT lizard is a good idea, I think the ones in your back yard are better.
Oh my gosh, you are so brave Daisy! That is one big lizard!
daisy i think i am scarit of that big lizzard. you were furry brave to get so close to it! wow.
smiles, auntie bee
That is a giant lizard! You are very brave! Maybe you should lure Godzilla to meet Peeping/Stalking Tom! He could probably take care of that little problem for you right quick.
Oh, you just made that up that you are scared! You are a big lizard hunter, remember? You would get that little thing in no time! I know you would!
That Godzilla guy sure is scary. You are very brave to face him down.
We have tagged you for a meme Daisy. Visit our blog for details.
Daisy, look at you scaring off Godzilla. I'm sure he went on that rampage only because he didn't know you were still watching!
A lizard's a lizard, Daisy... just rip his tail off like you'd do to George.
Aaaaaagh, Godzilla is humungus! Yoor so brave Daisy, we prolly wooda rund away. Yup, yoo need a sooper hero costoom...Daring Daisy!
do you know how to eat a lizard as big as godzilla?
one bite at a time! (mol...mom thinks that's really funny!)
you certainly show the rest of us how it's done!
Daisy, you can't fool me, you don't look scared! Your tail isn't bristled up.
Yoo are vary vary vary vary brave to to mano y mano with Godzilla. But don't werry: I'll protekt yoo frum him!!! Well, until he starts knokking down bildings. Then we'll just have to both run fer owr lifes!
you're very brave to not be scared of godzilla. he is a huge lizard. at least peeping tom doesn't destroy florida like godzilla did tokyo. the electric godzilla reminds me of storms and i'm scared of storms.
daisy, you're so bwave to stand so near godziwwa!
Daisy, you are very brave to be that close to Godzilla! I am scairt just looking at the pictures!
I see you are directing all the people where to run for safety.
You do amaze us, Daisy with all your talents!
~ Sara
He is almost life size on that big tv! I bet his tail would fall off if you "played" with it!
If my cat saw that, he would be yelling. True.
You are so brave Daisy! You go get that big mean lizard!!
oh my goodness, that's really scairty!
You are very brave, Daisy. Even if you aren't scared of Godzilla, I think you have learned not to turn your back on him.
Awe Daisy! You look so damn cute---I wish I wasn't allergic to you. Do you have 'danderoff' spray so I can hang out with ya? I got some great movies, like Tom & Jerry, Garfield as well as The Lion King. Whaddya' say?
wow... you are brave.. did you bite his ankle?
don't be scared Daisy!!!! You are far too clever, you can surely outwit the evil godzilla!
Daisy, if you do "fancy paws" Godzilla will be so charmed that he won't get you (that's if you learned to do "fancy paws" already). Come back for a tutorial anytime! Catnip kisses, Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
You know the running trick! He can't get you!
Now Mommy has that song stuck in my head! Hee!
Daisy! you are so very very brave!
Holy mackerel, my mom HUNTS with someone named Godzilla!! I had no idea at all it was a giant lizard! No wonder Mom comes home all crabilated.
Wowie, Daisy! You are furry furry brave. And lizzards sure are rude! I don't think it's nice of Godzilla to try to elecktrify you or to wreck Tokyo! He really needs to learn some manners, don't he? BAD LIZZARD, BAD LIZZARD!!!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
WOW - a battle with Godzilla!
I think you had better go to Tokyo and save everybuddy from Godzilla! Also I meant to tell you yesterday that I really like your NOMSS friends, they sound super cool!
Daisy, have you read Gavin De Becker's book, The Gift of Scairt? He would tell you that sometimes your scairt is a gift from your intuition telling you very important warnings about things that are not nice and would not be good for you. Like Godzillas.
You can donate the $19.95 we just saved you to Mommie's cat shelter, 'kay?
That is terrifying, Daisy. You are a very brave kitty.
Daisy, dear, I believe that Godzilla must be the rudest lizard of them ALL. Be very careful with him, because he is so big. But you are a brave kitty, so courageous, so I know you will handle him wisely -- you might even need to put the bitey on him!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
We don't like dat big leezard. You are furry brave.
I's runnin NOW!
::run run run run::
Be careful, Daisy! Maybe you should be running for your life too!
Daisy, you and your mommie are always so creative with your blog topics. But we don't know about that big screen Godzilla. You must be very brave.
Woah! That's a lizzard! Be very careful around him Daisy. He looks dangerous.
Oh no!!! Defend you!!!
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