The Five Things Meme!

- The most important thing that changed my life was when my Mommie adopted me. She got me from a breeder of Devon Rex cats. I am very lucky to have a good home and a happy life. Many cats do not even have a home. (The picture above is me at 6 months old!)
- The next life-changing event was when I learned about Catster. Because that is where I first met Skeezix. And from there, I learned that Skeezix had his own blog. And then I started my very own blog back in December of 2006. I have learned a lot about blogging from my special friend Skeezix. He is my hero.
- Then, I had surgery for bladder stones in January. This changed my life, but not in a good way. Because now I must eat prescription food called Hills X/D every day! But I still get to have treats sometimes.
- Learning that fashion can be fun! Ever since I learned this, I have had a very wonderful time modeling beautiful fashions for cats.
- Getting my very own pet Sea Monkeys. I am learning a lot about responsibility. Because I must give my pet Monkeys food, and aerate their habitat, and make sure they are not sick. Pets sure are a lot of work! Here is what my Sea Monkeys look like today. My pets do not enjoy having their picture taken. They are still babies.

This was a very fun Meme! I am tagging every cat who wants to play along!

16 Notes for Daisy:
That's an excellent post 'bout that Meme. I think that I can actually see one of your Sea Monkeys swimmin'!
excellent daisy! and sarge is waiting to see which brave sea monkey you name after him! he asked me about them...
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy that is a very thoughtful post you have done. That surgery really changed your life and eating habits!! We agree that coming to live with your mom is a great event too, because it has changed our life for the best every day we read your blog. It gives mom a boost from her depression. Thanks Daisy. xxxooo
That is a very good meme.
That makes me know you more, I think we all have big changed in our life because of our momma adopted us~!!
I think that is a greatest thing in world.
*kiss from Adan*
Your pet monkey looks healthy and happy. Good work Daisy.
That's very wonderful of you to mention meeting Skeezix. I bet he's excited that he's so important to you Daisy!
mommie says she can't see the see monkeies efun wif her glasses on
That is a very nice fishtank you have! Take good care of your pets!
Oh is good! I enjoyed reading your meme...yes your life is good:) We are happy cats...Give Pixie some purrrrs for me.
Who is going to potty train your Sea Monkeys? Will they need a litter box?
Wow, I never knew I was partly responsibul for one of yer life-changing events!!!! ::danses a happy danse::
And, no offense, but I think my munkeez are bigger than yer monkeez.
Great Answers Daisy Thanks for Playing :)
Guesss what? We just found this. You must have sneaked it up last night when we were napping.
This is a great 5 things.
We can not see the baby monkeys... maybe we need glasses.
aw Daisy! that such a darling picture of you. we really like your MeMe. it is sad you had to get sick. i am the same way cause i only get treats sometimes and am on special foods.
i can tell you're taking very good care of your sea monkeys. that water is very clear and they have lotsa fun decorations. i hope to see them soon!
Good meme Daisy, we learnt a lot of new stuff about you. And we can see a monkey! He is getting big. Can you train them to swim through the hoop in their tank?
Your meme was very imformative. I'm glad you are all better now. You're sea monkeys are looking very cool.
I really like your five things meme. I think you picked really important things. Your sea monkeys are really growing. I definitely see one in the middle and I think I see another one in front of the surfboard.
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